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Determination Of Sedimentary Environment Of Al-koot-Betera Project Soils From South- Mesopotamia Plain
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Soils at Al-Koot-Btera were choosen to determine their sedimentary
environments. It is found that there are , five soil series and as mentioned :
MF11-MW9-DM97-DM57-DF95 . The five found soil series are of internal
well drained ,moderate and imperfect. Their textures vary in moderately,fine
and moderately fine.
indicating that sediments rang from poorly to very poorly sorting. Values of median
diameter Md Ø range between 4.11-7.80 Ø .The relation between the sorting
and median diameter shows that 95.24% of samples is a sedimentary
environment of aquite river , while 4.76% is aeolian sediments.
The values of meso to platy kurtic of most horizon materials rang
between 0.67-1.26 Ø .That is to say the samples were exposed to the same
sediment environment , and that only 4.76% of the whole samples with lepto
kurtic was exposed to different sediment environments.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The geomorphological associated of Sebkha in the Mesopotamia- plain of Iraq
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The Sebkha of geomorphological aspects of evaporative where climate leads active role, which forms part of the earth's surface in the form of Iraqi Mesopotamia plain who of the most fertile land, and because of natural factors and human Common turned most of the arable land to the territory of Sebkha. It was to determine the exact geomorphological associated of Sebkha formats by field work such as: Alnbaka, lakes, salt flats, and other forms of Small is: bridges salt, mud cracks, salt ponds, Rectangles and polygons salt, Sahaf salt, salt domes, salt gravel, bumps saline (salt points), Ash salt, salt bows, in detail and accurately documented Terrestrial Photogrammetry field and were compared to the levels and standards varieties have been

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Effect of sedimentary source on the properties of sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals in some soils of the alluvial plain
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This study was conducted on the effect of the sedimentary source (the sediments coming from both the Iraqi-Iranian borderline and the Tigris river) on the optical and textural features, especially sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals (potassium and plagioclase types) in soils of the southern part of the alluvial plain. Eight pedons were selected to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galati), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni), the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi was represented the mixing area of sediments of all the floods coming from the borderline and the sediments o

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 1995
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للاحياء المجهرية
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ABSTRACT Fifty extremely halophilic bacteria were isolated from local high salient soils named Al-Massab Al-Aam in south of iraq and were identified by using numerical taxonomy. Fourty strains were belong to the genus Halobacterium which included Hb. halobium (10%). Hb. salinarium (12.5%), Hb.cutirubrum (17.5%), Hb-saccharovorum (12.5%), Hb. valismortis (10%) and Hb. volcanii (37.5%). Growth curves were determined. Generation time (hr) in complex media and logarithmic phase were measured and found to be 10.37±0.59 for Hb. salinarium. 6.49 ± 0.24 for Hb.cutirubrum. 6.70±0.48 for Hb-valismonis, and 11.24 ± 0.96 for Hb. volcanii

Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study the distribution of Fungi and Bacteria in AL- Yusifia River– South of Baghdad City.: Study the distribution of Fungi and Bacteria in AL- Yusifia River– South of Baghdad City.
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Al-Yusifia river was assessed at three sampling stations with study period from Autumn 2010 to the end of Summer 2011. The present investigation was carried out on diversity of fungi and bacteria from Al-Yusifia river, Baghdad city. During the study, a total of 12 fungal genus and 6 bacterial genus were isolated during the year seasons. The dominant fungus at the three stations were Penicillium sp., then Rhizopus and Trichophyton   megninii while the dominant bacteria was Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp.

