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Use of Remote Sensing in the assessment and classification of land degradation in the district of Mahmudiya for the period 1990-2007

The study consisted in the development and use of a practical method to detect and
monitor, analyze and produce maps of changes in land use and land cover in the district of
Mahmudiya in Baghdad during the period 1990-2007 using the applications of remote sensing
techniques and with the assisstant of geographic information systems (GIS),as a valuable
contribution to land degradation studies.
This study is based maiuly on the processing on two subsets of landsat5 TM images picked up
in August 1990 and 2007 respectively in order to facilitate comparision and were thengeometrically and radiometrcally calibrated ,to used for digital classification purposes using
maximum liklihoods classification or six spectral bands of both images as input (with the
thermal bands being excluded)for procedures of change detection proposed, as well as the use
of installation chromatograpiy analysis and visual interpretation using spectral bands (2,4,7)
and (2,3,4) respectively for the preparation of a maps foe the patterns of land cover and land
uses in the study area.
Change detection results showed an increase in the area of class urban areas, in the year
1990, the area of this product 9.8 km 2, and in the year 2007 has become a 60.9 km 2 area of
the image, and an increase in the area of class agricultural land unexploited In 1990, the area
of this product 1290.50 km 2, and the year 2007 has become a 1610.33 km2 of the image, and
increase the area of classified land saline, in the year 1990, the area of this product 183.27 km
2, and in the year 2007 has become a 328.31 km2 of the image as well as an increase in the
area of class cover the water, in the year 1990 was space This product was 46.2 km 2, and in
the year 2007 has become a 62.5 km 2 of the area of the image, on the other hand decreased
space class vegetation In 1990, the area of this product 1140 km 2, and in the year 2007 has
become a 575.31 km 2, and also a decrease in class of arid lands In the year 1990, the area of
this product 407.12 km 2, and in the year 2007 has become a 261.95 km 2 area of the image.
The results revealed the reasous of land degradation in the district of Mahmudiya It
showed that the reason for an increase in the cover of water is an increase in human
activities,including the increase in artificial lakes, fish, this is important reason of land
degradation to decrease in a agriculture area, and this led decline to increased salinization of
the soil, either decrease in the arid land was due to the increase of urban land at the expense of
the land reclamation has happened in these arid lands
Keywords : land degradation , Remote Sensing , land covor , land use.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 26 2024
Journal Name
Surgical Neurology International
Orbital varices: Epidemiology, clinical presentation, and treatment outcomes – A scoping review

Orbital varices are vein dilations in the orbit presenting various symptoms. This scoping review synthesizes existing evidence on their epidemiology, clinical features, and treatment efficacy.


Literature was reviewed according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. PubMed and Scopus were searched until April 31, 2024, for articles on clinically diagnosed ocular varices detailing diagnostic methods, treatments, and outcomes. Exclusions were reviews, animal studies, and incomplete case reports. Data on study characteristics, diagnosis, management, and o

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Sat Nov 01 2008
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Digital Signal Processing
A high performance parallel Radon based OFDM transceiver design and simulation

major goal of the next-generation wireless communication systems is the development of a reliable high-speed wireless communication system that supports high user mobility. They must focus on increasing the link throughput and the network capacity. In this paper a novel, spectral efficient system is proposed for generating and transmitting twodimensional (2-D) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols through 2- D inter-symbol interference (ISI) channel. Instead of conventional data mapping techniques, discrete finite Radon transform (FRAT) is used as a data mapping technique due to the increased orthogonality offered. As a result, the proposed structure gives a significant improvement in bit error rate (BER) performance. Th

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Tue Sep 01 2020
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Journal Of Engineering
Review on Heat Transfer Process Inside Open and Closed Porous Cavity

Many researchers used different methods in their investigations to enhance the heat transfer coefficient, one of these methods is using porous medium. Heat transfer process inside closed and open cavities filled with a fluid-saturated porous media has a considerable importance in different engineering applications, such as compact heat exchangers, nuclear reactors and solar collectors. So, the present paper comprises a review on natural, forced, and combined convection heat transfer inside a porous cavity with and without driven lid. Most of the researchers on this specific subject studied the effect of many parameters on the heat transfer and fluid field inside a porous cavity, like the angle of inclination, the presenc

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Sun Jan 01 2017
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International Journal Of Mathematics In Operational Research
A single server fuzzy queues with priority and unequal service rates

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Russian Journal Of Bioorganic Chemistry
A Brief Review on Schiff Base, Synthesis, and Their Antimicrobial Activities

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Sat Sep 30 2023
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Iraqi Journal Of Science
Novel Dynamic S-Box Based on Password Key and Circle Map

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Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Triple Γ-Homomorphisms and Bi - Γ -Derivations on Jordan Γ-algebra

In this paper, we introduce the concept of Jordan  –algebra, special Jordan  –algebra and triple  –homomorphisms. We also introduce Bi -  –derivations and Annihilator of Jordan algebra. Finally, we study the triple  –homomorphisms and Bi -  –derivations on Jordan algebra.

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Tue Jun 01 2021
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Ieee Systems Journal
Intelligent Traffic Management and Load Balance Based on Spike ISDN-IoT

An intelligent software defined network (ISDN) based on an intelligent controller can manage and control the network in a remarkable way. In this article, a methodology is proposed to estimate the packet flow at the sensing plane in the software defined network-Internet of Things based on a partial recurrent spike neural network (PRSNN) congestion controller, to predict the next step ahead of packet flow and thus, reduce the congestion that may occur. That is, the proposed model (spike ISDN-IoT) is enhanced with a congestion controller. This controller works as a proactive controller in the proposed model. In addition, we propose another intelligent clustering controller based on an artificial neural network, which operates as a reactive co

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Wed Feb 01 2023
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Baghdad Science Journal
Retrieving Encrypted Images Using Convolution Neural Network and Fully Homomorphic Encryption

A content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a technique used to retrieve images from an image database. However, the CBIR process suffers from less accuracy to retrieve images from an extensive image database and ensure the privacy of images. This paper aims to address the issues of accuracy utilizing deep learning techniques as the CNN method. Also, it provides the necessary privacy for images using fully homomorphic encryption methods by Cheon, Kim, Kim, and Song (CKKS). To achieve these aims, a system has been proposed, namely RCNN_CKKS, that includes two parts. The first part (offline processing) extracts automated high-level features based on a flatting layer in a convolutional neural network (CNN) and then stores these features in a

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Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Periodontal status and salivary flow rate among diagnostic radiology department workers

Background: diagnostic radiology field workers are at elevated risk level for systemic and oral diseases like periodontal diseases. This study was aimed to estimate the periodontal condition and salivary flow rate among diagnostic radiology workers. Material and method: The sample for this study consisted of a study group radiographers (forty subjects) working for 5 years at least and control group consisted of nurses and laboratory workers away from radiation (forty subjects) in Baghdad hospitals. All the 80 subjects aged 30-40 year-old and looking healthy without systemic diseases. Plaque, gingival, periodontal pocket depth and clinical attachment loss indices were used for recording the periodontal conditions. Under standardized condi

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