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Degree possession of secondary teachers for effective teaching skills from the perspective of the teachers themselves in the Mafraq Governorate
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This study aimed to reveal the degree possession of secondary teachers for effective teaching skills from the perspective of the teachers themselves in the Mafraq governorate .To achieve the objective of the study(45) teachers were chosen randomly, also a questionnaire composed of 17 was prepared spread over three skill areas (planning, implementation, evaluation).
After application of the tool on the sample results of the study showed that the degree of ownership ranged between medium and high.
The results showed no differences in the degree of ownership due to the variables of sex in favor of females and variable qualification for the benefit of people with qualified Master higher, while differences are attributed to the experience it did not appear in the light of those the result researcher recommended the preparation of training programs based on effective teaching skills to enhance cognitive performance and performance piece for teachers and then transfer that knowledge to the impact in the classroom and the need for further studies of effective teaching skills of the other samples.
Key words: teaching skills of effective secondary school teachers

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Land Use/Cover Change Analysis Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study, Zhengzhou Area, Henan Province, China
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In the last two decades, arid and semi-arid regions of China suffered rapid changes in the Land Use/Cover Change (LUCC) due to increasing demand on food, resulting from growing population. In the process of this study, we established the land use/cover classification in addition to remote sensing characteristics. This was done by analysis of the dynamics of (LUCC) in Zhengzhou area for the period 1988-2006. Interpretation of a laminar extraction technique was implied in the identification of typical attributes of land use/cover types. A prominent result of the study indicates a gradual development in urbanization giving a gradual reduction in crop field area, due to the progressive economy in Zhengzhou. The results also reflect degradati

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
منهج القزويني "ت682هـ ـ 1283م " في دراسة النبات بكتابهِ "عجائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات " أ.د. الاء نافع جاسم
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    he is one of the most prominent Arab personalities who contributed in the Arab Muslim world, scholars and historians who appeared in the seventh century AH - the thirteenth century AD, contributed to enrich the Arab scientific heritage in his distinguished book “The Wonders of Creatures and the Strangeness of Existences” because it contained what God Almighty created and the oddities on dry land and water

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر استخدام استراتيجيتي جانيه وميرل تينسون في اكتساب المفاهيم الجغرافية والاحتفاظ بها لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العام
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مشكلة البحث :-

     ظلت رغبة الانسان في المعرفة وفهم الكون الذي يعيش فيه ، ملازمة له منذ المراحل الاولى لتطور البشرية ، فالانسان بما يتمتع به من امكانات وقدرات وطاقات كامنة استطاع عن طريق تفاعله واحتكاكه الدائم والمستمر والخلاق مع البيئة المحيطة به ان يلاحظ ، ويتخيل ويتذكر ويفكر ويخطط ويبتكر ، مستفيداً من اخطائه في التعرف عليها ، وفي زيادة قدرته على التحكم فيها وتحسينها وتطويره

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رؤساء رؤساء النصارى في كتاب أخبار بطاركة كرسي المشرق (132- 542هـ/ 749- 1147م) دراسة تأريخية (القسم الأول)
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The research deals with the Presidents of the Christians who called themselves (Ghaltka) in the book titled (orient chirsy patriarchs) that talked about their scientific practical biography adding to) that their completeness on the position of Ghaltka with its decrees and caliphs who were contemporaries to them ,as well as their places, deaths, cemeteries and their accomplishments In accordance with the powers granted to them and also it mentions the situation of The Abbasid caliphate with them and with the sons of their sect .

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
أثر المنشطات العقلية في أستراتيجيات التعلم و الدراسة و أنماط المعرفة الفيزيائية لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العام
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Science
أثر شكل سبعة المعرفي في اكتساب المفاهيم الفيزيائية و فهم طبيعة العلم لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العام
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اتجاهات طالبات قسم رياض الاطفال نحو العمل في رياض الاطفال ( دراسة مقارنة كليتي التربية للبنات والتربية الاساسية )
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ان نجاح رياض الاطفال في تحقيق اهدافها يتوقف الى حد كبير على معلمة الروضة التي تزود الطفل بالخبرات ، فهي تمثل الام البديلة للطفل ، وتقع على عاتقها مسؤوليات نفسية واجتماعية واخلاقية نحو اطفال الروضة ، لدلك فان معلمة الروضة تقوم بعدة ادوار في رياض الاطفال ، فهي ممثلة لقيم المجتمع وتراثه التي تسعى الى غرسها في الطفل . 

 وعليه فان ليس كل من تتقدم للعمل في رياض الاطفال تصلح ان تكون معلمة ناجح

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رؤساء رؤساء النصارى في كتاب أخبار بطاركة كرسي المشرق (132- 542هـ/ 749- 1147م) دراسة تاريخية (القسم الثاني)
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The research deals with the Presidents of the Christians who called themselves (Ghaltka) in the book titled (orient chirsy patriarchs) that talked about their scientific practical biography adding to) that their completeness on the position of Ghaltka with its decrees and caliphs who were contemporaries to them ,as well as their places, deaths, cemeteries and their accomplishments In accordance with the powers granted to them and also it mentions the situation of The Abbasid caliphate with them and with the sons of their sect .

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Real-Time Cloth Simulation on Virtual Human Character Using Enhanced Position Based Dynamic Framework Technique
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     Cloth simulation and animation has been the topic of research since the mid-80's in the field of computer graphics. Enforcing incompressible is very important in real time simulation. Although, there are great achievements in this regard, it still suffers from unnecessary time consumption in certain steps that is common in real time applications.   This research develops a real-time cloth simulator for a virtual human character (VHC) with wearable clothing. This research achieves success in cloth simulation on the VHC through enhancing the position-based dynamics (PBD) framework by computing a series of positional constraints which implement constant densities. Also, the self-collision and collision wit

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 المسائل المتعلقة بالأسماء الثابتة لله (عزوجل) الواردة في (مرعاة المفاتيح شرح مشكاة المصابيح، لأبي الحسن المباركفوري (ت1414هـ).
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The research deals with the issues related to the fixed names of God U, which are from a set of issues mentioned in the Book of Observations of the Keys Explaining the Mishkat al-Masbah by Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mubarakfory (d. 141 AH). It included five demands: the first of them is in proving and identifying the most beautiful names and divisions of God, and the second in the name, name and name. And the third: It was in their number, while the fourth: in deriving the names, is it suspensive or not? And Fifth: The Compilation of Allah’s Most Beautiful Names.

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