Labor movement is considered important in Britain because it is an international phenomenon of the feudal system and one of the flowerings of the era of the capitalist machine. At the beginning of the 18th century, the world witnessed a change and progress in many aspects of the industrial fields such as the different means of production .this era is called the industrial revolution which especially appeared in Britain and extended to other areas of the world .it leads to many changes in Europe and participated in different economic, political and cultural and social fields. and it has a very important role in progress and development but its disadvantage is that it is exploited by the capitalists to achieve their special rights .in other words ,it enables them to have power over the labors who have suffered poverty ,destitution and unemployment .as a result ,many thinkers ,intellectuals and labor leaders appear to form unions and associations that help to call for the labors right and deliver their voices to the highest levels under the name of " a trade union " .these unions ,associations and trade union are able to work as "a committee to represent workers " .it continues to do political work till it is able to reach the parliament and constitutes an independent party called "workers party " for the labor class in order to continue work for the sake of improving the conditions of the labors.
خضعت المحاسبة الإدارية إلى هيمنة المحاسبة المالية عليها اثر ظهور القوائم المالية المدققة في بدايات القرن الماضي الناتجة من ظهور المنظمات المنظمة للمهنة وما رافق من إلزام الشركات بإعداد التقارير المالية من الحسابات المالية وفقاً للمبادئ المحاسبية المقبولة قبولاً عاماً والتي أثرت في قيمة المعلومات المقدمة من قبل المحاسبة الإدارية مما أدى إلى إن تصبح تلك المعلومات غير ملائمة للاستخدام الإداري وهو ما ا
... Show MoreThe Ant System Algorithm (ASA) is a member of the ant colony algorithms family in swarm intelligence methods (part of the Artificial Intelligence field), which is based on the behavior of ants seeking a path and a source of food in their colonies. The aim of This algorithm is to search for an optimal solution for Combinational Optimization Problems (COP) for which is extremely difficult to find solution using the classical methods like linear and non-linear programming methods.
The Ant System Algorithm was used in the management of water resources field in Iraq, specifically for Haditha dam which is one of the most important dams in Iraq. The target is to find out an efficient management system for
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معيار القصديَّة في النص هو من الدراسات الحديثة المتطورة من لسانيات الجملة الى لسانيات النص ، وتحليل الخطاب . والذي يعنى بالطرق والأدوات التي يستغلها المؤلف لتحقيق الغايات المقصديَّة
وهذا البحث ناقش مفهوم(القصديَّة) لغةً ،واصطلاحاً . فاللغة والكلام شكل من أشكال الوجود الإنساني و( الكلام) هو وسيلة التواصل بين الملقي القارئ ، والمتلقي السامع ؛ وللتوصل الى الدلالة القصديَّة الدقيقة للغة المنطوقة وا
... Show MoreFind aimed to reveal the teaching practices of the teaching faculties of education departments of the University of Baghdad in the light of the motives of learning from the perspective of students . Researcher selected the research community in a deliberate humanitarian sections of students and faculties of education for girls and IbnRushd . Ed reached basic research sample ( 400 ) students were numbers search tool questionnaire , and included (30) paragraph . In processors statistical data , use the weighted average and the weight percentile , results have shown that it is more paragraphs which received wide acceptance from the viewpoint of students ( do not make fun of the students' answers wrong but corrects and discussed with them )
... Show MoreThe Ayyub era witnessed a popular for science, knowledge and became the Ayyub state in its various regions a scientific beacon، despite their preoccupation with wars with the Crusaders now that did not discourage them from their care for science and scientists، and this scientific renaissance had many factors، foremost of which are the tendencies of the sultans and Ayyub kings to pay attention to science and its care، through their establishment of the role of science
The weak and strong forms are so called because it is not their lexical content that primary matter, but the role they have in the sentence. The problematic confusion, our students encounter, in recognizing and producing the correct pronunciation of weak and strong forms of the English function words is the main incentive behind conducting this study. In order to gather the data, this paper used two types of tests: a recognition test and a production test. The general results reached through the analysis of the students' answers seem to conform to the researcher's assumption: students face a critical problem in recognizing and producing correct pronunciation of the weak and strong forms of the English funct
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Abstract The means of self-determination have their peaceful and non-peaceful dimensions and are united(peaceful and non-peaceful) by international consensus adopted by international conventions and instruments. This has given it various dimensions at the applied level, especially in the light of the contemporary international developments witnessed by the world represented by a number of complete and incomplete implementation models that have nothing to do with the theory of truth Self-determination associated with the liberation of peoples from colonial domination or the liberation of oppressed nationalities