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The role of the Arab tribe Rabi’a in the Umayyad period: The role of the Arab tribe Rabi’a in the Umayyad period

This tribe had lived in Iraq since the first century A.D. Persia tried to
keep this tribe away from Iraq, but without result. The tribe managed to get
victory against Persia in the battle of Dhyqar.
When the Muslims had come to conquer Iraq, Rabi’a welcomed them
and takes part in that action.
That tribe helped the caliph Ali in the Jammal and Sifffen wars in order
to remain Iraq the center of the Islamic caliphates this tribe had felt very sad
and sorrowful when the caliphate become to the Umayyad . This tribe did not
give up, so this tribe did what could be done to help those who had revolted
against the Umayyad. Rabi’a did that in order to get ride of the Mudriat alsham,
and favored Rabi’a side against them. That made Abid al-Malik tries to
weaken Rabi’a, so he immigrated her alliance the Azdiate to Mosule where his
brother was governor of the Jazira.
Some parts of Rabi’a were Khawarij, but they did not believe in the
ideology of them. They did that in order to get ride of the Mudhariyat al-sham,
who were acused that they were the responsible of killing the prophet family.
Generally, Rabi’a had resisted the Umayyad caliphate because the
caliphate got close to Mudhariate al-sham and kept Rabi’a away, beside that

the Umayyad caliphate gave the Mudhariate and Yamaniyyat al-sham, the
privileges that made their control on Iraq, the central of Rabi’a tribes.
Basra and Kufa were the importance centers of Rabi’a those two centers
had the top of the difference between the two alliances, Rabi’a’ and Azid on
one side and Tamim, Quis on other side.
It was noted that some of the Rabi’a who were among the Arbaa or
Akhmas of Kufa and Basra, were beside the Umayyad caliphate in the natural
circumstances. But when the caliphate become weak, these tribes helped
Rabi’a against the Umayyad caliphate

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