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Effects of time delay and tension system application after final flask closure on the vertical displacement of acrylic and porcelain teeth in maxillary complete dentures

Background: The displacement of artificial teeth during complete denture construction presents major processing errors in the occlusal vertical dimension which were verified at the previous trial denture stage. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of delay in processing after final flask closure and tension application on the vertical acrylic and porcelain teeth displacement of complete dentures constructed from heat cured acrylic and the results were compared with the conventional processing method. Materials and methods: forty samples of identical maxillary complete dentures were constructed from heat polymerized acrylic resin. These samples were subdivided into the following experimental subgroups in which each subgroup contains 5 samples for both acrylic and porcelain teeth and as follows: 1. Conventional flasking technique and immediate processing. 2. Conventional flasking technique and 6 hours delay in processing. 3. flasking technique with tension system and immediate processing. 4. flasking technique with tension system and 6 hours delay in processing. Reference metal pins were attached to the middle of the buccal surface of the upper right canine and center of the buccal groove of the left first molar. And according to these reference points on the teeth another metallic Reference pins were fixed on the denture vestibules and at a distance of 7.5mm by straight lines and 6.5mm where placed between the metal pins and the vestibules in order to standardize the measurement. The distance between the right and left metal pins on the canine and molars and the corresponding metal pins on the buccal vestibules were measured during the wax up stage and after processing by using an optical travelling microscope with an accuracy of 0.0005 mm. Means in (mm) were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and the comparative T-test and least significance test (LSD). Results: Significant reduction in vertical displacement of the teeth occurred in groups when 6 hours delay in processing were applied, but a significant improvement was also observed in groups with tension system application when compared with control group. On the other hand, there were a high significant reduction in the vertical displacement in groups with tension system and 6 hours delay in processing combination. While for the type of artificial teeth data showed significant difference in the amount of vertical displacement of the teeth in groups with acrylic teeth when compared with porcelain teeth. Conclusions: The findings of this study showed that 6 hours delay in processing and tension system application were effective in reducing the vertical displacement of the artificial teeth during flasking. The maximum reduction in the displacement was observed in dentures constructed from acrylic teeth. On the other hand, significant decrease in vertical displacement of the teeth was detected in dentures constructed from porcelain teeth.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Discharge Coefficient of Contracted Rectangular Sharp-Crested Weirs, an Experimental Study

An experimental study is made here to investigate the discharge coefficient for contracted rectangular Sharp crested weirs. Three Models are used, each with different weir width to flume width ratios (0.333, 0.5, and 0.666). The experimental work is conducted in a standard flume with high-precision head and flow measuring devices. Results are used to find a dimensionless equation for the discharge coefficient variation with geometrical, flow, and fluid properties. These are the ratio of the total head to the weir height, the ratio of the contracted weir width to the flume width, the ratio of the total head to the contracted width, and Reynolds and Weber numbers. Results show that the relationship between the discharge co

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Bağdat’tan Derlenen Halk Masallarının İncelmesi A Studay Of Popular Baghdadi Tales


Bir millet veya topluluk kendi varlığını ancak kültürel değerleri ile koruyabilecek; gelecek nesillere aktarabilecek ve dünyanın diğer milletlerine tanıtabilecektir. Böylece dünya milletleri arasında ortak kültürel ve toplumsal değerler tespit edilecek ve bu ortak değerlerden hareketle insanlık hizmetine sunulabilecek çok güzel çalışmalar hazırlanabilecektir. Taşıdıkları zengin kültürel ve toplumsal değerlerinden dolayı masalların halk edebiyatı ürünlerinin şah damarı niteliğinde oldukları söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada Türk okuruna Bağdat halk masallarını tanıtmak için sahadan derlenen on masal metnine yer verilmiştir. Bağdat masal metinlerinin tip ve motif

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent

An investigation was conducted effect of addition co- solvent on solvent extraction process for two types of a lubricating oil fraction (spindle) and (SAE-30) obtained from vacuum distillation unit of lube oil plant of Daura Refinery. In this study two types of co-solvents ( formamide and N-methyl, 2, pyrrolidone) were blended with furfural to extract aromatic hydrocarbons which are the undesirable materials in raw lubricating oil, in order to improve the viscosity index, viscosity and yield of produced lubricating oil. The studied operating condition are extraction temperature range from 70 to 110 °C for formamide and 80 to 120 °C for N-methyl, 2, pyrrolidone, solvent to oil ratio range from 1:1 to 2:1 (wt./wt.) for furfural with form