            The higher

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Profiles and Geotechnical Properties for some Basra Soils
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Basra province is known for its logistic location for trading activity and oil industry. By geological point of view, Basra areas are believed to consist mainly of alternation of (clay, silty clay, clayey silt, silt and sand) type of soil. Any development of industry in this area should be affected by the occurrence of the clay soil. That is why the investigation to the soil is more than necessary. In this case, a vast testing program was carried out by the author to evaluate the various formations constituting the of some Basra soils. An attempt to characterize and discuss the nature, minerals, engineering behavior and field properties of soil samples extracted from more than one thousand and one

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Defining the Feature of Cold Wave (Al-Marba'aniyah) in Iraq: Defining the Feature of Cold Wave (Al-Marba'aniyah) in Iraq
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Al-Marba'aniyah, which is a long cold wave, was defined by ancient
Iraqis. It represents the coldest days in Iraq. In this research paper, a new
scale was put to define it. It shows that the period between the minimum
temperature degree recoded in December and the minimum temperature
degree recorded in January is considered to be the period of Al-Marba'aniyah.
The research concluded that Al-Marba'aniyah is unsteady and it changes in
the days of its occurrence. It was also concluded that the dates of the
beginning and the end of Al-Marba'aniyah are unsteady, too. Moreover, it was
found out that each of the Siberian high, European high, and finally the
subtropical high are the responsible systems for

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Real estate acquisition barrier and its impact on urban development projects" Study Area: Infrastructure project in the capital Baghdad (North East Sewage Line project AL khansaa)
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The increase the rates of natural growth, urbanization and continuous migration, this has generated constant pressure and, as a result, the capital city of Baghdad faces a number of challenges related to its urban environment, including the challenge of acquiring real estate.


 and this research examines the impact of these holdings, representing the main base from which the various projects originate Urban in all areas (economic, social, and recreational).


this leads us to the research problem of the obstacles that arise during the process of acquiring real estate to carry out development projects, and to achieve the objectives of research, namely (work to create a regulatory methodology

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Enhancement of the South Baghdad Thermal Station
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Aim of the research is the study of improving the performance of the thermal station south Baghdad and the main reasons for reduced its efficiency. South Baghdad power planet comprises (6) steam turbine units and (18) gas turbine units .The gas turbine units are composed of two groups: the first group is made up of gas units (1,2), each of capacity (123) MW. The design efficiency of gas turbine units is 32%. The actual efficiency data of steam units is 18.3% instead of 45% which is the design efficiency. The main reason for efficiency reduction of gas units is the rejected thermal energy with the exhaust gases to atmosphere, that are (450-510) ℃.The bad type of fuel used (heavy) fuel. Another reason for the low efficiency and has a neg

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Laboratory Study for Biodegradation of Oxymatrine Insecticide by Single and Mixed Cultures of Fungi Isolated from Agriculture Soils in Basrah Governorate, Iraq
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This study focuses on the biodegradation of oxymatrine insecticide by some soil fungi isolated from four agriculture stations. The results showed that the highest degradation rate 94.66% was recorded by Ulocladium sp. at 10 days and A. niger recorded the lowest degradation rate 45.86%, while at 20 days Ulocladium sp. also showed the highest degradation rate 94.98% and the lowest degradation rate reached to 82.49% with A.niger. The mix (Exerohilum sp.+Ulocladium sp.) recorded the highest degradation rate of oxymatrine insecticide 90.22%, 88.51%, 85.34%  at 4, 8 and 12 ppm.The use of mixed isolates enhanced the biodegradation process. There is no study of oxymatrine biodegradation

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Potential Role of Soil Bacteria as an Indicator of Heavy Metal Pollution in Southern, Iraq
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       The present study was performed to spotlight the potential role of soil bacteria in the Al-Rumaila oil field as a bioindicator of heavy metals pollution. For this purpose, nine soil samples were collected from different sites, with 20cm depth, to assess the pollution status depending on the total and available concentrations of heavy metals.  The result indicates pollution of the studied soils with the following metals: Cd, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Pb. The mean of total concentration for all studied metals was higher than the allowed maximum limit based on the international limit:(3.394, 3.994, 39.993, 8844.979,150.372, and 103.347 µg/g), respectively. While measuring the total Metal concentration is important in determining the de

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