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Strategies of Understanding Written Texts in EFL Classrooms
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Reading strategies are of interest for what they reveal about the ways readers manage their interaction with written texts and how these strategies are related to text understanding, acquisition ,storage ,and retrieval of information .In EFL comprehension lessons, the students try to work out interpretations of the meaning related to the written word through the usage of different comprehension strategies. Yet, there are moments where the participants in the classroom fail to reach a successful understanding of the passage read despite the guidance of the teacher. The present research aims at investigating and identifying moments of comprehension failure and reasons behind them .It also aims at specifying the different strategies used in terms of type and number of occurrences. It is hypothesized that some students in EFL classrooms fail to understand parts of written texts because they do not use any kind of strategy at particular stages of the comprehension process. The samples selected for the research are the two sections of first year students in the Department of English language, College of Arts and Letters in Cihan University. Each section included 30 students who study comprehension as a basic course ,through their first academic year, in an average of 3 hours per week. Eight comprehension lessons have been recorded and the passages discussed during these lessons , were chosen from the students' text book ‘’Practice & Progress’’ by L.G. Alexander, 1967. The research provides a brief overview of the studies related to the process of reading comprehension .It also illustrates the ways many linguists identified the factors contributing to understanding written texts during the previous years. This is followed by mentioning the general strategies that are used by learners of the English language with explanation of their meaning and role in comprehending written texts. Section two presents the analysis of the recorded lessons. Though the discussions of eight passages were recorded, only three of them were included in the research due to shortage of space. Moments of comprehension failure are specified by the letters (CF) with reference to the reason. Types of strategies used during the lessons are identified as well. Finally, it is concluded that the students sometimes fail to grasp the meaning of some lines or parts of a text because they don't use certain strategies .The analysis of the lessons also shows that the strategies that are mostly used by the students, in their attempt to understand what they read, are: using prior knowledge, inferring meaning, questioning, visualizing, and determining importance which are used in sequence and number of occurrences that differ from one text to another .On the other hand, strategies like synthesizing and summarizing are hardly ever used in some texts and never used in others. The research also illustrates the significant role of the teacher that contributes to the students’ critical thinking and understanding of the written text

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 13 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
Subject Review: Blogs as Learning Tools in EFL Classrooms
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Blogs have emerged as a powerful technology tool for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. This literature review aims to provide an overview of the use of blogs as learning tools in EFL classrooms. The study examines the benefits and challenges of using blogs for language learning and the different types of blogs that can be used for language learning. It provides suggestions for teachers interested in using blogs as learning tools in their EFL classrooms. The findings suggest that blogs are a valuable and effective tool for language learning, particularly in promoting collaboration, communication, and motivation.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Clarity and readability of written texts In commercial advertising designs
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The concept of clarity and readability of the written texts is an important goal in order to convey the communication idea to the receiver easily; the written texts have special significance because it is the most effective way to fulfill this idea as well as to achieve the aesthetic dimension of the written material, and clarity in the written texts is a prerequisite for reading, and readability is the speed of the optical reading of the written form, as the letters design plays a key role in facilitating the readability of the texts, and thus, it is necessitated to take care of these texts and studied them thoroughly in terms of shape for easy to read, and thus to understand the implications of the texts.
For that reason, the resear

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
Teaching Culture Strategies in EFL Classroom
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الثقافة هي النظرية حول العالم والناسواساليب توزيع خبراته عليهم . انها الكل المعقد والتي تشمل المعرفةوالمعتقدات والفن والاخلاق والقوانين والعادات واية امكانيات وعادات يكتسبها الانسان كونه احد اعضاء المجتمع . ان ادراك ثقافة اللغة الاجنبية ينبغي ان يُنظرلها كمكونمهم في عملية تعليم / تعلم اللغة الانكليزية بوصفها لغةاجنبية وتتضمن الثقافة فهم داخلي وتدريجي للمساواة بين الثقافات ، ومنهن متزايد لثقافة الفرد

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2006
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
The Education Faculty Journal Of Baghdad University
Analyzing the Rhetorical Structure of Linguistics Dissertation Abstracts Written by Iraqi EFL Graduates
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
An Analysis of Textual Themes in M.A Theses and Ph. D. Dissertations Written by Iraqi EFL Learners
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The present study investigates the realization and significance of textual themes in the organizational structure of M.A theses and Ph.D. dissertations, namely: the abstracts, introductions and conclusions, since in such parts the students depend on their own expressions, styles and constructions to express different viewpoints, plans, inferences, etc. The study also investigates the similarities and differences between M.A theses and Ph.D. dissertations concerning the use of textual themes;it sets out to conduct a detailed analysis of textual themes used in such texts. In conducting such an analysis, the study adopts Halliday's (1994) approach of textual themes. The results of such an analysis have clearly shown that, in spite of the di

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Speaking Strategies on Iraqi EFL College Students
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The present study deals with the effect of teaching speaking Strategies (SS) on
EFL Iraqi College students. The use of speaking strategies not only solves learners’
communication problems, but also enhances the learner’s interaction in target language,
and improves their oral proficiency .The aim of the study is to find out the effect of
teaching SS used by EFL College students .The learner of the first stage is population of
the study at the Department of English, College of Education /Ibn-Rushd .The sample
consists of (60) students distributed on experimental group(A) as well as control
group(B) each group contains (30) students . In order to achieve the aim of the study,
questionnaire has been constructed t

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Effective Metadiscourse Strategies in Texts of English and Arabic Trade Agreements to attain persuasion
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Persuasion is a process studied by many scholars from the Greek time until the present. One persuasion strategy is metadiscourse, which refers to the writers' awareness of their text, the way they present themselves to the readers. The writers use metadiscourse markers to help the readers understand the real meaning of the text (Hyland 2005).  The paper carries out a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the employment of persuasive metadiscourse markers in two English trade agreements and two Arabic agreements has provided in terms of Hyland's (2005) model of interactive and interactional markers. The aim is to find out whether all types of metadiscourse markers are used or not, and also to see whether English or Arabic employs

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Studies
Investigating Motivational Teaching Strategies used by Iraqi EFL Primary School Teachers
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Motivation is one of the most important factors that influence students learning and has a great effect on their success and achievement. For this reason, in this paper, the researcher is going to investigate the motivational teaching strategies used by EFL Iraqi school teachers. To achieve the aim of the study, the researcher adapted a questionnaire with some changes and modification’s. This questionnaire with five point scale (always, often, sometimes, rarely and never). To achieve face validity, the questionnaire items are given to a jury of experts. Alpha Cronbach formula is used to achieve the questionnaire reliability. After that, the questionnaire was applied on a sample of 38 teachers during the academic year 2019-2020. Th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Cognitive Strategies on Iraqi EFL College Students’ Writing Anxiety
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Writing in English language demands both mental skills and a suitable level of language proficiency. Some studies showed that writing anxiety has an impact on the acquisition of language learning. This study; however, teaches the cognitive strategies (PLAY & WRITE) as a writing strategy, so as to decrease students’ use of it when experiencing writing anxiety at the academic writing level. The sample has been (100) second-stage Department of English learners at the College of Education (Ibn –Rushd), in the University of Baghdad-Iraq. They have been randomly selected and divided into experimental and control groups; (50) students in each group. To achieve the objective of the study, SLWAI questionnaire has been distributed to the e

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