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Achieving an Iraqi model in contemporary fashion design
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The Iraqi outfit is characterized by special features and identity that are closely related to the traditions, customs, religious and social beliefs and other references of the Iraqi environment and its factors affecting the individual and society. Every place in Iraq has its own uniform, which differs in terms of its artistic, aesthetic and functional components from place to place.

The abaya, especially worn by women, is especially distinct in terms of the design of the uniform, the nature of the cloth made of it, as well as the color of the abaya, which is dominated by black in most designs. The Dar Al-Taros Center and Textile Research initiated the construction of theoretical and practical bases in the design of contemporary Iraqi clothing and the achievement of a national Iraqi model in design, by devising the Iraqi cultural symbols in Mesopotamia, which is the intellectual and cultural heritage of contemporary Iraqi society.

The first chapter deals with the problem of research in determining the direction of the relationship to the following variables (environment, design, technology and production) and the extent of the relationship between these three variables to establish the privacy and national identity in achieving Iraqi style in the design of contemporary Iraqi clothes ? (The Rafidian abaya is a model). It also presented the importance and purpose of the research and its objective and temporal limits as well as the spatial boundaries. The terms "uniforms" and "abaya" were also defined and defined. The first chapter included the study of fashion design and a historical summary of the development of fashion in Iraq, especially since the emergence of the civilizations of Mesopotamia. The second study was specialized in the study of fashion designs between form and content. The previous studies, which found one study presented by Dar Al-Taras and Textile Research, entitled "The development of an Iraqi trend in the designs of simulated garments", was completed in 1999, Wasit, and the search through his creative designs a great appreciation to the Iraqi and non-Iraqi recipient of the nature of design and technology of manufacture. The third chapter included (the research procedures), where he presented the idea of ​​design and study of its technical components, elements and symbols, and descriptive analysis and indicate the importance of intellectual, artistic and aesthetic. The fourth chapter included the inclusion of the findings, recommendations and proposals of the study and a review of the list of sources and the appendix of images and forms.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Medical service quality, Dimensions the quality of service, satisfaction with medical service
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 the Objective of  study is  to measure the quality of medical service level,  in the  Iraq public hospitals ,presented by  special words ,private hospitals, and compare between them, by knowing the level of recipients satisfaction  of medical service for all dimensions of quality service, and then measuring satisfaction with the quality of medical service as a whole for both of them, which have been prepared in questionnaire form, included two main directions, first to determine the level of satisfaction when, recipients of medical service is not dimensions quality of service in accordance with the Scale Servqual by (Parasurman et .al 1988), consisting of five di

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الصعوبات التي تواجـه طلبة أقســـــام طرائق تدريس القرآن الكريم والتربية الإســــلامية في مادة طرائق التدريس من وجهة نظرهم
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- مشكلة البحث

تشغل مادة طرائق التدريس مكانة متميزة في عملية التعليم والتعلم لما لها من دور كبير وفاعل في إيصال المادة العلمية إلى الطالب بنجاح .

وقد عزى بعض الباحثين التأخر الذي رافق طرائق تدريس التربية الإسلامية إلى ضعف إعداد المدرسين وتأهيلهم التربوي ولا سيما أن عدد غير قليل منهم من كليات غير تربوية فهم خريجو كليات العلوم الإسلامية والجامعة الإسلامية والإدارة والاقتصاد

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر سياسة السجلات المحاسبية المفتوحة كأحد آليات إدارة التكلفة في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية للشركات الصناعية المساهمة العامة الأردنية
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The aim of this research is to study and test the impact of the policy of open-book accounting as one of the cost management mechanisms in achieving the competitive advantage in Jordanian industrial public companies, to achieve the objectives of the study, a field study was conducted by surveying the views of a sample of the accountants of the Jordanian industrial public companies. Hence the arithmetical Means, the Standard Deviations, the Significant Value and the Simple Linear Regression are used to test the research hypotheses and to achieve the research goals. The results of the study showed that there is a statistically significant effect of the policy of open-book accounting as one of the cost management mechanisms in achieving the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخلاص عامل التلزن ( اللكتين ) من بكتريا لخلاياEnterococcus faecalis EM1 ودوره في تلزن انواع من البكتريا السالبة لملون غرام
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استخلص عامل التلزن من E. faecalis EM1 بعد تكسير بالكرات الزجاجية والترسيب بالكحول الاثيلي , واجري فحص التلزن وقياسه لمستخلص لخلايا  E. faecalis  مع انواع من البكتريا السالبة لصبغة غرام تضمنت     Escherichia coli  و Klebsiella  pneumonia  و Serratia marcescens   و Pseudomonase aeruginosa و Salmonella typhi , بينت النتائج ان اعلى نسبة تلزن للخلايا والمستخلص تكون مع بكتريا    ٍK. Pneumonia  حيث بلغ66.5 % مقارنة بالسيطرة79.5 % , واوطا قيمة للتلز

