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A solution to the Lifely Disobedience and its Effect to Stop Divorce
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Allah legislated marriage and made it dwelling, fellowship and mercy between
the two couples, Prophet Moh'd (peace of Allah and blessing be upon him) ordered a
husband to look after his wife, treat her with full charity and make love with here
every kindly. On the other hand, he ordered a wife to obey her husband and respect
him deeply, nevertheless, some obstacles may sometimes be appeared within the life
of their marriage, this may be caused by either a husband or a wife. This problem is
called lifely disobedience (AL-Noshooz).
In the other words, this means that a wife begins to hate her husband, refuse his orders
and not obey him.
In brief, they hate each other which leads to some marks appear in their
manners and bahaviours, for example, a wife refuses her husband's requests, orders
and commands and so does the husband, he begins to leave her in bed and ignore her
in treatment. The researcher explained a solution to the problem of disobedience after
he had mentioned the types of it that might be appeared in the manners or behaviours
of both a wife or a husband. This clear solution comes from the holy Quran, Prophet's
tradition (Hadith) and Muslim Scientists, points of view, the researcher also
mentioned how a husband may do towards manipulating this problem according to the
instructions of Holly Quran and the Islam teaching first, a husband is ordered to
advise his wife about the dangers of divorce and reminds her about Allah's
punishment in the day of judgment. Then the researcher mentioned the second step
which a husband may follow to avoid divorcing as ignoring her in bed.
This step seems to be more serious than the previous one. After the researcher
had explained everything about how to solve this problem in these previous steps
according to the Holy Quran, Prophets Traditions and Muslim Scientists gradually, He
mentioned the third step which is hitting the husband should avoid hitting his
disobedient wife on her face, sensitive areas and infront of people, hitting wives
shouldn't be more than ten flippings or whipping. The fourth step of solving the
problem of disobedience is judging. Two persons judged between the two couples
after hearing their complaints and the reason of this problem. One person belongs to a
husband's family and the other belongs to a wif's family or relatives.
Finally, the researcher mentioned the husband's lifely disobedience, it's
limitations, treatment, conclusion, and the most important results

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Formal Substitution in Logo Design: حاتم كاطع لكن حسن
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substitution is considered a method of meaning enrichment and is a formal substitution for the letter or the word inside the text, and it is an expression substitution that is a replacement of an element of a text with a formal or graphic element, and a substitution of a latter form by a previous vocalization, thus it results in a cohesive expression. Replacement inside the text happens through the existing relation between the word or the letter and the form within the phenomenon that is based on enhancing the meaning in a way that delimits the context. There are many studies and researches written about replacement, especially in the textual linguistics that focused on the literary and linguistic texts. Hence, the researcher found that

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
توظيف شخصيات التراث الديني في شعر أديب کمال الدين
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 Using religious characters which come from religion is a significant means that poets applied in their texts. The Iraqi poet Adib Kamal Aldin applied religious characters as an active means helping the theme of the text and playing a great role in expanding the meanings and their implications in the text. 

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
إسهامات علماء العرب والمسلمين القدامى في إثراء علوم الرياضات
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     Arab and Muslim scholars have made influential contributions to the development of mathematics by providing it with many achievements and inventions. This research presents the most important of these achievements and assistance in mathematics during the period of the Islamic Renaissance for different Arab and Muslim Scholars. One of the clearest and most prominent examples of these achievements is the establishment of the science of algebra and the discovery of zero and added to the numbers by the Muslim Scholar of Al-Khwarizmi, which facilitated the solution of many arithmetic problems and issues to this day.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Employed Knowledge Experience &Skills In Universal Designs Graphic Production
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The working of the some designer was recognize by the Production and introduction of the design which have special stemp and style determind by the experience and the Knowledge ability for the Designer which change the ordinaries shape to the develops shaps bening ideas and new meanings un known to the viewen make the design at high level of creative and the designer acquest experiennce and new skill in his way for the designs and the art march-out which clearly demonstrate on all the graphical work so the high research conserned on the knowledge and detect about the methods constructing of the ability and expernence for the graphic designer become it is decisive worker in effective or net effective the designers work and any consist whi

