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The Use of Elements of Film Expression and their Role in Narrative Transitions: محمد أكرم عبد الجليل
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Many studies and researches related to the audio and visual medium have shed light on the creative process that has taken place through them as well as the aesthetic and artistic creation and have dealt with many fields of knowledge and creativity in this field of art, which managed to study and follow its intellectual and technical tools for creating achievements through this medium, in its forefront come the elements of the cinematic language, which is characterized by possessing multiple features of aesthetic and semantic employment to reach the recipient as it is a tool of the artistic expression that gives the material it deals with aesthetic and intellectual dimensions from various aspects. "The artistic expression cannot be achieved except through a substance in order to turn into that stimulant or sensory stimulant, and in this way it can be the pronunciation or the sound or the movement or the stones ... etc. But the raw material does not acquire an artistic nature turning into an aesthetic material until the artist's hand extends to it creating from it an aesthetic sense (As-Sayyid, 2008: p 46). The problem of the research is the role of elements of cinematic expression in the narrative transitions within the structure of cinema and television work, and the differences between them remain according to the nature of the artistic treatment. The research consists of three sections the first is entitled the transitions as narrative ways, while the second is entitled the film narrative construction and the narrative perspective. The third section is entitled the Narration and the Expression. The research sample was the film (The English Patient). The film scenario was written and directed by Anthony Minghella 1996. The researcher reached a number of results and the most prominent of which was the manifestation of the relationship between the narrative structure of the film and the novel perspective through an implicit relationship as a set of juxtapositions and mutual directions between the art of the film and the art of the novel.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تمهيد اجتماعي قبل اعمار الصحراء بحث في السلوك الاجتماعي
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ال أل العاقولي ودورهم العلمي في الحضارة العربية الإسلامية
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The research includes a bout IL- IQulle , and their role in scientific of the Islamic – Arabic civilization , for Dr. Khlood M.Namma the proff in the collage of education for woman , Baghdad university , History department

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
توظيف شخصيات التراث الديني في شعر أديب کمال الدين
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 Using religious characters which come from religion is a significant means that poets applied in their texts. The Iraqi poet Adib Kamal Aldin applied religious characters as an active means helping the theme of the text and playing a great role in expanding the meanings and their implications in the text. 

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
إسهامات علماء العرب والمسلمين القدامى في إثراء علوم الرياضات
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     Arab and Muslim scholars have made influential contributions to the development of mathematics by providing it with many achievements and inventions. This research presents the most important of these achievements and assistance in mathematics during the period of the Islamic Renaissance for different Arab and Muslim Scholars. One of the clearest and most prominent examples of these achievements is the establishment of the science of algebra and the discovery of zero and added to the numbers by the Muslim Scholar of Al-Khwarizmi, which facilitated the solution of many arithmetic problems and issues to this day.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الكفاية في التعامل مع الضغوط لدى المراهقون العراقيين والجزائريين
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 This study tested the impact of region and gender on adolescents 'stress perceptions and coping styles. A total sample of 650 adolescents (5 9.4% female) from 2 countries (Iraq - Algeria). Samples of n = 325 were drawn from each country completed questionnaires on stress and coping behaviors in four domains (school, parents, peer, and future). Results revealed that levels of perceived stressfulness of issues in different domains were universally similar among adolescents from the two countries. School-related stress received the highest rankings, Parent- , future-, peer-related stress, ranked (second, third, and fourth) respectively. Differences emerged with respect to coping style depending on region and gender. Coping sty

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Nabi'nin şiirinin Türk edebiyatındaki şiirsel canlılığı
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Türklerin İslam dini ve kültürünü benimsedikten sonra,Anadolu'da Arap ve özellikle Fars Edebiyatlarını örnek alarak oluşturdukları yazılı edebiyattır. Bu dönemin şairleri(ozanları) şiirlerini divan adı verilen kitaplarda topladıkları için söz konusu edebiyata da Divan Edebiyatı denilmiştir.Özellikle,medreseden yetişen aydın sanatçı ve yazarların saray ve çevresinde oluşturdukları bir edebiyat geleneği olduğu için, Havas(Yüksek Zümre) edebiyatı,Saray edebiyatı, Klasik Türk edebiyatı gibi adlarla da anılmaktadır.Divan edebiyatı sözünün 1900'den sonra ortaya çıktığı sanılmakta ve ilk defa kimin kullandığı bilinmemektedir.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 06 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
منهج الشيخ الخراساني (ت 1329هـ) في كتابه كفاية الأصول
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After this tour with Alkhund Al-Khurasani and his book “Adequacy of Fundamentals,” we can highlight the results we have got through what we have reviewed in the research:

  • Al-Akhund Al-Khurasani was born and raised in a scientific environment that gave him from his childhood the opportunity to gain knowledge of achievement. Therefore, he left to seek knowledge from the beginning of his youth and toured the cities, then he went  to  Tehran and then  He went  to the holy city of Najaf, then left for Samarra, then returned to Najaf in order to work on the scholars and the student. 
  • Al Akhund al-Khorasani studied on several scholars , whether in Iraq or in Geran, and he

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
International experiences inhe tourism place meaking for eco-tourism purposes
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        The research paper deals with the role of the place making in eco-tourism through a review of international experiences in the eco-tourism industry and its contribution to advancing the reality of tourism there, and attracting the largest number of tourists.  The study is divided into five axes: the first is a study of related concepts, and the second is a study of global experiences, which included three countries: (South Bank (Gabriel's Wharf) - London, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and dealt with each of Happy Streets and Kendrick Mills, and then the Perak River tourist corridor - Malaysia).  As for the third axis, it is concerned with analyzing these experiences to reach th

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2005
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
البنية الاقتصادية الاجتماعية للادارة الجديدة في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
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البنية الاقتصادية الاجتماعية للادارة الجديدة في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
دراسة تاريخية للمجتمع الاسلامي في كتاب البصائر والذخائر للتوحيدي
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