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تحليل العلاقة بين تحسين الأداء المالي للمصارف و جذب الودائع: بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية الخاصة
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The banking performance and deposits attraction are considered to be of great importance in banks management, also the banking  performance is one of the indications that measure the ability of satisfying and full fill the banks  goals and the range of approach and move away from those goals, Also there are some important factors that affects on deposits, such as financial performance ,The aim of the research is to measure and analyses the banking performance and showing its effective impact and its relation in attracting deposits.

For the satisfaction of the research goals a smple was selected from the Iraqi banks which represented in five private banks were their data been analyzed between the periods 2009 to 2013 ,th

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
المغول في كتاب " التاريخ الغياثي " لعبد الله بن فتح الله البغدادي الغياثي (ت بعد سنة ٩٠١ هـ / ١٤٩٥م
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L'image de l'Arabe et l'attitude d'Albert Camus envers la question algérienne dans sa nouvelle "L'Hôte" de son recueil "L'Exil et le Royaume" : Une étude analytique
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Parmi les oeuvres d'Albert Camus, qui s'éloignent un peu de sa
tendance générale qui traite les thèmes de l'absurde ,du néant et de la
question de la mort , on trouve son recueil "l'Exil et le Royaume" 1957
qui contient six nouvelles qui sont d'une invention moins épouvantable
(le Renégat , la Femme adultère , les Muets , le Pierre qui pousse , l'Hôte
et Jonas). Ces nouvelles , à l'exception du "Renégat" , ne provoquent pas
les questions philosophiques et dialectiques qui dominent la plupart des
oeuvres d'Albert Camus , Mais ces nouvelles traitent tout simplement la
question d'homme exilé dans son existence et sa recherche perpétuelle
de son royaume.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
تطبيقات منحنى لورنز ودليل التركيز في كشف تغايرات مساحات وتكرارات وحدات الخارطة لمشاريع من وسط السهل الرسوبي العراقي
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
Journal Name
جامعة واسط مجلة كلية التربية
استعمال الانموذج اللوجستي ثنائي المعلم في بناء وتدريج مقياس الشخصية الافتراضية المتعدد الابعاد لطلبة الجامعة وفقا لنظرية الاستجابة للفقرة
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تهدف الدراسة الحالية الى استعمال الانموذج اللوجستي ثنائي المعلم في تدريج مقياس الشخصية الافتراضية المتعدد الابعاد لطلبة الجامعة وفقا لنظرية الاستجابة للفقرة، والخروج بتعميم لنتائج البحث والوقوف على الاجراءات العلمية المناسبة وتوفير تطبيق عملي علمي صحيح لاعتمادها من قبل الباحثين. وقد اتبعث الباحثة الاسلوب العلمي من خطوات واجراءات في عملية بناء المقياس حيث حدت ابعاد الشخصية الافتراضية المتمثلة بسبع ابعا

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of high-intensity interval training (using weights) during the special preparation period on functional variables among junior basketball players
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This study is concerned with the comparison of the results of some tests of passing and dribbling of the basketball of tow different years between teams of chosen young players in Baghdad. Calculative methods were used namely (Arithmetic mean, Value digression and T.test for incompatible specimens). After careful calculative treatments, it has been that there were abstract or no abstract differences in the find results of chestpass, highdribble and cross-over dribble. The clubs were: (Al-Khark, Air defence, Police and Al-Adamiyah) each one separate from the other for the year (2000-2001). After all that many findings were reached such as the lack of objective valuation (periodical tests) between one sport season and the other. In the light

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