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Ability to solve the problems of high orders for students of University

It is known that life is as series of variety of difficult problems that individual looks
forward to overcome so as to achieve adaptation and to reach the desired aims .The transition
of the students from the school stage to the stage of the university is actually regarded a
dramatic change where students face when they enter university life that differs from what
they lived in secondary school.
The executive functions are considered the main element that participate in solving the
problems of high orders , because it involves the mental abilities that assist individual to
think and initiative as well as solving problems .
These functions include operational planning and the activated memory and inhibition of
quality impulsivity.
The researcher has seriously dealt with the problem by passing with the initial university
study phase .
It's worthy to say that she has faced many changes and difficulties which are related to
cognitive processes and planning to accomplish new tasks that have become claim towards
As well as , at the transition phase from the primary school to the postgraduate studies.The importance of current research is based on the significance of the variable which is
taken , as the ability to solve the problems of high orders that will facilitate for individual
the performance of positive social behavior and the interaction with others.
The researcher also , according to her own knowledge , doesn't find any Arab study or Iraqi
one that has dealt with the variable of ability to solveproblems of high orders , that matter
adds to the current research originality and importance in opening up new prospects for the
future studies . The research has to achieve the following goal :-
Knowing and measuring the ability to solve the problems of high orders of the university
The application of the Tower of London test was done on a sample consisting of 200 students
from the University of Baghdad - Jadiriya complex students, and after using appropriate
statistical methods . Results have concluded that university students have the ability to solve
the problems of high orders .

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