Traditional programs and the tedious and financially costly processes they require are no longer the best choice for content makers. The continuous development and development have led to the emergence of competitive software that offers capabilities that are more suitable for aesthetic needs, as it breaks down stereotypical frameworks from the familiar to the unfamiliar to be more suitable for graphic subjects in terms of dealing with the requirements of the digital content industry. Video for communication platforms, as it has more advantages than traditional software and the flexibility and high quality it offers at the level of the final product, All of this contributed to supplementing the image with aesthetic employments with data that meets ambition and moves away from monotony due to its close connection to society and lifestyle. Cap Cut is one of the most important developed programs that benefit digital video content makers and short film makers on the Internet due to its visual capabilities that enhance the expressive aspects of production processes. Meaning and finding unconventional formulations at the level of digital effects that are constantly developed and updated to enrich the image and make it aesthetically superior through the creative employment of the work maker.
The stage of the establishment of the Alawite state in tabaristan was one of the most important stages in the history of the Shiite sect in Iran , from a political , religious and even military point of view ,
نُفذت تجربة حقلية في أحد الحقول التي تقع على خط عرض 1333 59.93 شمالاً، وخط طول 37.913744" شرقاً، وعلى ارتفاع 31 م فوق مستوى سطح البحر خلال الموسم الخريفي لسنة 2018م لمعرفة تأثير نظم الحراثة المختلفة في إنتاجية الماء ونمو وحاصل الحنطة تحت التسوية الليزرية للارض ، استعملت في التجربة ثلاث معاملات المعاملة الأولى: الآت الحراثة وبمستويين هما المحراث المطرحي (T)، والمحراث الحفار (T2). إمَّا المعاملة الثانية نسبة انحدار تسوية سطح
... Show MoreThe subject of population support is one of the most important topics in the geography of the population as it shows the amount of burden on the workforce in society and reflects the balance or
تقييم قابلية اداء متطلبات العمل للعاملين في الصناعة باستخدام طريقة القصور الذاتي
درست الباحثة البنية الإيقاعية عند الشاعر الصقلي
Este trabajo de investigación ofrece uno de los temas relevantes en la lengua, el cual es estudiar las dimensiones sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas de las preposiciones, en general, y de las dos preposiciones "Para" y "Por" en concreto, en una unidad linguística más amplia que la llamada "Oración". En la parte referida al estudio de las dos preposiciones mencionadas, estudiamos sus distntos usos funcionales, usos que se acercan, unas veces, entre sí y se alejan en otras.
... Show MoreAmong the different passive techniques heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHE) seems to be the most effective one for energy saving in heating ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC). The applications for nanofluids with high conductivity are favorable to increase the thermal performance in HPHE. Even though the nanofluid has the higher heat conduction coefficient that dispels more heat theoretically but the higher concentration will make clustering .Clustering is a problem that must be solved before nanofluids can be considered for long-term practical uses. Results showed that the maximum value of relative power is 0.13 mW at nanofluid compared with other concentrations due to the low density of nanofluid at this concentration. For highe
... Show MoreThis paper proposed a new method to study functional non-parametric regression data analysis with conditional expectation in the case that the covariates are functional and the Principal Component Analysis was utilized to de-correlate the multivariate response variables. It utilized the formula of the Nadaraya Watson estimator (K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN)) for prediction with different types of the semi-metrics, (which are based on Second Derivative and Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA)) for measureing the closeness between curves. Root Mean Square Errors is used for the implementation of this model which is then compared to the independent response method. R program is used for analysing data. Then, when the cov
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