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Characteristics of the Artistic Construction of Light and Color Focus in the Theater Performance: محمد عزيز حسن
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The theater has a living environment that resembles or realistically simulates the real life environment on the stage where we see the place, light and living being  as elements representing a picture of the life scene and for a period of time the theater merely conveyed that image, but with the development of the world industrially and technologically, the perception of this picture has evolved with the emergence of intellectual progress where  each part has advantages and  Philosophical goals that  are consistent with the evolution of form. The theatrical lighting, colors and landscapes have become parts in the composition of a new life component in form and content and based on the above this research is titled   (the characteristics of the artistic construction of light and color focus in the theater performance). The problem of the research is focusing on the subject of treatments in the field of color and light within the theatrical performance, which needs a lot of study and research for the purpose of establishing the foundations and criteria for it, especially as it is a modern subject that needs extensive studies. The research was based on the following question: (What are the characteristics of the artistic construction of light and color focus in the theatrical performance?) The aim of the research is to identify those characteristics that focused on making these two elements a goal in the process of focus, whether on the actor or theatrical scene, through the successful experience in the field of this type of theater, whether in Iraq or elsewhere. Given the importance of focusing on the aesthetics of the acting performance and theater scene by light and color and even the lines of the design of the theater scene, the importance of research lies in how to use this process and identify the treatments and problems within this topic and to reach the optimal uses of the focus process. The objective limits of the research are the characteristics of the intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of the focus of light and color in the theatrical performance, while the spatial limit is the theater of the Division of Art and Cultural Activities in the presidency of the University of Baghdad, while the temporal limit is the year 2015.  The importance and limits of the research as well as the definition of terms have been included.

The theoretical framework consists of three sections, the first is (intensity and abundance of light as a photo concentration element) and the second section (characteristics of light exposure and its impact on the scene), while the third section includes the topic (aesthetics of color concentration in theatrical lighting). The researcher followed the descriptive approach and the method of content analysis. For the purpose of analyzing the sample, the theoretical framework, which tackles the literature related to the subject of the research, was utilized to contribute to the achievement of the research objective. The research used samples such as (the play of the birds' owner in wasted time) and (the play of shelters).  The analysis was based on them. The researcher presented the most important findings and conclusions reached at , and one of the results obtained by the researcher was that in the case of the presence of many symbols and connotations  within the presentation this requires the use of light  and color focus in order to give the group of symbols or each individual symbol its symbolic and semantic value in a manner that fits its philosophical strength to enhance its presence as a point of attract to the recipient during the theater performance.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اسواق بغداد في العصر العباسي (دراسة اجتماعية)
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Markets had organized in Islamic cities since the time of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh),

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
التداوي بالأعضاء والأجزاء الآدمیّة في المنظور الإسلامي
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In a controversy between the intellectuals and doctors of Legal and Islamic
scholars, about the legality of medication organs and human parts, comes this
study, in order to reveal the controls of Islamic in that issue above, and to show the
effectiveness of Islam and its role, and the extent needed in the treatment of
problems intractable, and the resolution of the controversy in the case above, in
order to preserve the human dignity and the right integration of physical, and
prevents from Aptmalh, and included in the financial contracts, and to achieve that
goal, presented the study to the issue of the rule of medication and look to Islam to
him, and the rule of therapeutics in human organs, and the views of Almj

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
تجربة الاختيار في الشعر الجاهلي وصدر الاسلام
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يقف البحث الموسوم (تجربة الاختيار في الشعر الجاهلي وصدر الاسلام)، على العديد من النماذج الشعرية، التي عاش فيها الشاعر العربي تجربة الاختيار في العصر الجاهلي وصدر الاسلام، واتجه البحث الى تحليل العديد من النماذج المختارة من التراث العربي الشعري، وقد وقف البحث على بعض التجارب التي يقع فيها الشاعر في موقف الاختيار. و لذلك كان من المنطق ان يقسم البحث الى مبحثين: فكان الاول منها يقف على (تجربة الاختيار في الشعر

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 23 2024
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وادي النيل للدراسات والبحوث الانسانية والاجتماعية والتربوية
النفوذ الفرنسي في الساحل الافريقي (فرص وتحديات)
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اهتمت دول العالم بدول الساحل الإفريقي لمِا عرفته من ثروات معدنية كثيره فيها، وإن دول الساحل الإفريقي تقع في وسط القارة الإفريقية وإنها تمتد من البحر الأحمر أي مطلة على البحر الأحمر مما يجعلها ذات أهمية ملاحية. والذي زاد في أهميتها مواردها الطبيعية إذ أنها ذات موارد اقتصادية متنوعة وكثيرة لا سيما وأنها قليلة الاستهلاك لهذه الموارد فهذا أدى إلى أهتمام الدول التي يكثر استهلاكها لهذه الموارد فيها، ومن هذه الموا

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 07 2009
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
اثر التوظيف الاستراتيجي في تحقيق اهداف الدولة
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 اثر التوظيف الاستراتيجي في تحقيق اهداف الدولة

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
ماهية الازمة الدولية : دراسة في الاطار النظري
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ماهية الازمة الدولية : دراسة في الاطار النظري

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
مفهوم الدولة واركانها في الفكر الاسلامي المعاصر
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تعددت آراء المفكرين الاسلاميين المعاصرين حول الدولة الاسلامية بعد سقوط الخلافة العثمانية بصورة خاصة نتيجة لتأثر هؤلاء المفكرين بالمفاهيم التي سادت في الثقافة الغربية ، ومنها مفهوم الدولة ، حيث لم يتطرق الفكر الاسلامي الى مناقشة مفهوم الدولة الاسلامية قبل هذه الفترة ، لان اهتمامهم كان منصبا بالتظير حول موضوع السلطة . وسيتم التطرق في هذا البحث لمفهوم الدولة لدى المفكرين الاسلاميين المعاصر

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مظاهر الترف في الوظائف ابان العصر الفاطمي
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The Fatimids were arguing with the Abbasids in everything, even in the causes of civilization, and the Islamic moderization had matured,

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2004
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الرؤيا واداء التشكيل في النحت العراقي المعاصر
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الرؤيا واداء التشكيل في النحت العراقي المعاصر

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Namık Kemal'ın Hikayelerinde "İsim Hal Ekleri"
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Benim tezimin adlı "Namık kemal'ın Hikayelerinde isim hal ekleri"dir. Bu tezde ilk olarak Namık kemal'ın hayatı hakkında bilgi vermeye çalıştım. Sonra isim hal ekleri hakkında bilgi de verdim. Sonra Namık kemal'ın hikayelerinde geçen isim hal ekleri birer birer çıkarmaya çalıştım.

XIX yüz yılında en önemli dönem Tanzimat dönemidir. Tanzimattan beri yeni hayat ihtiyaci ile yeni sanat anlayışı, birçok yeni kelime ve tamlamaların ortaya çıkıp, yerleşmesine sebep olmuştur. Namık kemal'ın mektuplarındaki birçok kelimeler, fikirler, kavramlar ve inanışlar, hepsi yeni değildir. Çoğu yaşıyan dilde kullanıyor, bir kısmı da sözlüklerde bulunuyordu. Fakat bi

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