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Use of Remote Sensing in the assessment and classification of land degradation in the district of Mahmudiya for the period 1990-2007
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The study consisted in the development and use of a practical method to detect and
monitor, analyze and produce maps of changes in land use and land cover in the district of
Mahmudiya in Baghdad during the period 1990-2007 using the applications of remote sensing
techniques and with the assisstant of geographic information systems (GIS),as a valuable
contribution to land degradation studies.
This study is based maiuly on the processing on two subsets of landsat5 TM images picked up
in August 1990 and 2007 respectively in order to facilitate comparision and were thengeometrically and radiometrcally calibrated ,to used for digital classification purposes using
maximum liklihoods classification or six spectral bands of both images as input (with the
thermal bands being excluded)for procedures of change detection proposed, as well as the use
of installation chromatograpiy analysis and visual interpretation using spectral bands (2,4,7)
and (2,3,4) respectively for the preparation of a maps foe the patterns of land cover and land
uses in the study area.
Change detection results showed an increase in the area of class urban areas, in the year
1990, the area of this product 9.8 km 2, and in the year 2007 has become a 60.9 km 2 area of
the image, and an increase in the area of class agricultural land unexploited In 1990, the area
of this product 1290.50 km 2, and the year 2007 has become a 1610.33 km2 of the image, and
increase the area of classified land saline, in the year 1990, the area of this product 183.27 km
2, and in the year 2007 has become a 328.31 km2 of the image as well as an increase in the
area of class cover the water, in the year 1990 was space This product was 46.2 km 2, and in
the year 2007 has become a 62.5 km 2 of the area of the image, on the other hand decreased
space class vegetation In 1990, the area of this product 1140 km 2, and in the year 2007 has
become a 575.31 km 2, and also a decrease in class of arid lands In the year 1990, the area of
this product 407.12 km 2, and in the year 2007 has become a 261.95 km 2 area of the image.
The results revealed the reasous of land degradation in the district of Mahmudiya It
showed that the reason for an increase in the cover of water is an increase in human
activities,including the increase in artificial lakes, fish, this is important reason of land
degradation to decrease in a agriculture area, and this led decline to increased salinization of
the soil, either decrease in the arid land was due to the increase of urban land at the expense of
the land reclamation has happened in these arid lands
Keywords : land degradation , Remote Sensing , land covor , land use.

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Publication Date
Fri May 15 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Study of Change in Regional Land Use Using Remote Sensing Technology and Geographic Information Systems / Study Area (Hawr Al Huweiza) for the Years 1973-1990-2004
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his project try to explain the using ability of spatial techniques for land cover change detection on regional level with the time parameter and did select for explain these abilities study case (Hewaizah marsh ) . this area apply to many big changes with the time. These changes made action on characters and behaviors of this area as well as all activities in it . This Project concerting to recognize the Using importance of remote sensing and GIS Methodology in data collecting for the changes of land use and the methodology for the analyses and getting the results for the next using as a base data for development and drawing the plans as well as in regional planning .This project focus on practical

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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This study comprised three traverses extending parallel through the Northern, Central and Southern Mahmudiya districts, and perpendicular to the course of the Euphrates River. They were identified to collect (15) soil samples and some water samples as distributed within the land cover classes of the study area. Those classes were determined by visual interpretation and supervised classification for Landsat (TM) images obtained in August/2007. The digital classification was based on Maximum Likelihood method using six spectral bands excluding the thermal band. Chemical and physical laboratory analysis for the soil characteristics was performed to determine the types of land degradation in the study area.
The results showed that the hig

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Evaluation of the efficiency of the regional transport network of the district center of Mahmudiya
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The Study aims at evaluating the efficiency of the regional transportation net in Al-mahmoodiya Qadaa center. The bus station of the Qadaa center is suffering from heavy traffic jam, which is due to the ongoing movement of the adjacent provinces, particularly the small cities. They vary in the degree of their link by the regional transportation net that links the province with the centers of big cities. That affects the traffic flow of the civilians of these cities and their daily activities in hierarchical way To achieve the purpose of the study, a questionnaire has been constructed to collect data through selecting a random sample including the passengers who are coming to the bus station in Al-Mahmoodiya center to know the flo

