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تداعیات ظاھرة الفساد المالي والاداري على حقوق الانسان في العراق

The kinds of financial and administrational corruption have an important
dimensions and affects on human rights because of all events which happened in the world
made tackles concerning with this phenomena.
This article has been researched about an impacts of it to the nature of structural
social system especially its scopes items in institutionally and politically and economically
and culturally to be an obvious in all fields.
This phenomena should be studied carefully in order to put all remedies required
for set up with measures and procedures such as following :
1-the dependency on respecting all laws in the country.
2-the work with principles of accountability transparency in pro-active cooperation level.
3- activating judicial measures to change life-style of manners for everybody make for
responsibility in the institutions of the state.
4- enlarging extents of another institutions
censorship by depending on an important elements to regulating resources- of expenditures
in the state.
Therefore- we must follow up nature of eradicating all kinds of corruption in order to
respect totally dimensions human rights in Iraq.

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