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Oral health status, salivary physical properties and salivary Mutans Streptococci among a group of mouth breathing patients in comparison to nose breathing
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Background: Mouth breathing can lead to introduce cold, dry unprepared air that insults the tissue of oral cavity, nasopharynx and lung, leading in turn to pathological changes in oronasal cavity, nasopharyngeal and other respiratory tissue, mouth breathing associated with nasal obstruction may lead to many health problems, in particular oral health problems such as inflammation of gingiva, oral dryness, change in oral environment that may decrease pH, salivary flow rate and increase bacteria and dental caries.Aims of the present study were to assess the oral health condition among mouth breather associated with nasal obstruction, including dental caries, oral cleanliness and gingival health condition as well as to evaluate the changes in salivary physical characteristics and salivary mutans streptococci counts, and their relation to oral variables in comparison to a control group. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients with mouth breathing associated with nasal obstruction (15 females and 15 males) were selected as a study group with an age range (18-22) years old, all subjects were examined by ENT specialist to confirm mouth breathing. A 30 gender and age matched healthy looking subjects without nasal obstruction were selected as control. The diagnosis and recording of dental caries was according to severity of dental caries lesion through the application of D1_4MFS(Manji et al., 1989). Plaque index of (Silness and Loe, 1964) was used for plaque assessment; gingival index of (Loe and Silness, 1963) was used for gingival health condition assessment. Stimulated salivary samples were collected according to (Tenovuo and Lagerlof, 1996) and the following variables were recorded: microbiological analysis included the salivary counts of mutans streptococci, salivary flow rate, salivary pH (potential of hydrogen) and then measurement of salivary viscosity by using Ostwald's viscometer. Results: Results of the present study showed that the mouth breathing group had statistically highly significant, higher plaque and gingival indices than nose breathing group (P<0.01) with a positive highly significant correlation between them in mouth breathing and nose breathing groups (r=0.56, r= 0.64, respectively).The salivary flow rate was lower among mouth breathing with highly significant difference than nose breathing (P<0.01), also salivary pH was lower among mouth breathing but with significant differencecompare to nose breathing (P<0.05); statistically a negative highly significant correlation was recorded among mouth breathing group between salivary flow rate with gingival index (r= -0.56). It has been found that salivary viscosity was not statistically significant difference between mouth breathing group and nose breathing group. The salivary viscosity was found to be inversely significantly correlated with salivary flow rate among mouth breathing group (r= -0.38). While it was positively not significantly correlated with plaque index, gingival index and counts of mutans streptococci among mouth breathing group. Data analysis of the present study showed that salivary mutans streptococci counts among mouth breathing group were higher than that among nose breathing group, difference was statistically highly significant (P<0.01). Conclusion: Mouth breathing associated with nasal obstruction may have an effect on oral health status, leading to an increase in periodontal disease and changes in dental caries.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Electro-Excitation Form Factors for Low-Lying States of 7Li Nucleus
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The transverse electron scattering form factors have been studied for low –lying excited states of 7Li nucleus. These states are specified by J? T= (0.478MeV), (4.63MeV) and (6.68MeV). The transitions to these states are taking place by both isoscalar and isovector components. These form factors have been analyzed in the framework of the multi-nucleon configuration mixing of harmonic oscillator shell model with size parameter brms=1.74fm. The universal two-body of Cohen-Kurath is used to generate the 1p-shell wave functions. The core polarization effects are included in the calculations through effective g-factors and resolved many discrepancies with experiments. A higher configuration effect outside the 1p-shell model space, such

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 05 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Spectroscopy
Spectrophotometric Method Using the Derivative for the Determination of the Drug Losartan
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Spectrophotometric determination of ciprofloxacin by Ion pair complex formation with bromothymol blue‏
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Approach of Linear Volterra Integro-Differential Equations Using Generalized Spline Functions
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This paper is dealing with non-polynomial spline functions "generalized spline" to find the approximate solution of linear Volterra integro-differential equations of the second kind and extension of this work to solve system of linear Volterra integro-differential equations. The performance of generalized spline functions are illustrated in test examples

