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الظواھر اللغویة في شعر ھارون بن موسى الرَّمادي
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The Andoluosian literatures has been captured my mind, and had a very
pure and great place in my spirit, which is remembering me the roots of
genuine Arabic civilization spread during eight century in endoluos region.
also the Arabic creation which is moved from east to far way land in that
ages. And very clearly appearance tremendous men interested in science and
all kind of literature and arts especially in poetry, no one who has taste and
minimum knowledge can denied the effect of indoluosan prosperity among
readers. So for that reason I work very hard to choose a very famous poet his
nick name (Al-Ramadee) he is Youseif Bin Haroon born in the first decade
of the 4TH hijri (Islamic Calendar), died in (403H). He was one student of
very popular linguistic called abee Ali Al-qalee.
They called him Almotanabee of his place also they said "poem started
from Kenda and sealed in Kenda" they intended Emraa Al-Kayas,Al-
Motanabee and Al-Ramadee.and for all of that I preferred to search about
the language phenomena and the expansion in his poetry as well as some
glance which focus to reveal about his huge linguistics and literatures
heritage capacity.
I divided this study to three levels:-
 grammatical level: dialed with odd linguistic words and converse.
 structural level: dialed with preferment, retardation, cancellation, the
linguistic methods and the aims.
 laterally level: dialed with laterally acceptance, verbalism synonymy
and analytic.
Finally, conclusion, results that I have got in this study.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Visions in the poetry of Yahiya Ibn Hakam AL- Chazali: Visions in the poetry of Yahiya Ibn Hakam AL- Chazali
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Conclusion and results
1. The research concluded through considering the rhetorical visions,
appropriate relationships between utterances with a language derived
from the reality of the social, religious, and, cultural life.
2. The poet compound between realism and the documentation of the
poetic structure, its depth, and the conjugation of its symbolic
metaphors, and also between its phonetic music and the right artistic
nature and the inanimate rules to take in consideration what Dr. Ahmad
Haikal concluded that the tried to com up with something better than
that of the previous generation, but he is still following their orbit, and
their trend method of poem building.
3. The realistic images visionary r

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دور أحمد بن موسى (عليه السلام) في اثبات الإمام علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) نظراً إلى مسألة أزمة الخلافة في الإمامة الشيعية
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the events and events that took place after the death of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) and the role of Ahmad ibn Musa (peace be upon him) in the succession of Imam al-Rida (peace be upon him). Will the writer attempt to answer the question about the role

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The authority of the ancient text in the poetry of Bashar bin Bard
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Heritage represents the center around which poets revolve around and take advantage of its inexhaustible specific, and the connotations that this heritage holds of various values, values ​​and ideas, and the poet Bashar bin Bard from prominent poets who were inspired by that heritage and the culture of the first Abbasid era and whoever and others was worthy of studying and tracking his potentials and capabilities Creativity is based on the inspiration of the legacy of his predecessors, and the development of this legacy and renewal in it. The research methodology required its division into two topics, the first topic, a description of the beauty of women, a description of wine, while the second topic is a description

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
האלמנטים המשותפים בשיריהם של משה בן עזרא ואבו פיראס אלחמדני (מחקר השוואתי) Elements common in the poems of Musa son of Izra and Abu Firas al-Hamdani (A comparative study)
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     Musa son of Yaqoob son of Izra, the Spanish poet, linguist, and  philosopher, was born in Granada. He has many poems representing  types of poetry. Also, he had important books, such as "the Poetry of Israel" and "Contemplative Research". He is knowledgeable in both Hebrew and Arabic, because most of his books were written in Arabic and the then translated to Hebrew. It seemed that he was influenced by Arab poets, specifically Abo Firas, and borrowed many issues, such as comparison, repetition, exaggeration, etc. and included them in his poetry.

     All know that Arabic literature clearly influenced Hebrew literature in the Spanish era. Ara

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رواد رواد علم الفلك في العصر العباسي أولاد موسى بن شاكر أنموذجاً
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Is astronomy in the Abbasid era one of the sciences that Muslims developed at that time? The restriction of students at the hands of a large number of students, which increased the development and increase the value of monitoring mechanisms and their outstanding efforts in support and development of the Arab civilization of Islam

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تعالق النص القرآني في شعر كعب بن مالك الأنصاري
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     The Qur'an was revealed with a clear Arabic tongue, and it seized minds, and was astonished by its eloquence and eloquence of tastes, so it was a new dawn, and a nucleus for the birth of a new literature inspired by the tolerant thought of Islam, its fresh words, and its delicate and revealing meanings

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Semantic (Badi'iyah)Readings in The Prophetic Praise Poetry (Mada'h Nabawiya) (Abdel Rahim Bin Ahmad Bin Ali Al Borai as a case study)
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The importance of this topic may not be overlooked by many of the specialists, because it is one the sciences of the Arabic language, but it is an important method in the field of influencing the recipient and his aesthetic ability to create influential images as well.
The talking about Semantic (Badi'iyah)is as old as the Arabic age, so it may be talking about it not the new thing because the people who specialized have preceded us and exhausted all the talk .

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The phenomenon of advertising In the poetry of Ali bin Abdul Rahman Balnopi Sicilian
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The phenomenon of advertising In the poetry of Ali bin Abdul Rahman Balnopi Sicilian

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Linguistic and Grammatical Studies in Yemen in A.H.7th Century: Linguistic and Grammatical Studies in Yemen in A.H.7th Century
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The A. H. 7th century had witnessed an obvious development
in the Yemeni scientific process. The most important reason
being the establishment of the Resooliy State (A. H. 626-858)
which had achieved economic and scientific prosperity in
various fields of knowledge. Its sultans had participated in
building schools, purchasing books, summoning of scientists,
presenting gifts, and encouraging scientific journeys in and out
of Yemen. Therefore, studies had thrived and authorship
widened, and there appeared not a few number of scientists..

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
إيقــاع النفـــس الشـــاعـرة في شعر الشاعر الصّقلي علي بن عبد الرحمن البلـَّنوبي
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درست الباحثة البنية الإيقاعية عند الشاعر الصقلي

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