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The Importance of Effort and its Impact in Building the Society in the Light of the Holy Book and Sunna

The Importance of Effort and its Impact in Building the Society in the Light of
the Holy Book and Sunna.
Thank for God and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad, His hose hold and
This research is to refute a fault : that Islam as a religioncalls for laziness and
dependence and this in first, Second, to show the originality of the Islamic method in
building and construction.
This research Starts with an introduction in which I refer to the nature of the
Islamic method and its way of work in life: that it is a divine method that is achieved
by the effort of the people them selfves and not through a divine extraordinary power:
The research explains the shift in the peoples life who were addressed by this
Quran through the new concepts it presents.
This Holy Quran calls people to work fast, to forego and to compete; it gives
many examples that instigate people to work and it explains to people how man
should move to get the goal he is looking for.
In addition , the sayings of prophet Muhammad –peace be upon him- refer to
the importance of effort and its impact in building the society, These sayings are put
within axes to make the picture clearer and such axes include:
1. Sayings that refer to the importance of work to satisfy mans needs.
2. Sayings that refer to the earth recoustruction and the importance of
3. Sayings that guide the Muslim to work for the good.
4. Sayings that call for discarding superstitions, illusions that prevent him from
doing what he intends or plans to do.

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