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Places between vanishing and appearing compass and sense in the Iraqi Kurdish poetry translator
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Longer Kurdish poetry translator important tributary of the tributaries of the Iraqi culture contemporary , and a wealth of knowledge rich experiences of an important segment of the Iraqi people , nicked culturally with the languages and cultures of the neighboring nations have , however, much of this potery under depends on the effect of the Arab form and complex , but suffered marginalization and loss as a result of repression by the governments of the country by successive throughout history , and tried to search that offers a vision on the theme of the place and its implications in the Kurdish poetry translator, through the election of a collection of poems and chisels, vertical than that of quantum poetic enormous , but thenature of the trends of this hair impact in addressing the issue of the place or used as a tool technical component , or a theme , or memory , or a picture , or a symbol vanishing l stage in traditional Kurdish poetry , and began in vanishing stage in modern poetry in different movements and trends , experiences and functional capillary we shorting findings Find it in the following :
1. Place in the faded Iraqi Kurdish poetry translator in its traditional , especially in Sufi poetry , because it relates to the themes of divinity and worship and autism , which was louder on the place .
2. Is a major theme in the place of Iraqi Kurdish poetry translator, as it was clearly shown to conscience and stationed in Kurdish , as well as the persistence of memory and described in texts and stories .
3. Use the Kurdish poetry place aesthetic dimension and the basis for the formation of the glamorous image that employed the imagination and the capacity to take advantage of the nature of the Kurdistan beautiful spring and winter.
4. Place as regards the subject of identity and an element of excellence historical, social, and cultural.
5. The place was in most Kurdish poetry translator equivalent substantive political issue related to human beings and the existence and dignity and freedom , it has been described the loss of the place, or search for him , is in search of a home or for self or for freedom.
6. Place and alienation is capules among the expatriate Kurdish poetry , Tdmanma connotations of nostalgia and longing and desire to return to the embrace of the beloved .
7. Employed Kurdish poeryt place a symbol creative , and invested historical knowledge in Mesopotamia ; Because of the Kurdish people is about the first configuration to that civilization , and through the ages successive , as well as the use of symbols linked to the place to indicate the identity of the place , including ( burne ) and ( Walnut ) .
8. Income place in the context of attempts to experimentation in the movement of Kurdish poetry , for example the formation of the poem mock Eiffel Tower and Erbil.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 16 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الإمام الكاظم
الوعي بالمسؤوليةً البيئيـة عنـد طلبـة الكيـمياء فـي كــلية التـربية للعلـوم الصـرفة – أبن الهيثم في العراق
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 1999
Journal Name
مجلة الاستاذ للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
اخلاقيات مهنة العاملين في المكتبات المركزية الجامعة بغداد والمستنصرية والتكنولوجية من وجهه نظر المستفيدين منها.
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يهدف البحث إلى معرفة ما هيه اخلاقيات مهنة العاملين في المكتبات وتحديث متطلباتهم الضرورية من المهنة لكي يسمو بأخلاقياتها ، وهل هذه الاخلاقيات متوافرة في العاملين في مكتباتنا الجامعية ضمن حدود الدراسة ؟ ومن ادوات جمع البيانات : استمارة بالاخلاقيات وزعت على مجموعة من الاساتذة و استبانة وزعت على من المكتبات الجامعية . وكان مجتمع الدراسة العاملون في المكتبات المركزية الأولى والثانية لجامعة بغداد والمكتبة المرك

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الجامعة العراقية
المكتبة الاسلامية الرقمية مشروع صناعة مكتبة رقمية للطالب في قسم علوم القران الكريم والتربية الإسلامية
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تهدف الورقة البحثية الى اعداد مشروع لصناعة مكتبة رقمية للطالب في قسم علوم القران الكريم والتربية االسالمية في كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم االنسانية / جامعة بغداد ، اعدت الباحثة استمارة نموذج كوكل تضمنت مجموعة من االسئلة الغرض منها تحديد المؤلفات االساسية التي يحتاجها طالب العلوم االسالمية في دراساته وابحاثه ،واعتمدت الباحثة على المنهج الوصفي اسلوب المسح لجمع البيانات ، ووزعت االستمارة عبر الصفوف االلكترو

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Intervention Program on Nurses' Practices concerning Diet Instructions for Orthopedic Patients treated by Internal Fixation Devices
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Objective(s): To determine the interventional program effectiveness on nurses' practices concerning diet instructions for orthopedic patients treated by internal fixation devices.

