Triump is a happy end and a positive outcome of any good deed on the part of a human
being, or of any competition or contest in any field. A human being’s life abounds with gain
and loss. If one succeeds one will be happy psychologieally, physieally, etc. if one the other
hard one loses, one wil be in a state. Between loss and gain there are many a step.
However humans work hard to be a great success and a read winner.The life of the world constitutes a huge race-track where people try hard to head towards
the hereafter. Therefore, we find people who succed and gain the Garden, and people whose
habitation is the fire, The Glorious Qur’an has shown us in many a surah the way to success
when Allah mentions ‘great success’ and ‘evident triumph’, as well as the happy end of the
This research is an attempt to trace the way to victory and success as shown in the Qur’an.
This will be done via studying the semiotic units denoting triump in its three epithets, and the
semiotic units denoting winners, desert, and achievement our aum is that we wish we could be
among the winners in this life of the world’s list of contestants.
The present study comprises a theoretical background and the following sections:
1. Semiotic units denoting ‘great success’
a. ‘That will be the great success’
b. ‘That is the supreme triumph’
c. ‘to: this is the supreme triumph’.
d. ‘A great success’.
2. Semiotic units denoting ‘evident triumph’
a. ‘That is the evident triumph’.
b. ‘Veriby that is the ‘evident triumph’
3. Big success
4. Semiotic units indicating ‘winners’
5. Semiotic units indicating ‘desert’
6. A chievement
7. (he) succeeded, triumphed
The study ends with a conelusion presenting the findings arrived at.