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The antibacterial activity of indium oxide thin film prepared by thermal deposition
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Indium oxide In2O3 thin films fabricated using thermal evaporation of indium metal in vacuum on a glass substrate at 25oC using array mask, after deposition the indium films have been subjected to thermal oxidation at temperature 400 °C for 1h. The results of prepared Indium oxide reveal the oxidation method as a strong effect on the morphology and optical properties of the samples as fabricated. The band gap (Eg) of In2O3 films at 400 °C is 2.7 eV. Then, SEM and XRD measurements are also used to investigate the morphology and structure of the indium oxide In2O3 thin films. The antimicrobial activity of indium oxide In2O3 thin films was assessed against gram-negative bacterium using inhibition zone of bacteria which improved higher ina

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Advances In Mechanical Engineering
3D-shape formation of blood vessels based on computer aided design system
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This paper proposes and tests a computerized approach for constructing a 3D model of blood vessels from angiogram images. The approach is divided into two steps, image features extraction and solid model formation. In the first step, image morphological operations and post-processing techniques are used for extracting geometrical entities from the angiogram image. These entities are the middle curve and outer edges of the blood vessel, which are then passed to a computer-aided graphical system for the second phase of processing. The system has embedded programming capabilities and pre-programmed libraries for automating a sequence of events that are exploited to create a solid model of the blood vessel. The gradient of the middle c

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculation of Photon Emission from Quark-Antiquark Annihilation Using QCD Theory
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In this work, we calculate and analyze the photon emission from quark and anti-quark interaction during annihilation process using simple model depending on phenomenology of quantum chromodynamic theory (QCD). The parameters, which include the running strength coupling, temperature of the system and the critical temperature, carry information regarding photon emission and have a significant impact on the photons yield. The emission of photon from strange interaction with anti-strange is large sensitive to decreases or increases there running strength coupling. The photons emission increases with decreases running strength coupling and vice versa. We introduce the influence of critical temperature on the  photon emission  rate in order

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of six electrode Enzial electrostatic lens low aberrations for electron gun
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A computerized investigation has been carried out on the design of six electrodes electrostatic lenses used in electron gun application. The Finite-Element Method (FEM) was used in the solution of Laplace equation for determine the axial potential distribution. The electron trajectory under zero magnification condition. The optical properties, spherical and chromatic aberrations, the object and image focal length and object and image position are calculated. A very good futures for the electron gun with these lenses have been computed where are a beam current of 8.7*10-7A can be supplied using cathode tip of radius 10nm.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Flying Ad hoc Networks (FANET): Performance Evaluation of Topology Based Routing Protocols
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Flying Ad hoc Networks (FANETs) has developed as an innovative technology for access places without permanent infrastructure. This emerging form of networking is construct of flying nodes known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that fly at a fast rate of speed, causing frequent changes in the network topology and connection failures. As a result, there is no dedicated FANET routing protocol that enables effective communication between these devices. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of the category of topology-based routing protocols in the FANET. In a surveillance system involving video traffic, four routing protocols with varying routing mechanisms were examined. Additionally, simulation experiments conduct

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Crossref (14)
Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Iraqi porcelanite Rocks for Efficient Removal of Safranin Dye from Aqueous Solution
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This research includes a study of the ability of Iraqi porcelanite rocks powder to remove the basic Safranine dye from its aqueous process by adsorption. The experiments were carried out at 298Kelvin in order to determine the effect of the starting concentration for Safranin dye, mixing time, pH, and the effect of ionic Strength. The good conditions were perfect for safranine dye adsorption was performed when0.0200g from that adsorbed particles and the removal max percentage  was found  be 96.86%  at 9 mg/L , 20 minutes adsorption time and at PH=8 and in 298 K. The isothermal equilibrum stoichiometric adsorption confirmed, the process data were examined by Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin adsorption equations at different temperatures

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