Methodology: A quantitative approach using prexperimental design is conducted to determine the effectiveness of an interventional program on nurses’ practices regarding orthopedic patients diet instruction and teaching after internal fixation implemented. The study has started from 1st of April 2022 and ended on 15th of December, 2022. The conduction of the study in Misan governorate  / Al-Zaharawy surgical hospital. A non-probability, purpo

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر استراتيجية التدريس التبادلي في اكتساب مهارة قراءة الخريطة الجغرافية لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الأدبي
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The aim of this study is to find out the effect of reciprocal teaching   on the fifth literary class pupils in acquiring the skill of geographic map reading. The researcher uses the partial experimental design/pre- post-test for two equivalent control and experimental groups.

   The population of the study is represented by the fifth literary class pupils at a school of the Directorate of Education /Baghdad Karkh second. The sample is selected randomly as section (A) the experimental group and section (C) the control group. The sample total number is (60) pupils, (30) pupils for each group. The two groups are equalized in the following variables: IQ, age and the pupils’ previous geog

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Irak Türk ağızları Azeri Türkçesinin bir uzantısı olarak değerlendirilir.Kerkük Türkçesiyle yazılan edebi ürünler, Irak Türkçesinin tamamını ifade etmek üzere kullanılmaktadır. Zamanın Eli divanı Kerkük Türkçesile yazılan bir eserdir. Bu yüzden bu divanı seçtik ve Irak Türkmen Türkçesi , Osmanlı Türkçesi ve Türkiye Türkçesi dilleri arasında  karşılaştırmalı bir inceleme yaptık.

Bu araştırma, Irak Türkmen şairlerinden birisi  sayılan  Es’at Naib’in  şiirleri üzerinde uygulamalı bir çalışmadanoluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada adı geçen şairin “Zamanın Eli” Divanından bazışiirlerini önce yeni Türkçeye çevirdik vedaha sonra isim ç

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر أستراتيجية الملخصات القبلية على التحصيل والاستبقاء لدى طالبات الصف الثاني متوسط في مادة التاريخ
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Research problem: the problem of the current research can determine the dimensions of answering the following question - What is the impact of the use strategy summaries tribal collection and retention in the second grade students in the middle of history?
The importance of research: In order to achieve the desired education and access to educational goals required, and to address all the challenges facing the educational process, so you may need to use methods and different educational methods in the teaching of social history, particularly, of those methods and modalities to adopt strategies tribal in teaching, has chosen researcher summaries tribal style, which is one of the strategies of goo

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تقويم جودة مهارات التدريس لدى مدرسي الرياضيات في المرحلة الإعدادية الفرع العلمي من وجهة نظرهم
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   Research aims at evaluating the quality of the teaching skills of math teachers in junior high / scientific branch  from their point of view.

The researchers prepared for this purpose a quality of teaching skills standards questionnaire, It consisted of 72 items distributed on four axis, The research sample was 200 teachers The researchers used statistical methods: the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, variance test, test Shiva  , The results showed a statistically significance difference Attributed to the qualification  variable  in the second  axis (Planning for teaching topics) And the absence of statistical difference function,

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
إيجاد الحل المقبول (الممكن) والأمثل لأنموذج البرمجة الخطية في ظل عدم تحقق شرطّي الإمكانية والأمثلية
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تعد البرمجة الخطية عاملاً مؤثراً وفعالاً في عملية صنع و إتخاذ القرار عندما تكون الموارد متاحة أو متوفرة لكي تعطي أهدافاً معينة ، وتكمن البرمجة الخطية في حل وتقييم الانشطة أو الفعاليات عند تطبيق إحدى أدواتها وهي الطريقة المبسطة العامة ، التي يكون فيها الحل مقبولاً (ممكناً) ويجب التوصل الى الحل الامثل عندها تسمى بالطريقة المبسطة الاولية أو يكون الحل فيها أمثلاً ويجب التوصل الى الحل الم

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الكفاءة الانتاجية الداخلية الكمية في كليات الطب – جامعة بغداد (بحث مستل عن رسالة الماجستير الموسومة )
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The research aims at the following:

- Identifying the level of internal quantity efficiency in Medical colleges, University of Baghdad by determining the level of productivity for one group for the total batch according to sex variable (males and females). Procedures of the study

The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method has been used by following them up enhanced by flow indicators of students for one session  depending on   special statistical data  analyss .

The results are as follows:

 - The Faculty of Medicine were higher productivity scholarships for one year and two years of schooling, as well as the highest in the efficiency of the Faculty o

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