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bifurcation Diagram of W(u_j;τ)-Function with (p,q)-Parameters

      This study aims to classify the critical points of functions with 4 variables and 8 parameters, we found the caustic for the certain function with the spreading of the critical points. Finally, as an application, we found the bifurcation solutions for the equation of sixth order with boundary conditions using the Lyapunov-Schmidt method in the variational case.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Polyamide 6,6 Cable Ties by Thermogravimetric Analysis

  The thermal degradation of cable ties of polyamide (PA6,6) neat and UV stabilized was investigated by thermogravimetry (TG) and its derivative (DTG) at several heating rates between 5 and 80 oC min-1  in helium atmosphere. High heating rates signal novel peaks in the DTG curves that indicate melting temperature of PA6,6. The kinetic parameters calculated via isoconversion and nonisothermal data using the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa, Kissinger and CoatsRedfern methods showed comparable activation energy values. Exposure of the ties to outdoor environment causes pre-mature stress cracking and brittle failure due to prevalence of crosslinking reaction occurring in the polymer chains

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Risk factor of urinary incontinence among menopausal women at Babylon city

Purpose: To identify the risk factors of urinary incontinency for menopausal women.
Methodology: A descriptive analytic study was conducted to identify the risk factor for urinary incontinency
and selected non-probability sample (purposive sample) from (200) menopausal women (45-65) who have
urinary incontinence as visitors and caregiver women who attend at Hila surgical teaching hospital during the
period 1/11/2010-30/3/2011. Questionnaire format used for data collection was designed and constructed
after reviewing related literatures and previous studies and consists of the following variables: Demographic
and reproductive characteristics of menopausal women who suffers from urinary incontinence
Results: The study

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement Marshall Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Using Polyphosphoric Acid

Modified asphalt is considered one of the alternatives to address the problems of deficiencies in traditional asphalt concrete, as modified asphalt addresses many of the issues that appear on the pavement layers in asphalt concrete, resulting from heavy traffic and vehicles loaded with loads that exceed the design loads and the large fluctuations in the daily and seasonal temperatures of asphalt concrete. The current study examined the role of polyphosphoric acid (PPA) as a modified material for virgin asphalt when it was added in different proportions (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%) of the asphalt weight. The experimental program includes the volumetric characteristics associated with the Marshall test, the physical properties, and th

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Parasites of Fishes Collected from Tigris River, Salah AlDeen Province, Iraq

A total of 109 fish specimens belonging to six species (Barbus grypus, B. luteus, B. xanthopterus, Cyprinion macrostomum, Cyprinus carpio and Liza abu) were collected from Tigris river passing through Salah Al-Deen province during the period from September 2008 till January 2009. These fishes were infected with nine parasite species which included two sporozoans (Myxobolus mülleri and Dermocystidium percae), three ciliates (Trichodina cottidarum, T. elegini and T. murmanica) and four monogenetic trematodes (Dactylogyrus rhodeianus, D. vastator, Paradiplozoon cyprini and Microcotyle donavini). Among these parasites, two trichodinids (T. elegini and T. murmanica) were reported for the first time from fishes of Iraq. Also, B. grypus is c

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Fabrication of Electroluminescence Device for PEDOT:PSS / ploy TPD/Eu2O3 Nanoparticles junction

We manufactured the nanoparticles light emitting diode (NPs-LED) for organic and inorganic semiconductors to achieve electroluminescence (EL). The nanoparticles of Europium oxide(Eu2O3) were incorporated into the thin film layers of the organic compounds, poly(3,4,- ethylene dioxythiophene)/polystyrene sulfonic acid (PEDOT:PSS), N,N’–diphenyl-N,N’ –bis(3-methylphenyl)-1,1’-biphenyl 4,4’- diamine (poly TPD) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), by the spin coating and with the help of the phase segregation method. The EL of NPs-LED, was study for the different bias voltages (20, 25, 30) V at the room temperature, from depending on the CIE 1931 color spaces and it was generated the white light at 20V, t

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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Charge density distributions for odd-A of 2s-1d shell nuclei

An analytical expression for the charge density distributions is derived based on the use of occupation numbers of the states and the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed root mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. The derived expression, which is applicable throughout the whole region of shell nuclei, has been employed in the calculations concerning the charge density distributions for odd- of shell nuclei, such as and nuclei. It is found that introducing an additional parameters, namely and which reflect the difference of the occupation numbers of the states from the prediction of the simple shell model leads to obtain a remarkabl

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