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Formal Diversity in Altasweed plates hand writing: أشرف كامل عبدالامير
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Targeted research to study variations formalism in the paintings of the scratch -linear , and through surveys carried out by the researcher , found and to his knowledge that the study did not address the researchers before, this researcher found rationale in the study of plates scratch and identify variations of design in it. , Which included the first chapter of the research problem in question the following: What morphological variations in the paintings of the scratch -linear ?In order to reach solutions to this problem and to achieve results so research aims to identify the characteristics of the scratch for paintings , and design fundamentals and relationships , which are identified by the researcher Balentajat completed in all of I

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Occupational Stress among Doctors Work in Governmental Hospitals
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The current research aims to identify the occupational stresses of doctors who are working in governmental hospitals according to the variables of gender and career ranking. The researcher adopted a scale to measure the occupational stress of (1088) doctors (561 males and 527 females) working in governmental hospitals. The results have shown that doctors have a high level of professional stress, but there is no significant difference between doctors in terms of gender. However, there were significant differences in favor of novice residents.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الكفاية في التعامل مع الضغوط لدى المراهقون العراقيين والجزائريين
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 This study tested the impact of region and gender on adolescents 'stress perceptions and coping styles. A total sample of 650 adolescents (5 9.4% female) from 2 countries (Iraq - Algeria). Samples of n = 325 were drawn from each country completed questionnaires on stress and coping behaviors in four domains (school, parents, peer, and future). Results revealed that levels of perceived stressfulness of issues in different domains were universally similar among adolescents from the two countries. School-related stress received the highest rankings, Parent- , future-, peer-related stress, ranked (second, third, and fourth) respectively. Differences emerged with respect to coping style depending on region and gender. Coping sty

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Nabi'nin şiirinin Türk edebiyatındaki şiirsel canlılığı
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Türklerin İslam dini ve kültürünü benimsedikten sonra,Anadolu'da Arap ve özellikle Fars Edebiyatlarını örnek alarak oluşturdukları yazılı edebiyattır. Bu dönemin şairleri(ozanları) şiirlerini divan adı verilen kitaplarda topladıkları için söz konusu edebiyata da Divan Edebiyatı denilmiştir.Özellikle,medreseden yetişen aydın sanatçı ve yazarların saray ve çevresinde oluşturdukları bir edebiyat geleneği olduğu için, Havas(Yüksek Zümre) edebiyatı,Saray edebiyatı, Klasik Türk edebiyatı gibi adlarla da anılmaktadır.Divan edebiyatı sözünün 1900'den sonra ortaya çıktığı sanılmakta ve ilk defa kimin kullandığı bilinmemektedir.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 06 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
منهج الشيخ الخراساني (ت 1329هـ) في كتابه كفاية الأصول
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After this tour with Alkhund Al-Khurasani and his book “Adequacy of Fundamentals,” we can highlight the results we have got through what we have reviewed in the research:

  • Al-Akhund Al-Khurasani was born and raised in a scientific environment that gave him from his childhood the opportunity to gain knowledge of achievement. Therefore, he left to seek knowledge from the beginning of his youth and toured the cities, then he went  to  Tehran and then  He went  to the holy city of Najaf, then left for Samarra, then returned to Najaf in order to work on the scholars and the student. 
  • Al Akhund al-Khorasani studied on several scholars , whether in Iraq or in Geran, and he

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Functional variables of responsive materials in product design
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The research discussed the topic of the functional role of responsive materials in being elements of a functional transformation in the design of industrial products, based on the study of the structures of smart materials and their performance capabilities at the level of action and self-reaction that characterize this type of materials.

Basic features of responsive materials have been identified to be elements of self-functional insertion into the industrial product design, which contributes to raising the efficiency and functional capacity of the industrial product and enhancing the ability of products to perform self-acting interactions in the structural structure of the material structure of the product and its ability to res

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