Thanks for people's God who brought the great book, prays and peace for
his prophet "Mohammad" the master of missioners to all people.
Allah created human being in it's best way and give him a soul thus ,
he will be a human with faith that has movement and life and the centre of his
soul is the sense which differentiate human from other animals. This
sensation generated from different senses that made the soul.
God had given him a protected heart, talkative tounge and clear seeing
to understand with consideration, so he will prevent himself of falling in wrong
by thinking and situation that he will pass by.
The significance and probability of sensation had talken our attention in
Qur'an . Hence , it's considered to be our subject in this research, and to find
different meaning for each utterance or sensation in the great Qur'an
according to the sources of usage whether it is a true or probable meaning
and each of them might have more than twenty or less meaning.
They stated that this phenomena of significant pronunaction, which
reveals differentiation and richness of the great Qur'an characteristics and
miracle in it appearance of miracle in it.
The leader of this section of understanding for the words and
understanding for the words and their meaning in AL-Qur'an was the Imam
"Ali bin Abu Talib" (greet on him) through him people recognize, in more than
one way, that AL-Qur'an has many sides or different meaning for each
يرسم الشاعر صورة بالكلمات، ومتى ما تتابعت الصور صارت تمثل لوحة شعرية على قدر كبير من الفنية والابداع, وقد أكثر ديك الجن في شعره من هذه اللوحات ويلاحظ القارئ أن الرمز يعمل عملا مهما في تشكيل اللوحة، وظهرت أنواع متعددة من اللوحات منها اللوحة الرثائية, والغزلية, ومن الرموز التي وظفها ديك الجن رمز الظبي, رمز الديك, واستعمل رمز القبر وظهرت لوحات متنوعة في شعره، ومنها اللوحة الخمرية التي تجعل للخمرة احساسا ومشاعر وا
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The data of research were obtained the annual guide of Iraqi market for securities where a data of sample of Iraqi Banks was selected which were five banks from 2004 to 2007 , most of the analysis re
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Onun en çok sevdiği varlıklar yurdu ile ulusuydı, ve tek acısı onların ilerleme ile yükselemesi içın bir haykırıydı.
Şair her zaman yurdunun ufukunda dolaşıp ulusunun bugünkü ve geleck torunları için yanıklı duyguları ile bir yol gosterıci gibi olmuştur.
הסיפורת העברית באמריקה, הייתה קשורה בסביבה מסויימה. גם כן היא קשורה בנושאים מסויימים, ורובם היו מדברים על חיי היהודים באמריקה.
דמותו של שמעון הלקין קבועה בנפשם של המבקרים כזו של משורר בעי
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