Longer Kurdish poetry translator important tributary of the tributaries of the Iraqi culture contemporary , and a wealth of knowledge rich experiences of an important segment of the Iraqi people , nicked culturally with the languages and cultures of the neighboring nations have , however, much of this potery under depends on the effect of the Arab form and complex , but suffered marginalization and loss as a result of repression by the governments of the country by successive throughout history , and tried to search that offers a vision on the theme of the place and its implications in the Kurdish poetry translator, through the election of a collection of poems and chisels, vertical than that of quantum poetic enormous , but thenature of the trends of this hair impact in addressing the issue of the place or used as a tool technical component , or a theme , or memory , or a picture , or a symbol vanishing l stage in traditional Kurdish poetry , and began in vanishing stage in modern poetry in different movements and trends , experiences and functional capillary we shorting findings Find it in the following :
1. Place in the faded Iraqi Kurdish poetry translator in its traditional , especially in Sufi poetry , because it relates to the themes of divinity and worship and autism , which was louder on the place .
2. Is a major theme in the place of Iraqi Kurdish poetry translator, as it was clearly shown to conscience and stationed in Kurdish , as well as the persistence of memory and described in texts and stories .
3. Use the Kurdish poetry place aesthetic dimension and the basis for the formation of the glamorous image that employed the imagination and the capacity to take advantage of the nature of the Kurdistan beautiful spring and winter.
4. Place as regards the subject of identity and an element of excellence historical, social, and cultural.
5. The place was in most Kurdish poetry translator equivalent substantive political issue related to human beings and the existence and dignity and freedom , it has been described the loss of the place, or search for him , is in search of a home or for self or for freedom.
6. Place and alienation is capules among the expatriate Kurdish poetry , Tdmanma connotations of nostalgia and longing and desire to return to the embrace of the beloved .
7. Employed Kurdish poeryt place a symbol creative , and invested historical knowledge in Mesopotamia ; Because of the Kurdish people is about the first configuration to that civilization , and through the ages successive , as well as the use of symbols linked to the place to indicate the identity of the place , including ( burne ) and ( Walnut ) .
8. Income place in the context of attempts to experimentation in the movement of Kurdish poetry , for example the formation of the poem mock Eiffel Tower and Erbil.
It is axiomatical that the narrative prospective is profoundly significant to the writer who intends to commence his sketch of projected novel. It is the pillar of comprehensive absorbing as the writer should commit himself to circular his own concepts to the reader of his narrative characters.
The dilemma of plot-perception is a twofold aspect; partly offers the question: what is the authors stand in regard to his characters? And: what is the aim of this theme? These correlative questions are inseparable since the reader who wishes
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LeMauger Bleu est une méthode emblématique de l’enseignement traditionnel, qui présente une littérature française riche et patrimoniale, et dont l’objectif est de faciliter l’accès au texte par le vocabulaire et la grammaire et d’étendre la culture générale et littéraire de l’apprenant. La démarche (traditionnelle) est toujours la même : le texte, le vocabulaire et la grammaire, la traduct
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Asil adi Mahmeut olup mashlasi “ Hicrî “ dir . Ihvânî “ zümresine intisabi dolayısiyle “ Dede “ Lakabiyle anılır . Takriben H. 1297 yılında Kerkük ‘ te doğmuş . Babası H. 1305 Senesinde vefat eden Molla Ali Efendi ‘ dir .
Dedesi Nazîrî dede ise zamanmin ileri gelen şâirlerinden olup kayser adli bir oğludur . (1)
Diğer bir kaynağa gore “ Hicrî Dede H. 1295 yılında Kerkük ‘te doğamuştur . Tanınmış şâir Nazîrî Dede ‘ nin torunudur . Babası Molla Ali Efendidir” . (2)
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The present study deals with the social work and the social problems which
the Elderly who lives in the house of special needs suffer from . this study aims to
shed light to the most important social problems which they suffer from inside and
show their relationship and interaet with each ofher and what we can see about that
intereact either negative or positive relationship . Its scientific importance include
adding a new study in the field of take care of the Elderly . and that will enrich the
scientific field with agood knowledge . Becouse the studies in this part was little ,
but the scientific and practical importance of this study presents by the results and
specify of the important problems . In addition to
مشكلة البحث
ان التصميم هو توالد افكار عدت اساس له حيث انها اشياء لها معنى لامور اقتضت الايعاز باعداد هذه التصاميم، اما المصمم فهو الشخص الملم بمباديء واسس التصميم من اجل تنفيذ هذه الافكار بطرق علمية مدروسة، الا ان هناك سؤالا يطرح هل بالامكان لاي شخص ان يرسم فكرة تصميمية؟
الجواب هو نعم فالتصميم ليس مقتصرا على المصمم فحسب بل ان باستطاعة أي شخص ان يعبر عن ما بداخله من افكار سواء ك
... Show MoreThis study aimed to investigate the relationship between narcissistic
personality and altruistic behavior for a subject of (307) gifted high schools
students, including (139)male and (168) female students ,both the scale of
narcissistic personality and the scale of altruistic behavior (Hameed ,2002) were
checked for its validity and reliability ,and both the level of narcissism and the
level of altruism for the students were measured in compare to the medium average
and approved to be statistically significant at (0.05) level.
Results showed that there were no significant differences in the altruistic
behavior between males and females ,results showed significant differences in
narcissism levels between males a
Cette recherche étudie les structures composant Barbara, un poème de Jacques Prévert pour mettre en valeur la particularité de ce langage. Nous avons d'abord, dissocié ces structures, en : structure thématique, actancielle, syntaxico-énonciative, sémantique, formelle et finalement spacio-temporelle en vue de les analyser minutieusement. Le poète a adopté pour les thèmes : souvenir, nostalgie et guerre, un langage simple et une syntaxe incomplexe. L'usage du lexique et des figures de style célèbrent ces thèmes. La forme, la versification et la sonorité approfondissent ces images et renforcent ce langage. Ce poème dépend des phrases simples et variées : affirmative, interrogative, exclamative qui s'orientent vers des acte
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