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The Counselor Brent Scowcroft and his Role in Achieving the Requirements of the American National Security

       Despite the multiplicity of institutions contributing to the decision-making process in the United States of America, they interact to crystallize positions regarding international and strategic situations. The formulation of the national security policy depends on a number of institutions that complement each other in order to achieve an advanced security situation. Thus, the decision reflects the process of interaction of the existing regulatory institutions. This is because the essence of the national security and achieving its requirements also stems from the existence of a coherent system of shared beliefs and principles in the American society. Besides, these elements are the bases for achieving security. Researing about Brent Scowcroft’s role in meeting the requiremnets of the united States’ national security, it has been found necessary to include two pivots to the study. The first pivot disscusses the requirements of achieving the national security of the United States of America, whereas the second pivot tackles Brent Scowcroft’s role, through the mechanisms of the national security council, in achieving the national security requirements in particular within the decision-making process in the history of the contemporary American political system. As for the type of the study, it is a historical study within the axis of contemporary American politics, while the methodology of the study came within the scientific analysis and according to the narrative and descriptive historical approach. This is because the research problem emphasizes the identification of the security and military requirements in order to achieve the integration of the national security of the United States. Finally, the conclusions have verified the National Security Adviser’s prominent role of during the Scowcroft era, in conductng partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the decision-making process. The latter has said to affect the overall foreign policy and achieve the national security requirements of the United States of America at the end of the last century.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Speed Controller of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Sliding Mode Controller

In this paper, an adaptive integral Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is employed to control the speed of Three-Phase Induction Motor. The strategy used is the field oriented control as ac drive system. The SMC is used to estimate the frequency that required to generates three phase voltage of Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) invertor . When the SMC is used with current controller, the quadratic component of stator current is estimated by the controller. Instead of using current controller, this paper proposed estimating the frequency of stator voltage since that the slip speed is function of the quadratic current . The simulation results of using the SMC showed that a good dynamic response can be obtained under load

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Materials Research Bulletin
Chemical bath deposition of single crystal SnS nanobelts on glass substrates

SnS nanobelt thin films were deposited on glass substrates in acidic solution by chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. The belt-like morphologies of as-deposited SnS thin films were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman measurements were carried out to confirm the crystal structures and phase purities of SnS nanobelt thin films. The morphologies and phase purities of SnS thin films were influenced greatly by the tin and sulfur precursors. The bandgaps of SnS nanobelts were determined to be 1.39–1.41 eV by UV–vis absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Current-voltage ((I-V)) and current-time ((I-T)) characteristics were studied to demon

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
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Laser Micro- And Nano-scale Processing
Physical principles of laser–material interaction regimes for laser machining processes

Lasers, with their unique characteristics in terms of excellent beam quality, especially directionality and coherency, make them the solution that is key for many processes that require high precision. Lasers have good susceptibility to integrate with automated systems, which provides high flexibility to reach difficult zones. In addition, as a processing tool, a laser can be considered as a contact-free tool of precise tip that became attractive for high precision machining at the micro and nanoscales for different materials. All of the above advantages may be not enough unless the laser technician/engineer has enough knowledge about the mechanism of interaction between the laser light with the processed material. Several sequential phenom

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Spectroscopic investigation of Rhodamine-B thin film prepared by PLD technique

Optical properties of Rhodamine-B thin film prepared by PLD
technique have been investigated. The absorption spectra using
1064nm and 532 nm laser wavelength of different laser pulse
energies shows that all the curves contain two bands, B band and Q
bands with two branches, Q1 and Q2 band and a small shift in the
peaks location toward the long wavelength with increasing laser
energy. FTIR patterns for Rhodamine-B powder and thin film within
shows that the identified peaks were located in the standard values
that done in the previous researches. X-ray diffraction patterns of
powder and prepared Rhodamine-B thin film was display that the
powder has polycrystalline of tetragonal structure, while the thin film

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Continuous Classical Optimal Control of Triple Nonlinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

    This paper  concerns with the state and proof the existence and uniqueness theorem of triple state vector solution (TSVS) for the triple nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations (TNPPDEs) ,and triple state vector equations (TSVEs), under suitable assumptions. when the continuous classical triple control vector (CCTCV) is given by using the method of Galerkin (MGA). The existence theorem of a continuous classical optimal triple control vector (CCTOCV) for the continuous classical optimal control governing by the TNPPDEs under suitable conditions is proved.  

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Heun Method Using to Solve System of NonLinear Functional Differential Equations

In this paper Heun method has been used to find numerical solution for first order nonlinear functional differential equation. Moreover, this method has been modified in order to treat system of nonlinear functional differential equations .two numerical examples are given for conciliated the results of this method.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Study of Gamma- Ray Shielding Parameters for Different Epoxy Composites

In the current work various types of epoxy composites were added to concrete to enhance its effectiveness as a gamma- ray shield. Four epoxy samples of (E/clay/B4C) S1, (E/Mag/B4C) S2, (EPIL) S3 and (Ep) S4 were used in a comparative study of gamma radiation attenuation properties of these shields that calculating using Mont Carlo code (MCNP-5). Adopting Win X-com software and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), µ/ρ revealed great compliance with MCNP-5. By applying (µ/ρ) output for gamma at different energies, HVL, TVL and MFP have been also estimated. ANN technique was simulated to estimate (µ/ρ) and dose rates. According to the results, µ/ρ of all epoxy samples scored higher than standard concrete. Both S2 and S3 samples having h

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Boron from Simulated Iraqi Surface Water by Electrocoagulation Method

The removal of boron from aqueous solution was carried out by electrocoagulation (EC) using magnesium electrodes as anode and stainless steel electrodes as cathode. Several operating parameters on the removal efficiency of boron were investigated, such as initial pH, current density, initial boron ion concentration, NaCl concentration, spacing between electrodes, electrode material, and presence of carbonate concentration. The optimum removal efficiency of 91. 5 % was achieved at a current density of 3 mA/cm² and  pH = 7 using (Mg/St. St. ) electrodes, within 45 min of operating time. The concentration of NaCl was o. 1 g/l with a 0.5cm spacing between the electrodes. First and second order rate equation were applied to study adsorp

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 24 2023
Journal Name
Zanco Journal Of Pure And Applied Sciences
Topical Application of Capparis Spinosa Fruit Extract Lowers Blood Glucose Level.

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Analysis of different Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection Systems

In recent years, the world witnessed a rapid growth in attacks on the internet which resulted in deficiencies in networks performances. The growth was in both quantity and versatility of the attacks. To cope with this, new detection techniques are required especially the ones that use Artificial Intelligence techniques such as machine learning based intrusion detection and prevention systems. Many machine learning models are used to deal with intrusion detection and each has its own pros and cons and this is where this paper falls in, performance analysis of different Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection Systems based on supervised machine learning algorithms. Using Python Scikit-Learn library KNN, Support Ve

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