Target current research to identify the style (charity - ingratitude) in the
treatment of parents and to identify the psychological stability as well as to identify
the correlation between two variables, And identifies current research by students
fourth grade - and the first phase of study of students in the College of Education
for Girls in the morning preliminary study for the academic year (2009-2010) m
Total numbers (400) students. After the application of research tools and data
processing means of appropriate statistical research concluded that the handling of
students with parents, a charity And treatment of students to mothers were treated
to the best of fathers as well as the enjoyment of a high level of psychological
stability and the existence of correlation between the style of (charity) in the
treatment of parents and psychological stability. In the light of the results of the
research, the researcher puts many suggestions and recommendations.
Education, who is dignified the community and transmit a stagnation to the movement and chaos into
the system of the advancement and nettlesome to the production, so it is the human resource development focus
of the overall development, as that man in general and university student in particular is a tool and purpose of
development together, there is no development without human From this perspective the researcher felt there
was a need to conduct a study to know the psychological stability among the students of the university and the
detection level of ambition, the following specific question? What is the relationship between the psychological
stability level with the ambition among the students of the university?
The Verbal Violence that is directed towards sons is considered one of
the dehavioural problems that have negative reflections on the personality
of the individual . the increase in the frequency and intensity of that
behavior in the daily life may lead to psychological and behavioural
disturbances, and such behaviourhas to be stooped in an early time before it
leave negative affects on the personality of the teenager which will not be
cured or removed easily .
The family that is represented by the parents has a prominent effect In the
shaping of the teenager's personality , hence forth the normal teenage is
a reflection of a stable family life , relatively empty of disturbances and
Reprehensible during the period of human life ,particular in child hood and after weaning
baby,analmeating habits have acquired his remaining life time and here high Iights,the role of
the mother in the childs education,dietar habits, and health methods and what is beneficial to
his health and in sufficien quantities for the baby .brooze trails are learned by the childin the
home with animportant and significant role in the future,inacht.aaralgame course wisely,after
becoming more in dependent in its delision-making an choices beyond the control of parents.
The present study aimed to message measure the awareness of food the mother and her role in
the development of food awareness sons, and its relation ship with som
الناس أصناف منهم من يحب ومنهم من يكره ومنهم بينَ بين لا تعرفه مُحبّاً ولا كارهاً!! وإذا أسقطنا هذا التصنيف على المعلم، فسيكون لدينا ثلاثة أيضاً: معلم محبُّ لتلاميذه، ومعلمٌ مُبغض لهم، وثالث لا تحس منه حباً ولا كرهاً، يؤدي واجبه بشكل آلي بغير عاطفة.
الحب أصل والبغض فرع، والحب قاعدة والبغض استثناء، كما إن الرفق خير والعنف شرّ، والوحدة رحمة والفُرقة عذاب، كما إنّ الخير أصلٌ والشرّ طار
... Show More Type 1 Diabetes melittus ( T1DM ) is Considered as one of the
complicated and chronic disease that affects the dietary patterns for diabetic
child and his normal growth . for this reason , this study aimed to find the
relationship between nutrient needs , the type of feeding for the diabetic child
and his physical growth ( weight and height ) .
The study includes 50 diabetic children , (28) females and (22) males who
came to the National Diabetes Center – AL-mustansiriya University for making
term tests during the period from April 2009 to January 2010 .Their ages
ranged from 3 to13 years ,personal information were collected by a
questionnaire , weight and height were recorded and blood sample were
The psychological pollution term comes from the realism that we live in its world. This
realism threatens our privet and the identity of our civilization. There is complete believe that
the literature of psychological pollution is insufficient to cover the whole horizons of this
The psychological pollution has its root in the theories of the development of humanities
within the organization of the history. Some of these theories are the exceptional cultural
theory, the faithfulness theory and the integration theory and the identity losing.
The psychological pollution handles several concepts such as the engagement, the social
decay and the concept of cultural invasion.
The world is witnessing now big developments in the technological sphere These developments have led to the emergence of fierce competition among enterprises and competition had become the most important cross-cutting cost, which in turn reflected in the selling prices and profit . Based on that have emerged in recent years, techniques and new management methods in order to keep pace with these changes and developments in the business environment, although these techniques came to meet the needs of management of the Department of mandated and reduced so as to realize customer satisfaction, including the method of Kaizen, as is the idea that the philosophy of continuous improvement - even it is simple - a whole has the net effect than the
... Show MoreThis research deals with unusual approach for analyzing the Simple Linear Regression via Linear Programming by Two - phase method, which is known in Operations Research: “O.R.”. The estimation here is found by solving optimization problem when adding artificial variables: Ri. Another method to analyze the Simple Linear Regression is introduced in this research, where the conditional Median of (y) was taken under consideration by minimizing the Sum of Absolute Residuals instead of finding the conditional Mean of (y) which depends on minimizing the Sum of Squared Residuals, that is called: “Median Regression”. Also, an Iterative Reweighted Least Squared based on the Absolute Residuals as weights is performed here as another method to
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... Show Moreظهر التقييس كمفهوم لقياس الضرائب وتحديد الأجور والرواتب منذ مدة ليست طويلة وتم استخدامه في العديد من بلدان العالم. ولاجل تحقيق العدالة في توزيع الدخول ورفع المستوى المعيشي لذوي الدخول المحدودة، اذ يتطلب من الدولة إتباع أسلوب التقييس للأجور والرواتب للموظفين ،إضافة إلى استخدام التقييس في فرض الضرائب وتحديد السماحات اعتمادا على مستوى التضخم في الاقتصاد. خاصة وان الهدف الأساسي من إتباع أسلوب التقييس هو
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