Turkey came back to the Middle East hardly after long disappearance
throughout its moderate regional policy, which put its in the middle of the
events it reverse its place throughout the regional references in the region,
the way of coming back was too difficult and hard, the internal Turkish
troubles and inhibitors coming together with the maintenance bonds that
forms great complex barrier.
But the great Turkish foreign policy represented by the foreign minister
Ahmed David Oghlu, can successfully pass these problems and as a result it
withdraw turkey both geographical and political to its neighbor after long
period of disappear, it new regional policies cancel the old impressions that
was still in the mind of the other, especially the old impression that said that
either going east or west, this is the old idea in the past that said if you want
to go to Europe or west this will delay the bonds or bridge formation with the
east. But now Turkish policy leaves the old policies by educational and
intellectual way based on political imagination and ambitious thinking doesn’t
know the impossible.
It relay all of that on actual bases reflect deep consciousness in the
composition of the region, it achieve its valuable position throughout its
regional balance and policies. It seems from the first impression there is
certain interaction on its aim for making relationship between the middle east
and European union, it’s in correct impression for many reasons, one from
most important reason because of the new Turkish policies that make it
acceptable from many countries from the world and among the world so
throughout the Turkish role in the middle east it give insurance to the Europe
that it may play the same role in the solving of the middle east troubles this
will keep the advantage of the Europe within the region. This will lead that
turkey play a central role between the Middle East and Europe, but the
reduction of the Turkish foreign policy by choosing between either west or
east policy this will make turkey go back to the old historical era, that make it
lose its new varieties and sedation.
Turkish new policy achieve many success not only just in the security
but it achieve new ideological content in contrast to some of the radicals in
the past era who refuse the Islamic ottoman history, the justice and
development party take its idea and policy from Islamic history of turkey. In
spite of that Ankara don’t leave the idea for joining the European Union. In
addition to that turkey on of the most developed country in the middle east it
has affective and modern democratic regime in the region, and productive economy and it discover new balance between the religion and secular so
that the security aspect of the middle east will accept and support turkey, it
support its goal in control as a big country developed both industrially and
civilization ally.
إن موضوع الشرق الأوسط بشكل عام اتخذ أهمية كبيرة في الكتابات والمؤلفات التي صدرت منذ بداية النصف الأول من عقد التسعينات من القرن المنصرم مع بدايات مشاريع السلام التي أعقبت انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي وتغير الخارطة السياسية والاقتصادية والايديولوجية للعالم .وعلى الرغم ان المصطلح ليس بجديد الا ان تعابير المصطلح وددلالاته تتغير مع تغير موازين القوى واتجاهات المصالح. إذ انتقل من مصطلح جغرافي الى
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Large – Almusseiyab soils survey project in mid Mesopotamian plain have
been chosen , because of its variation in soil series and reiteration map units, to
calculate the roundness of map units and roundness sorting values, in order to use
them as a pattern of map units shapes which help in interpret the distribution and
shapes of map units, which they were (18) soil series in (141) reiteration. Calculate
each map units roundness have been done and its value ranged between (0.09) to
(0.51), The average of roundness ranged between (0.250) for each MM1, MW5
soil series ,and (0.317) for DW45 . 99.30 % of samples were not good roundness
and with many sineuosity. The second group was a largest percentage 38.88 % with<
Water samples were collected from output of water for Al-Wahda plant where located in al-karrada area in Baghdad city to study water contamination with bacteria, fungi and Algae. The study lasted one year started on August, 2016 to July,2017.Results were acquired according to two tests performed, the first is biological test included total coliform,E.coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, total fungi, Diatom and non Diatom Algae and the second is physiochemical test included temperature, turbidity and residual chlorine. The results of bacteria were within the permitted specification in the Iraqi standards no. 14/2270 for the year 2015 except August was exceeded the permitted standard for total coliform, it was 1.1< cell/100 ml.Total Fungi, Dia
... Show MoreAcademic libraries characterized from other libraries in the groups of literacy acquired, and
ways to retrieve this information, where it is supposed supply of various combinations of traditional
sources, electronic information, such as books and references, maps and indexes, CD-ROMs and
service-line and so on, via electronic mediator or via the Internet instead of the mediator paper. The
digital technology has changed the way you work by academic libraries, where confined to the
primary mission of these libraries to provide prompt services to the needs of researchers, professors
and students, and the provision of reading different materials, including electronic sources that
support the curriculum and research in el
I've led an end to the Palestinian presence in the Jordan to the occurrence of a major fault line in relations between Jordan and the Palestinian on the levels of all , and as a result sought King Hussein and the initiative of the U.S. to heal the rift that solution between Jordanians , Palestinians, and the regulation of relations between the two parties announced in March 1972 for the project and unitary featuring Jordan and Palestine in the Arab kingdom united with the two countries , but that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian resistance factions rejected by asserting that it is has the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people and no one else , and rejected by the Arab states and ( Israel ) , and l
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... Show MoreCharacterized the Middle East has geographic, economic, and geostrategic peculiarities, but it suffers from many problems, such as disagreement over what it means as a concept, or what it represents of a geographic extension. The question is related to the ambiguity surrounding the concept of the Middle East? The purpose of its launch? As it relates to its geostrategic, economic, and geo-cultural importance? And manifestations of this importance? And to what extent he retained his value in the strategies of the major powers? Research hypotheses:
-The multiplicity of concepts for the Middle East region, with international political and Geostrategic interests.- The geostrategic value of the Middle East has made it a focal point for
... Show MoreNous tenterons dans ce travail de proposer une des lectures possibles de
l’oeuvre camusienne, en l’occurrence La peste. Il s’agit, pour nous, de lire ce roman
sur une portée idéologique. Et ce qui justifie notre tentative, c’est Camus lui-même
qui voudrait qu’on lise son roman " sur plusieurs portées " lorsqu’il déclare : « La
peste, dont j’ai voulu qu’elle se lise sur plusieurs portées, a cependant comme
contenu évident la lutte de la résistance européenne contre le Nazisme»1.
1 .CAMUS (Albert),"Lettre à Roland Barthes sur La peste", L’oeuvre complète, Vol.I, La Pléiade, Ed.Gallimard,
Paris, 1965. p. 1928.
Parmi toute l’oeuvre camusienne, nous choisissons La peste parce qu’elle
This research focuses on the contemporary geostrategic transformations that afflicted the countries of the Middle East, with a focus on the countries of the Arab East, after the collapse of the system of international relations, and the emergence of the unipolar system led by the United States of America. After the events of September 11 and the events that followed, especially the occupation of Iraq in 2003, the study area witnessed a group of geopolitical variables and the emergence of dangerous phenomena that threatened the state structure in the countries of the Middle East; the most notably are the phenomenon of terrorism, cross-border armed groups, sectarian polarization, the phenomenon of migration and the internal and the externa
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