Various theories on learning have been developed with increasing frequency in the last
few decades. In tandem with this, Multiple Intelligence theory appeared as a new approach to
education as well as an important theory in the field of language learning. Gardner explains
that all human beings have different intelligence fields and a potential to develop them. These
intelligences are (verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodilykinesthetic,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and Existential).
This study aims at investigating Multiple Intelligences of Iraqi college EFL students. To
achieve the aims of the study, a questionnaire is adopted according to Birmingham model
which includes 40 items with a five point scale (this is not like me at all, this is a bit like me,
this is sometimes like me, I am like this more often than not, I am always like this), and
covers all types of Multiple Intelligence theory. The sample of the present study consists of
the first and second year female students from Department of English Language, College of
Education for Women/ University of Baghdad.
After ensuring the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the researchers have applied
the questionnaire on 18th of May 2014. The results show that most of the Iraqi college
students prefer music with learning, as well as, musical, intrapersonal and interpersonal
intelligences as they most frequently used and accepted. Finally, conclusions,
recommendations and suggestions for future work are put forward.
Key Terms: Multiple Intelligences Theory, Learning.