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The measurement of Ibn Abi al-Rabee (688 AH) in his book (Abstract in the regulation of Arabic laws)

The book of the summary in the control of the laws of Arabic is one of the most important books of Andalusian grammar, the resonance of which is clearly evident among the mother of the language books in the seventh century AH because of the character of the educational style easy and simplified service for anyone who wants the Nile Arabic grammar, that end through what is pursued in his book (Summary) on according to visual standards, as was Ibn Abi Al-Rabeea of first- type, and illustrated in which he addressed the analogies, and he followed the modalities expressed and its consequences relating to each attachment in which a (illness and reasoning factor) And what he said in the framework of each service for the study material in his hands, expressing her terms and manifestations present over the folds of his book. In this way, the scholars and scholars celebrated (not only the Maghreb), but also the Mashreq.
The reason for the zigzag in this research is because Ibn Abi Al-Rabee, like other Andalusian scientists, is a great achievement of creativity and science, but in his achievement this book, the summary, has been absent intentionally or unintentionally, despite the abundance of information and the diversity of sources and reference to the Oriental achievement. The research came to be known as the result of this measurement, since it was derived from the origin of the grammar to the difference in proportions between those who took it and who did not take.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of heat transfer on Magneto hydrodynamics oscillatory flow for Williamson fluid through a porous medium

In this paper, we have examined the influence of heat- transfer on the magnetohydrodynamics oscillatory flow of Williamson fluid during porous medium for two types of geometries "Poiseuille flow and Couette flow". We use perturbation technique in terms of the Weissenberg number to obtain explicit forms for velocity profiles. The results that obtained are illustrated by graphs.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Robotics And Control (jrc)
Artificial Intelligence Based Deep Bayesian Neural Network (DBNN) Toward Personalized Treatment of Leukemia with Stem Cells

The dynamic development of computer and software technology in recent years was accompanied by the expansion and widespread implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) based methods in many aspects of human life. A prominent field where rapid progress was observed are high‐throughput methods in biology that generate big amounts of data that need to be processed and analyzed. Therefore, AI methods are more and more applied in the biomedical field, among others for RNA‐protein binding sites prediction, DNA sequence function prediction, protein‐protein interaction prediction, or biomedical image classification. Stem cells are widely used in biomedical research, e.g., leukemia or other disease studies. Our proposed approach of

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Geological Considerations Related to Casing setting depth selection and design of Iraqi oil wells (case study)

Well integrity is a vital feature that should be upheld into the lifespan of the well, and one constituent of which casing, necessity to be capable to endure all the interior and outside loads. The casing, through its two basic essentials: casing design and casing depth adjustment, are fundamental to a unique wellbore that plays an important role in well integrity. Casing set depths are determined based on fracturing pressure and pore pressure in the well and can usually be obtained from well-specific information. Based on the analyzes using the improved techniques in this study, the following special proposition can be projected: The selection of the first class and materials must be done correctly and accurately in accordance with

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

This study aimed to determine the effect of green bismuth oxide (BiO) NPs against multidrug-resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) from wound infections. Among 450 wound samples collected from patients admitted to the hospital, 200 P. aeruginosa isolates were identified. MDR strains of P. aeruginosa were detected by disc diffusion method. BiO NPs were synthesized using wild Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) strain and infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The antibacterial effect of the NPs compared to antibiotics against MDR strains was evaluated using a standard disk diffusion method. BiO NPs were synthesized at 0.005 M concentration of solution. According to the SEM im

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Robust Circular S and Circular Least Squares Estimators for Circular Regression Model using Simulation

In this paper, the Monte-Carlo simulation method was used to compare the robust circular S estimator with the circular Least squares method in the case of no outlier data and in the case of the presence of an outlier in the data through two trends, the first is contaminant with high inflection points that represents contaminant in the circular independent variable, and the second the contaminant in the vertical variable that represents the circular dependent variable using three comparison criteria, the median standard error (Median SE), the median of the mean squares of error (Median MSE), and the median of the mean cosines of the circular residuals (Median A(k)). It was concluded that the method of least squares is better than the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioremediation of Lead and Cadmium Contaminated soil by Sesbania rostrata plant and AM fungi Glomus mosseae

This study was conducted to determine the activity of plant Sesbania rostrata and two isolate from arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (A,B) as a bioremediation of soil polluted by cadmium and lead elements in north and south of Baghdad city. The results showed that the average of soil pollution by cadmium and lead elements in north of Baghdad was less than the average of soil pollution in the south of Baghdad which recorded 10.0, 9.0 mg/kg and 27.0, 25.0 mg/kg respectively. The plant Sesbania recorded ability to accumulate the lead element in shoot system 19.65 mg/kg and in root system 27.2 mg/kg and for cadmium element 19.6, 24.6 mg/kg in shoot and root respectively. The results showed that the isolate A from soil pollution is more effected

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Continuous Extraction and Stripping of Neptunium By Fresh and Degradated Tributyle Phosphate Using Co-60 Cell

    The behaviour of Np-239 during the Continuous extraction and stripping  was followed . Three Continuous extraction experiments were carried out . In the first experiment the extraction and stripping were carried out by using Tributyl Phosphate / treated odorless kerosene as the organic phase , while the aqueous phase was uranium and neptunium-239 dissolved in 3M HNO3 . In the second experiment irradiation of organic phase up to 30 M rad were carried out , while keeping the aqueous phase as it is in the first experiment. In the third experiment , the acidity of the aqueous phase was 1.5M instead of 3M and keeping the organic phase as it is in experiment 1. The results obtained in tables 1-3 show the possibility of

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Batch and Flow-Injection Spectrophotometric Determination of Thymol Using Procaine Hydrochloride as a New Chromogenic Reagent

New, simple and sensitive batch and Flow-injecton spectrophotometric methods for the determination of Thymol in pure form and in mouth wash preparations have been proposed in this study. These methods were based on a diazotization and coupling reaction between Thymol and diazotized procaine HCl in alkaline medium to form an intense orange-red water-soluble dye that is stable and has a maximum absorption at 474 nm. A graphs of absorbance versus concentration show that Beer’s law is obeyed over the concentration range of 0.4-4.8 and 4-80 µ of Thymol, with detection limits of 0.072 and 1.807 µ of Thymol for batch and FIA methods respectively. The FIA procedure sample throughput was 80 h-1. All different chemical and physical e

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 15 2023
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Surface assessment of CNC laser treated commercially pure Titanium and Ti 13 Zr 13 Nb alloy

This study aimed to evaluate the surface changes of commercial pure Titanium disks (CP Ti) and the Ti 13Nb 13 Zr (Alloy) with a zigzag pattern of laser surface treatment. In vitro, experimental study of CNC Laser treatment on the CP Ti and Alloy disks. Texturing the surfaces of CP Ti and Alloy disks via CNC laser, the sample disks were analyzed using surface roughness, wettability and FESEM. The FESEM revealed a proper increase in the surface texturing and roughness on macro and micro measures without crack formation or dramatic change of the core substance of the CP Ti and Alloy disks. The CNC laser is an effective and suitable method for surface texturing CP Ti and Alloy for dental implantology. Keywords: Commercial pure Titanium;

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Thermal Conductivity Characteristics of Polymer composites Based on Polyethylene Wastes Filled with Post-Industry Wood Wastes

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