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Relatives marriage and its genetic effect on children
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Marriage is a characteristic of the human race, as it is one of the oldest organization, asoldas human beign marrige is a legitimale relationsbip between male and female in the name of Allah "o mankind !Be dutiful to your lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his Wife (Eve), and from them both He created mang men and women
Marriage is a requirement of human life to ensure tle continuity and survival of the human species and established it in a legal, social and legitimate frame,according to certain criteria and conditions so that the individual earns psychological and social comfort in the name of Allah and Allah has made for you Azwaj ( mates or wives), sons and grand sons, and has bestowed on you good provision"
Marriage in Irag has been no longer reachable to every young people because marrige is a phenomenon affected by series of changes that have taken place in hraqi society which is summedup in different economic and social crises. These circumstances, developments and changes that experienced by Iraqi society leads to a relatives marriage sample appearanceFrom thist the researcher tried to see the effect of relative marriage effectness on the health of the newborn from diseases.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social and cultural factors leading to the marriage of minors
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This paper deals with the most important factors leading to child marriage and the importance of the study shed light on the factors leading to the marriage of minors than to underage marriage of repercussions on society and on the individual and household level, and thus its effects on the development of Almrah Battabarha half of society Vsba minors hinders progress Almrah and deprive of her childhood and deprive them of education leading to the spread of illiteracy , in addition to the marriage of minors having psychological risks, health and social girl and the family together.
The objectives of the study focused on identifying the socio and cultural factors leading to the marriage of minors, and highlights the marriage Alqaasratal

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cyber Crime and its Risks on Children
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Cybercrime and risks to children between the problems and solutions( An analytical study in the light of international, Arab and national statistics).
Lies the problem of the study to identify a new type of crime is different from the same traditional character of the crimes or what was customary since human creation up to the information revolution and we enter the era of globalization, which is also called (cyber crime) and their negative impact on all segments of society, especially children, as they the day of the most important social security threats, for all local and international communities alike , and those risks require collective action to various sectors and segments of society ,especially the educated classes in order t

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Early marriage for the minors: a phenomenon of family violence against children
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It is certain that marriage has the favor of the continuity of human kind since the Prophet Adam till now. But this important event is threatened by some justifications which lead to its delay or abandonment. In the West, sexual relations, illegal friendships, and disrespect of marriage sacredness lead to this delay. While the reasons behind the delay of marriage in the Arab world refer to high dowries, women go out to work, and the religious and scientific ignorance of the need and importance of marriage. The problem also differs according to the difference between the rural and urban regions. On one hand, we find that early marriage is a necessity in the rural regions; on the other hand, the delay of marriage is a clear and nat

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
Honoring Parents and Relatives Between Christianity and Islam
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Both religions have urged (honoring parents and kin) through the texts that came in their original sources, as honoring parents means showing respect to them In word and deed, and carrying in our hearts an appreciation for their status, and God commands to honor parents; Becausee this is Important in the eyes of God that he includeincludeed it in the Ten Commandmen.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Genetic characteristics and β-cell Autoimmunity in T1DM Children
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Background: TIDM is known to be polygenic disease that appears from the interaction of mutation in multiple genes including HLA. The autoimmune mediated destruction of
pancreatic β-cells is reflected by the presence of autoantibodies against prominent antigens in the pancreatic β-cells.
Objective: This study was designed to investigate the role of HLA-class I and class II antigens in the etiology of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and also assessment of
glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) autoantibodies in the patients at the onset of the disease.
Patients & Methods: Sixty T1DM patients who were newly onset of the disease (diagnosed less than five months) were selected. Eighty apparently healthy

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family violence, its causes and effects on society (women and children)
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Summary of the research Family violence, its causes and effects on society (women and children). Search Goal: The current research aims to identify: 1. Causes of family and social violence (for children and women). 2. How to process. research importance : Domestic violence is a major and devastating problem that has a negative and direct impact on children in particular and women or mothers in general. The problem of domestic violence is linked to many factors and individual, social, economic, psychological and environmental variables, which makes one theory that claims to be inaccurate. It is difficult to understand the nature of family violence without linking it to some of the concepts related to it. The negative effects that may lead

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Customary marriage and the position of Islamic law on it
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the best of prayers, and the completion of the blessing of our master Muhammad Al-Hadi Al-Amin, his family and companions, the righteous and those who followed his path and guided him to the day of judgment.
And after:
It is God's human honor that he has legalized marriage and made optimal goals and intentions for her:
1 establish a safe and reassuring life between the husband and his wife based on the tranquility and love and compassion is achieved through satisfying the instincts of the road project from the verse:  and that He created for you mates from among yourselves to find repose in them and put between you affection and mercy in this are Signs for those who reflect  ()

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
مجلة حمورابي
التسلح النووي الإيراني وتأثيراته الإقليمية والدولية
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دراسة القدرات النووية الإيرانية وابعادها الدولية والإقليمية

Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Posttraumatic growth in Iraqi women who have lost close relatives
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During recent decades, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis lost their lives as a result of wars, economic blockade, or acts of violence and terrorism. The loss of a family member, especially husband makes women suddenly bears full responsibility for the family. Lost could impose new changes in psychological, social, and economical roles. These changes usually combine with the negative effects aftermath the lost trauma. Some of the reports in Iraq showed there were increased and huge numbers of widows and orphans. This study aimed to identify the aspects of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) in Iraq women who lost their close relatives (especially husbands). 52 of Iraqi women who lost their husband and 49 women who experienced other traumatic events

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Hereditarily Codiskcyclic Operators
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Many codiskcyclic operators on infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space do not satisfy the criterion of codiskcyclic operators. In this paper, a kind of codiskcyclic operators satisfying the criterion has been characterized, the equivalence between them has been discussed and the class of codiskcyclic operators satisfying their direct summand is codiskcyclic. Finally, this kind of operators is used to prove that every codiskcyclic operator satisfies the criterion if the general kernel is dense in the space.

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