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الحیوانات والطیور والحشرات والزواحف في كتاب الفندیداد (احد كتب الافستا الزردشتیة)
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The book of Alphendidad is considered as an important part of the holy book of
Avesta in the Zoroastrian religion. It is a religious and urbanization book that consists of a
number of chapters dealing with the creation. The book includes 22 chapters, mostly edited
as a dialogue between Ahuaramzda the god of goodness and his prophet Zoroaster. The
biggest chapter deals with the rules of purification of vices of the devil and dismissing it of
the places around, hence it is the book of law of Zoroastrian about the important animals,
birds , insects, and reptiles and their categorization according to their creation; creatures of
the spirit of goodness and creatures of the spirit of evilness.
Some of these creatures are included for their influence upon the life, nature, and
other creatures, in addition to their influence upon the religious life. This is the focus of the
current study that sheds light on the identity of these creatures and their effect on the
mentality and the Zoroastrian belief.
1. The Alphendidad is considered as the important idiosyncratic legislative part in the
book of Avesta, in which there is a lot of the legislations and laws that rule the
individual and social life and the consequences of the deeds of man as a reward
and punishment.
2. The study tries to concentrate on a specific part of the book of Alphendidad and
study it. It surveys the most important creatures in the book, especially animals,
birds, insects, and reptiles – according the Zoroastrian belief -. The Zoroaster
divides theses creatures into two types according to the creation and impotence.
The blessed creatures of goodness that created by the god of goodness,
Ahoramzda; and cursed creatures of evilness created by the god of evilness,

3. The ideas, points of views, rituals, and worships included in the book of
Alphendidad disagree with the common sense and any logical thinking. This is a
defect against the Zoroastrian belief and thinking. The legend and myth is the only
means by which events are explained especially the creation and the view of the
world that is ruled by these two forces; the force of goodness and its creatures and
the force of evilness and its creatures.
4. The human mind tends more to believe in myth and legend to explain mysterious
phenomena. Along history, Persians tend to weave legendry events in literature
resulting from their worshiping of natural phenomena that are difficult to be
explained in another way. They have found that the clear blue sky, light, fire, air,
and water are divine and good creatures. They have even called the sun and the eye
of god and light as the son of god. And darkness, drought, and sickness are divine,
cursed, and evil creatures.
5. The creation is focused on the good creatures especially livestock, small and big
animals, dogs, and birds as the creatures of goodness. the study concentrates also
on how to work on protectin and mentaining these creatures as the means of
victory for the god of light, Ahoramzada against the cursed creatures of evilness.
Therefore, Zoroaster imposes on his followers that they should sanctify these
creatures and never harm them or killing them with no right.
6. The Ancient Persian thinking has missed the fact that this world and its creatures
are the creation of one sole God. The question that raises here is weather the
Zoroastrian religion is a multiple-god or standard religion. Researches disagree to
answer this question. Some of them see the world with its two forces of goodness
and evilness are but two conflicting forces of the same God, and others believe that
Zoroaster is standard theologically and philosophically he is a multiple-god
7. The categorization of the animals, birds, insects, and reptiles into two types
according to the Zoroastrian belief is an evidence of ignorance and lack of
awareness. All creatures are the creation of the One sole God. The Zoroastrian has
divided these creatures into two types according to their features, work and their
effect on nature among other useful or harmful creatures. The religion imposes the mythical and legendary view picturing these creatures as animals, birds, insects
according to their importance.
8. The Zoroastrian religion exaggerates the importance of these creatures. It sanctify
and blessed the useful creatures and its remnants, as it considered the cow as a
very important creature by Ahoramzda. Its importance lies in the fact that the cow
is the source of their food, a means of cultivating their lands. Cow is considered as
the capital of the farming communities, and since the Parisian is an old agrarian
society, the cow and ox are important supplements. Yet there is a great deal of
exaggeration in dealing with the cow to an illogical extent of considering its urine
as a sacred thing for purification of sins instead of holy water, which a thing that
goes against proper and common test.
9. The study signifies a group of animals described by Zoroaster as creatures of
goodness as they have good and useful features according to the god of goodness,
Ahoramzda. These animals are: Cow, Awl, fox, ox, camel, donkey, sheep, horse,
bird, dog, goat, and eagle).
10. The study also identifies a group of creatures that are considered as harmful –
according to Zoroastrain religion – that affects the good creatures and affects the
nature and spoil it. Zoroaster has allowed the destruction and killing these
creatures and its harm to support the force of goodness over evilness. It also
considered the destruction of these creature as part of the important religious
rituals of the Zoroastrian belief to purgation of sins and evils and to get nearer to
the god of goodness Ahoramzda. These creatures are: rats, locusts, snakes, flies,
wolves, turtles, frogs, spiders, scorpions, lice, ants).