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The waste sorting and recycling plant in the district of al- Mahmudiya (Yusufiya) is the only laboratory in Baghdad governorate. It is the only one in Iraq that collects and recycles waste. After sorting, we have packages of raw materials (aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, Nylon bags) as well as natural fertilizers (food residues and others) and a sanitary landfill with specifications that meet international standards; However, the absence of a structure for the management of the plant (manager, assistant manager, accountant, etc.) in addition to the non-supply of waste on a daily and continuous basis and the lack of cooperation of the Municipality of Baghdad with the management of the plant led to delay in the work

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of waste sorting and recycling laboratory in Mahmudiya (case study)
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The daily practices of humans produce various types of waste, which are a threat to the health and environment surrounding it, especially after the increase in quantities as a result of population growth and technological development, and here came the need for recycling solid waste as one of the modern concepts that achieve environmental benefits, The aim of the research is to evaluate the project of sorting and recycling of solid waste in the district of Mahmoudiya and whether its work is sustainable ,Conforming to modern standards, using standard checklists to determine the gap between the current laboratory reality and the requirements of those standards , Using the case study methodology as the most appropriate approach

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Aerodynamic Surface Roughness Length over Baghdad City Utilizing Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
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This study calculated the surface roughness length (Zo), zero-displacement length (Zd) and height of the roughness elements (ZH) using GIS applications. The practical benefit of this study is to classify the development of Baghdad, choose the appropriate places for installing wind turbines, improve urban planning, find rates of turbulence, pollution and others. The surface roughness length (Zo) of Baghdad city was estimated based on the data of the wind speed obtained from an automatic weather station installed at Al-Mustansiriyah University, the data of the satellite images digital elevation model (DEM), and the digital surface model (DSM), utilizing Remote Sensing Techniques. The study area w

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Assessment of Sustainable Urban Expansion with Land Use and Land Cover Changes for Al-Hillah City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
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In the current study, remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems were used to detect changes in land use / land cover (LULC) in the city of Al Hillah, central Iraq for the period from 1990 - 2022. Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI visualizations, correction and georeferencing of satellite visuals were used. And then make the necessary classifications to show the changes in LULC in the city of Al Hillah. Through the study, the results showed that there is a clear expansion in the urban area from 20.5 km2 in 1990 to about 57 km2 in 2022. On the other hand, the results showed that there is a slight increase in agricultural areas and water. While the arid (empty) area decreased from 168.7 km 2 to 122 km 2 in 2022. Long-term ur

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Land use change in Baghdad City and assessment of the Jadriyah and Umm Al- Khanazeer Island Important Bird Area (IBA) from 1984 to 2020
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Land use change, particularly the expansion of urban areas and associated human activities at the expense of natural and semi-natural areas, is a major ecological issue in urban areas around the world. Climate change being a very strong additional driver for changing the temperature and habitat in the cities. This also applies to Baghdad, Iraq, where urbanisation and climate change exerts a major pressure on the natural habitats of the city, and thus may affect the ability of city planners to adapt to future climate change scenarios. Here we present evidence of substantial growth in urban areas, increases in temperature, and degradation of natural vegetation within Baghdad city by using Remote Sensing techniques and an assessment for the

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Application of the Banzhaf Values for Cooperating Among Producers of Waste Processing in the Al-Mahmudiya Factory
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     The game theory has been applied to all situations where agents’ (people or companies) actions are utility-maximizing, and the collaborative offshoot of game theory has proven to be a robust tool for creating effective collaboration strategies in a broad range of applications. In this paper first, we employ the Banzhaf values to show the potential cost to waste producers in the case of a cooperation and to reduce the overall costs of processing non-recyclable waste during cooperation between producers. Secondly, we propose an application of the methodology to study a case for five waste producers' waste management in the Al-Mahmudiya factory with the aim of displaying the potential cost to waste producers in case of cooperatio

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Method in Investigating The Impact of Interest Rate on Foreign Direct Investment in Yemen for the Period 1990-2018
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 Foreign direct investment has seen increasing interest worldwide, especially in developing economies. However, statistics have shown that Yemen received fluctuating FDI inflows during the period under study. Against this background, this research seeks to determine the relationship and impact of interest rates on FDI flows. The study also found other determinants that greatly affected FDI inflows in Yemen for the period 1990-2018. Study data collected from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund databases. It also ensured that the time series were made balanced and interconnected, and then the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag method used in the analysis. The results showed that the interest rates and

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