Early childhood Is the of the important stages in the life of man and initiated full on others
reliability has been rise in growth toward independence and self-reliance, as is the transition
from the home environment to the kindergarten environment (kindergarten) (4-6) years where
starts in the interaction with the external environment, it is an essential stage in the
construction of sound personal to the child, and choose proper clothes at this age is one of the
important aspects in building the child's personality, as it reflects the clothing behavior and
taste his parents, especially his mother, she is the first responsible for providing clothes for
her children. Children at this stage are dependent the mothers in the selection of clothing, and
the clothing helps its inception and with coexistence around him, especially in the initialstages of his life, as the Almbusah habits passed down from generation and the last group to
another in the same society
In order to achieve the desired benefit from the use of clothes should the mind physical
and social considerations by examining the different growth aspects to this stage because they
affect as wear and what must be an element of the terms in this clothing, small does not care
who his clothing child but it does not hamper his movement and activity and acceptance
among his peers
The study aimed to identify the extent of the mother culture in the selection of baby
clothes in early childhood (4-6 years) and its relationship with some variables {mother's
profession (working - not working), the number of children
To achieve the objective of the study was to build a tool to measure the mother culture in
the selection of baby clothes, has adopted the questionnaire in Setup Utility For information
conducted a prospective study (50) or randomly selected from the city of Baghdad Bjanbhe
Karkh and Rusafa, the questionnaire included an open question for a sample
Q/ What is the Almbusah and what are the foundations and rules that are in the light of
choosing baby clothes culture?
The preparation of the scale in its final form after it has been presented to the experts to
check the validity of paragraphs or failure expired, as has been applied to a random sample
(10) mothers to ensure the clarity of the instructions and paragraphs, and depending on the
stability of the scale by using the run-off mode and using the Pearson correlation coefficient
was the correlation coefficient (0 0.84) is a good stability coefficient
After that was the final application of the measure on a sample of (100) or by (50)
working mother and (50) or non-functioning in Baghdad city center Bjanbhe Karkh and
Rusafa, emptied answers and treated statistically turned out to be mothers to have a culture
and awareness in the selection of children's clothing stage early childhood, it turns out that
there is a statistically significant difference in the effect of the mother culture in the selection
of baby clothes in early childhood by Mother career variable and in favor of a working
mother, it turns out that there is a statistically significant difference by a variable number of
children and in favor of a class (three or more children) and category ( child) At the end Find
researcher made some recommendations and proposals