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Evaluation of the Effect of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 on Stability of Dental Implant
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Background: The healing period for bone–implant contact takes 3–6 months or even longer. Application of Escherichia coli-derived recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (ErhBMP-2) to implant surfaces has been of great interest on osseointegration due to its osteoinductive potential. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of ErhBMP-2 on implant stability. Materials and methods: A total of 48 dental implants were inserted in 15 patients. Twenty four implants coated with 0.5 mg/ml ErhBMP-2 (study group). The other 24 implants were uncoated (control group). Each patient was received at least two dental implants at the same session. Both groups were followed with repeated implant stability measurements by means of resonance frequency analysis at different time intervals (at the time of surgery, then at 6th and 12th week postoperatively). Results: there was no obvious statistically significant difference in mean of implant stability quotient ISQ between study and control groups (P > 0.05) at time of surgery, whereas the mean of ISQ values at 6th and at 12th week postoperatively were statistically highly significant in the study group compared to the control group (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The results of this study reveal that coating dental implants with ErhBMP-2 increases stability when compared with uncoated implants.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stratigraphic Study for the Cretaceous-Tertiary period in Qasab-Jawan area in north weastern Iraq by using 2D seismic survey
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     A seismic study was conducted to re-interpret the Qasab and Jawan Oil fields in northwestern Iraq, south of the city of Mosul, by reprocessing many seismic sections of a number of field surveys by using the Petrel software. Two reflectors, represented by the Hartha formation, deposited during the Cretan age, and the Euphrates formation, formed during the Tertiary age, were delineated to stabilize the structural picture of these fields.

The stratigraphic study showed that the Qasab and Jawan fields represent areas of hydrocarbon accumulation. Seismic attribute analysis showed low values of instantaneous frequency in the areas of hydrocarbon accumulation. Instantaneous phase was used to determine the limits

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Classism Hate Speech in Katherine Mansfield's Short Story ‘The Doll’s House’: A Pragmatic Study: ايمان نوري جاسم , مصلح شويش احمد
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Hate speech (henceforth HS) has recently spread and become an important issue. This type of speech in children's writings has a particular formulation and specific objectives that the authors intend to convey. Thus, the study aims at examining qualitatively and quantitatively the classism HS and its pragmatic functions via identifying the speech acts used to express  classism HS, the implicature instigated as well as impoliteness. Since pragmatics is the study of language in context, which is greatly related to the situations and speaker’s intention, this study depends on pragmatic theoriespeech acts, impoliteness and conversational implicature) to analyze the data which are taken from Katherine Mansfield's short story (The D

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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     El Ultraísmo es un movimiento literario que comenzó en España a finales de 1918 y continuó hasta el año 1922. Este movimiento, que representó la contribución de España al Vanguardismo literario, que en la primera parte del siglo XX surgió en toda Europa, se desarrolló no tanto a través de los libros, cuanta a través de las revistas literarias de la época.


La creacionista es, sin duda, la escuela que dio a Ultra mayores aportes. Por esta razón, en las literaturas de Vanguardia se funden, y a veces también se confunden, con frecuencia, Ultraísmo y Creacionismo. Los dos movimientos eran como una revo

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Processing Eruca sativa leaves in the nanoscale and study its effectiveness for removing Cibacron red dye from their aqueous solutions
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    The discharge of dyes into the water is a significant source of pollution, which is especially concerning given that textile mills are the primary contributor. Nanomaterial-based solutions to this issue have required extensive research and investigation due to their complex nature. In this research, novel nanoparticle were successfully synthesized using the leaves of the Eruca sativa plant. The nano was analyzed using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) measurements, and their crystal structure was determined using the X-ray diffraction technique (XRD). The incorporation of NPs resulted in an increase in the uptake of the Cibacron red dye. At a contact time of 30 minutes, observed a faster adsor

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The ZnO-CuO Nanoporous Composite Synthesized using Gum Arabic (Acacia senegalensis) as an Emerging Nanolarvicide for Culex quinquefasciatus Larvae Management
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    Culex quinquefasciatus is an intermediate host of several human pathogens and serve as a vector of filariasis worldwide. Recently, there are increasing efforts to develop new and effective nanoparticles to control mosquito vectors. The green synthesis of ZnO-CuO nanoporous composite using Gum Arabic (Acacia senegalensis) was successfully carried out with Gum Arabic and the composite was characterized by UV-Visible, FTIR, and SEM/EDX techniques. Three different larval instars (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) of Culex quinquefasciatus were exposed to various concentrations (10, 20, 25 mg/l) of the ZnO-CuO nanocomposite for 24 h. The LC50 values fo

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
British Journal Of Neurosurgery
An enemy hides in the ceiling; pediatric traumatic brain injury caused by metallic ceiling fan: Case series and literature review
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Purpose: We report a series of 29 pediatric patients who sustained head injuries due to metallic ceiling fans. They all were admitted to the Emergency Department of Neurosurgery Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq, during January 2015 to January 2017. Results: Pediatric ceiling fan head injuries are characterized by four traits which distinguish them from other types of head injuries; 1- Most of them were because of climbing on or jumping from furniture between the ages of two and five. 2- Most of them sustained compound depressed skull fracture which associated with intracranial lesions and pneumocephalus. 3- The most common indication for surgical intervention was because of dirty wound which mixed with hairs. 4- These variables were stati

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Applying Water Quality Index Technique to Estimate the Euphrates River Suitability for different uses in Samawa and Nasiriya, Southern Iraq
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     Water salinity assessment is fundamental to the management of water resources. The objective of this research is to calculate the water quality index of the Euphrates River by using mathematical methods. As well as to evaluate the water for various uses by estimating the inorganic pollution in the river water in two sites: Samawa and Nasiriya sites. Based on physiochemical characteristics such as pH, TDS, EC,  and concentrations of the major ions of calcium (Ca2+), sodium (Na+), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), sulphate (SO42-)  and Chloride (Cl-), bicarbonate ions (HCO3-), and minor elements of nitrate (NO32-

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Special exercises with ropes, rubber bullets and their impact in some biomechanical variables in the 100m hurdles ran for juniors
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The rubber ropes exercises affected muscle groups, which in turn affects the corners of the conditions of the body before and over the barrier where affected the time passed. To change the angle of the approaching and payment impact on passing each times the barrier 1-5. That passed over the barrier 1and gate 5 impacts on the nature of the achievement, where time has become less. Find the values of cruise missiles and other phases and stages of pitch angle other categories which it enshrines stood as compelling rejection men's 110m hurdles. Find the value of the instant messaging distances between different barriers and stages. Studies by adding rubber sling barriers race categories, measurement of kinematic variables. Emphasis on the devel

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
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Communicational sources used by the agricultural agent to transfer agricultural infromation for rice farmers in Alabbassia / Najaf Al-Ashraf Governorate
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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 05 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Special exercises with ropes, rubber bullets and their impact in some biomechanical variables in the 100m hurdles ran for juniors
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