Citizenship education is the effective educational tool in building a citizen who is able to participate in building his country. This can only come through the educational efforts that teachers make in the classroom. Such a step requires teachers to have knowledge of citizenship education, its principles, and the foundations for its development. Thus, the study aims to examine the degree of social studies teachers' knowledge of the dimensions of citizenship education at the basic education schools in the Sultanate of Oman. It also aims to examine its relationship with a set of variables. The researchers used the quantitative descriptive approach to achieve the objectives of the study. It further adopted a test tool, which consisted in its final form of five areas: citizenship knowledge, rights and duties, national identity, community partnership, and global and digital citizenship. The test was divided later into (38) multiple-choice questions. After verifying the validity and reliability of this tool, it was applied to a sample of (200) male and female teachers. The results of the study have shown that the degree of knowledge of social studies teachers in citizenship education was average, reaching the arithmetic level of (57.67%). Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences in the level of knowledge of social studies teachers of citizenship education with respect to the variables of gender and educational qualification in the fields of citizenship education. Accordingly, the researchers have recommended that the citizenship education course should be included in teacher preparation programs at public and private universities in the Sultanate of Oman. Moreover, the concepts and principles of citizenship education should be included in the school curricula.
The news of some of the Arab palaces that built in the Islamic cities were scattered in historical sources and references and was talking about the engineering and technical wonders that characterized these palaces, and Perhaps the purpose of mentioning its (often) was to show the extravagance and luxury that reached the palaces as a kind of condemnation of this act or to make visitors admire its masterpieces
(لا مجتمــــع الا وبـــــه قـــــانو ن ) مقولـــــه اطلقهـــــا فقیـــــه رومـــــا القدیمـــــة ( شیشـرون ) فالقـانون لـیس ولیـد الیـوم وانمـا منـذ بـدء الخلیقـة بـدأت حاجـة الانسـان الـى قواعـد سـلوكیه یـنظم بهـا حیاتـه ویـرى بهـا حـدود حریتـه بحیـث لاتتجـاوز هـذه الحریة الى حدود حریة الاخرین٠واذا كانـــت المؤسســـیة ودولـــة القـــانون مـــن اهـــم معـــاییر الانتمـــاء الـــى العصر الحـدیث یـأت الخ
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In this paper, we introduce and study new types of soft open sets and soft closed
sets in soft bitopological spaces (X,~ ,~ ,E) 1 2 , namely, (1,2)*-maximal soft open
sets, (1,2)*-maximal soft (1,2)*-pre-open sets, semi (1,2)*-maximal soft (1,2)*-preopen
sets, (1,2)*-maximal soft closed sets, (1,2)*-maximal soft (1,2)*-pre-closed
sets, (1,2)*-minimal soft open sets, (1,2)*-minimal soft (1,2)*-pre-open sets, (1,2)*-
minimal soft closed sets, (1,2)*-minimal soft (1,2)*-pre-closed sets, and semi (1,2)*-
minimal soft (1,2)*-pre-closed sets. Also, properties and the relation among these
concepts have been studied.
The linear instability and nonlinear stability analyses are performed for the model of bidispersive local thermal non-equilibrium flow. The effect of local thermal non-equilibrium on the onset of convection in a bidispersive porous medium of Darcy type is investigated. The temperatures in the macropores and micropores are allowed to be different. The effects of various interaction parameters on the stability of the system are discussed. In particular, the effects of the porosity modified conductivity ratio parameters, and , with the int
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خص ابن الجزري في كتابه هذا قراء الكوفة بمجموعه كبيرة من التراجم التي قدمها وفق صياغات منهجية منوعه اعتمدت على الأسس والضوابط التي التزم بها في تقديم تلك التراجم الخاصة بقراء الكوفة بصورة خاصة والتراجم الأخرى بصورة عامه مشيرا إليها من خلال بعض الصياغات الفنية في الروايات، فكان يشير إلى نوع العلاقة لمترجمة مع شيوخه من خلال عرضه للرواية ولاسيما في كثرة الرو
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