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاغلاط الأَغلاط اللغوية في كتاب الإنسان الثاني لمحمود عباس العقاد دراسة في ضوء كتب التصحيح اللغوي الحديثة
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بحثنا الموسوم بـ (الأغلاط اللغوية في كتاب الإنسان الثاني لمحمود عباس العقاد دراسة في ضوء كتب التصحيح اللغوي الحديثة)، ليس الغاية منه النيل من شخص كاتب كبير، وعلم من أعلام الأدب العربي، بل اعتماد الموضوعية والرد على القول الشائع: (الخطأ الشائع خير من الصواب الضائع)، إذ إِن كثيرًا ممن يسلكون درب الأغلاط اللغوية يعمدون الى التمسك بها محتجين بأن ما ورد في تعبيراتهم ورد في تعبيرات كتّاب كبار، فضلاً عن أن الباحثة ل

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
خزائن خزائن كتب المساجد والأربطة البغدادية في كتاب تلخيص مجمع الآداب في معجم الألقاب لابن الفوطي(ت723هـ/1323م)
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The Abbasid period is one of the most fertile Islamic ages attention to the bookcases have been prominent of each of the caliphs, ministers and dignitaries acquisition of books and stop in the coffers of public books, so that the largest number of students of science to see them. Baghdad's portfolio of scientific status in the late Abbasid times, which was characterized by weakness and division

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Dignity in the books of faith
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The issue of dignity is one of the topics that do not pass as long as the earths and the heavens remain; Because the earth is not devoid of the righteous, the believers, the saints, and the pious, and these do not cease from them aid, dignity, insight, or good vision, and from here the authorship in this section was continuous; Because the people’s need for it is confirmed as time progresses, and in that, Ibn Taymiyyah says in the sum of his fatwas, “And from what it should be known is that dignities may be according to the man’s need, so if the weak needs them Faith or the needy, he is given from it what strengthens his faith and fulfills his needs, and he who is more complete is the guardianship of God than him. He is independent

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Possibilty Of Implementing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) In One Of Local Dairy Plants.: Possibilty Of Implementing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) In One Of Local Dairy Plants.
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To limit or reduce common microbial contamination occurrence in dairy products in general and in soft cheese in particular, produced in locally plants, this study was performed to demonstrate the possibility of implementing HACCP in one of dairy plants in Baghdad city

            HACCP plan was proposed in soft cheese production line. A pre-evaluation was performed in soft cheese line production, HACCP Pre-requisites programs was evaluated from its presence and effectiveness. The evaluation was demonstrated risk in each of: Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) program, evaluated as microbial and physical risk and considered as critical r

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 23 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
جغرافية جغرافية المدن في كتب التراث الجغرافي
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The Heritage geographical Arab-Muslim of great value in the history of the evolution of thought geographical The themes of cities, like other subjects heritage books geographical Islamic related to geography descriptive and regional were subject to the style of Arabic writing,

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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This research aims to establish a morphological study of the sources wrote picnic party in Morphology The sources from which he took the owners wrote their material (Nzhah Altarf) morphological accurate survey requires full briefing survey.
This is very difficult, because they were not mean with reference to the sources, who transferred them, so it was difficult to know the author, who mentioned it to say that on one hand, and on the other hand, find them do not deny preferred their predecessors of Arab scholars, and this is evidence of scientific integrity they have and high character they have, Sometimes we find that thay me htioh their opihios with their hames cite their views with anonymity, and sometimes their books and remember

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
كتب الخطط في مصر حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي
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Books of plans are a type of writing in Islamic history , its a type of work whose authors have strived to serve as a comprehensive historical encyclopedia, and they focused most of their attention on highlighting the various aspects of the history of Egypt. , Especially. urban side. And political, military, scientific, social , economic events.

they  authors in this Type were not satisfied with that only, but they mentioned the stages of the development of architecture and what followed until their time

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
بلاد ما وراء النهر في كتب الرحالة والجغرافيين
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Land beyond the river has the attention of historians, especially travelers and geographers of its various regions under the Islamic Arab state. They antedate the social and economic aspects, including agriculture, industry and trade in their products and goods to other countries and urbanism, which we will address in our research

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
كتب الخطط في مصر حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي
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Books of plans are a type of writing in Islamic history , its a type of work whose authors have strived to serve as a comprehensive historical encyclopedia, and they focused most of their attention on highlighting the various aspects of the history of Egypt

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التجارة في البحرين من خلال كتب الرحالة والبلدانيين
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    Economic life in any of the countries depends mainly on economic activity due to its great role in meeting the needs and expenditures of the state . therefore ، Bahrain played a major role in commercial exchange operation ،  whether at home or abroad . whatever the matter

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