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The Reality of Evaluating Teacher Performance in the Sultanate of Oman in Light of Global Models
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The aim of the research is to reveal the reality of teacher performance evaluation in the Sultanate of Oman in light of some global models. The study followed a qualitative descriptive research design. Seven forms of teacher formative and summative assessments were analyzed. Besides, an analytical template was developed, consisting of six areas related to the teaching performance of teachers. These included: lesson planning and preparation, learning environment, education, professional development, student academic, and community and parental partnership. The study reached a number of results; the most notable is the lack of change of forms for more than a decade despite the rapid development of the educational system in the sultanate in areas close to the teacher. It has also found that the formative evaluation focuses only on his/her rile in the classroom, such as lesson planning, preparation and learning environment. Further, it does not focus on his/her role outside the classroom, such as professional development, and community and parental partnership. Additionally, this evaluation is not based on any professional standards. Therefore, its tools, standards, and assessment need to be improved. The study has also shown that the final evaluation needs do not have sufficient standards. Additionally, both types of assessments do not relate to each other. Based on these results, the study has recommended to improve teacher performance evaluation in the Sultanate of Oman.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Autocorrelative Approach for EMG Time-Frequency Analysis
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As they are the smallest functional parts of the muscle, motor units (MUs) are considered as the basic building blocks of the neuromuscular system. Monitoring MU recruitment, de-recruitment, and firing rate (by either invasive or surface techniques) leads to the understanding of motor control strategies and of their pathological alterations. EMG signal decomposition is the process of identification and classification of individual motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in the interference pattern detected with either intramuscular or surface electrodes. Signal processing techniques were used in EMG signal decomposition to understand fundamental and physiological issues. Many techniques have been developed to decompose intramuscularly detec

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
ألوان - للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع
الاحصاء المالي - الطبعة الأولى
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أن صفة التغير المتسارع في نمط الحياة ولّد مبدأ اللايقين عند إتخاذ القرارات المالية لأي ظاهرة عموماً أو نشاط إقتصادي على وجه الخصوص. وهذا يتطلب الأستعانة بالأدوات الأحصائية كمنهج علمي يساعد في وصفها وتحليلها كمياً ومن ثم التنبؤ بها مستقبلاً كمحاولة لسبر غور اللايقين الذي يكتنف المستقبل كمجهول يتوجس منه الجميع. وقد أصبح متخذ القرار الأستثماري أو صاحب رأس المال وغيرهما من المضاربين والمتعاملين في الاسواق الما

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Reliability Analysis between Horizontal-Vertical-Diagonal Code and Code with Crosstalk Avoidance and Error Correction for NoC Interconnects
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Ensuring reliable data transmission in Network on Chip (NoC) is one of the most challenging tasks, especially in noisy environments. As crosstalk, interference, and radiation were increased with manufacturers' increasing tendency to reduce the area, increase the frequencies, and reduce the voltages.  So many Error Control Codes (ECC) were proposed with different error detection and correction capacities and various degrees of complexity. Code with Crosstalk Avoidance and Error Correction (CCAEC) for network-on-chip interconnects uses simple parity check bits as the main technique to get high error correction capacity. Per this work, this coding scheme corrects up to 12 random errors, representing a high correction capac

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient Approximate Analytical Methods to Solve Some Partial Differential Equations
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     The goal of this research is to solve several one-dimensional partial differential equations in linear and nonlinear forms using a powerful approximate analytical approach. Many of these equations are difficult to find the exact solutions due to their governing equations. Therefore, examining and analyzing efficient approximate analytical approaches to treat these problems are required. In this work, the homotopy analysis method (HAM) is proposed. We use convergence control parameters to optimize the approximate solution. This method relay on choosing with complete freedom an auxiliary function linear operator and initial guess to generate the series solution. Moreover, the method gives a convenient way to guarantee the converge

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Direction Finding Using GHA Neural Networks
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 This paper adapted the neural network for the estimating of the direction of arrival (DOA). It uses an unsupervised adaptive neural network with GHA algorithm to extract the principal components that in turn, are used by Capon method to estimate the DOA, where by the PCA neural network we take signal subspace only and use it in Capon (i.e. we will ignore the noise subspace, and take the signal subspace only).



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Publication Date
Tue Feb 13 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fuzzy Linear Discriminant Analysis Clustering With Its Application
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Many fuzzy clustering are based on within-cluster scatter with a compactness measure , but in this paper explaining new fuzzy clustering method which depend on within-cluster scatter with a compactness measure and between-cluster scatter with a separation measure called the fuzzy compactness and separation (FCS). The fuzzy linear discriminant analysis (FLDA) based on within-cluster scatter matrix and between-cluster scatter matrix . Then two fuzzy scattering matrices in the objective function assure the compactness between data elements and cluster centers .To test the optimal number of clusters using validation clustering method is discuss .After that an illustrate example are applied.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Statistical analysis from a Gender perspective
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This research is a theoretical study that deals with the presentation of the literature of statistical analysis from the perspective of gender or what is called Engendering Statistics. The researcher relied on a number of UN reports as well as some foreign sources to conduct the current study. Gender statistics are defined as statistics that reflect the differences and inequality of the status of women and men overall domains of life, and their importance stems from the fact that it is an important tool in promoting equality as a necessity for the process of sustainable development and the formulation of national and effective development policies and programs. The empowerment of women and the achievement of equality between men and wome

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Principal Component Analysis Technique to Dimensionality Reduction to Multi Source
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This paper tackles with principal component analysis method (PCA ) to dimensionality reduction in the case of linear combinations to digital image processing and analysis. The PCA is statistical technique that shrinkages a multivariate data set consisting of inter-correlated variables into a data set consisting of variables that are uncorrelated linear combination, while ensuring the least possible loss of useful information. This method was applied to a group of satellite images of a certain area in the province of Basra, which represents the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Shatt al-Arab in the province of Basra.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Homotopy Transforms Analysis Method for Solving Fractional Navier- Stokes Equations with Applications
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The presented work includes the Homotopy Transforms of Analysis Method (HTAM). By this method, the approximate solution of nonlinear Navier- Stokes equations of fractional order derivative was obtained.  The Caputo's derivative was used in the proposed method. The desired solution was calculated by using the convergent power series to the components. The obtained results are demonstrated by comparison with the results of Adomain decomposition method, Homotopy Analysis method and exact solution, as explained in examples (4.1) and (4.2). The comparison shows that the used method is powerful and efficient.

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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A comparison between PCA and some enhancement filters for denoising astronomical images
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This paper includes a comparison between denoising techniques by using statistical approach, principal component analysis with local pixel grouping (PCA-LPG), this procedure is iterated second time to further improve the denoising performance, and other enhancement filters were used. Like adaptive Wiener low pass-filter to a grayscale image that has been degraded by constant power additive noise, based on statistics estimated from a local neighborhood of each pixel. Performs Median filter of the input noisy image, each output pixel contains the Median value in the M-by-N neighborhood around the corresponding pixel in the input image, Gaussian low pass-filter and Order-statistic filter also be used.

Experimental results shows LPG-

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