Terrorism is a global phenomenon that engulfs most regions of the world to varying degrees. Media outlets are aware of the many incidents of violence and terrorism that have increased in recent times. The differences between the size of the phenomenon in different societies are the causes and severity of the phenomenon. On the role of local satellite channels in shaping the knowledge and trends of the Iraqi public towards the events of terrorism, in light of the assumptions of reliance on the media. The importance of this study is that it assesses the role of local satellite channels in the formation of knowledge and trends The study seeks to know the extent of exposure of the Iraqi public to local satellite channels, and to reveal the extent of the Iraqi public's knowledge of the concept and issues of terrorism and to measure the effects of demographic variables on the levels of knowledge and trends of the public The study found that respondents are exposed daily to local satellite channels and spend different time periods in their exposure to these channels. The study revealed the keenness of the respondents to follow up the television articles and programs dealing with the issues of terrorism Hap.
نشط مسمىّ ( آية السيف ) مع الآية الخامسة من سورة براءة ( التوبة ) آخر السور نزولاً , وهو مسمّى شديد الصولة أفضى إلى إشكالية في فهم فلسفة الجهاد من منظور الشرع الإسلامي , إذ شكّلت الآية منطلقاً وركيزة لمقولات العنف التي تبنّتها الجماعات المتشدّدة بتوثيقات منبتها من التراث تلتقط صور الأحداث بإبتار وتقطيع , تقابلها توثيقات تربأ عمّا يقع في أوّل الخاطر، وتلك عرضتها في محورين , السياق المقامي الذي أظهر انضباط أحكام ال
... Show Moreأصل التفاوت في الاتجاهات السياسية بين الناس
There is no doubt that this topic has received more study and research than other analytical studies of contemporary poetry models, but many scholars did not stop at the limits of crystallizing the features of feminist poetic production, given its active role in building the features of the modern Arab literary entity.
الكندي هو ابو يوسف يعقوب بن اسحاق بن الصباح . كما هو عند ابن جلجل (1) بن عمران بن اسماعيل بن محمد بن الأشعث بن قيس الكندي . كما يضيف ابن النديم(2) كان أبوه اسحق بن الصباح أميرا ً على الكوفة للمهدي والرشيد . على ما يقرره ابن نباته المصري(3) ، كان جده الأشعت بن قيس من أصحاب النبي الكريم وكان قبل ذلك ملكا ً على جميع(كندة)
We conclude that verbs in terms of the number of letters divided into abstract and enlarged
اشكالية بناء ثقافة مشاركة في الوطن العربي
Trust is undoubtedly one of the most important issues in the field of translation studies Therefore, the present study attempts to analyze historical and current theories of translation in the East and West, to specify the position of the Trust and its importance to translators and Translation scholars.
More important of this papers is show that the concept of trust is deferens to this translation theory and that, some believe that trust in translation is For the words quoted, Some people say they trust in quotes, and some neglect of both the target text and And the original value of the source text.
Keywords: translation, translatior, trust, Source text, target text, Seizure
The wall of Eastern side considers one of the important prominence architect sign of Baghdad city through Abbasid era , it is surrounded by many shops, houses , the work had started in the period of caliph( Al-Mustathher Billah )
الرؤية السايكلوجية وتطبيقاتها في مسرحية الشيخ والغانية
Şiiri şiir yapan öğlerin başında imge (hayal, tasavvur, imaj) gelir. İmgesiz şiir düşünülmez. İmge nedir?
İmge duyuyla elde edilen güzelliklerin, deneyimin dil aracıyla ortaya konulmasıdır. Şiiri şiir yapan sadece içeriği değil. Sunuluşu, imgelerin etkili bir biçimde kullanılışı, şairinin bu konudaki yetenek ve ustalığı, insana hitap etmesi, değişimlere açık oluşu, evrenselliği, kalıcılığı, sıra dışı güçlü anlatığına başvuruşu, söz sanatlarından yararlanması, öz anlatım biçimi, kimi zaman alışılmamış bağdaştırmaları bünyesinde barındırması ve sık sık da yinelemeler yardımıyla zengin anlatım aktarımıdır.
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