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Document retrieval using term term frequency inverse sentence frequency weighting scheme
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The need for an efficient method to find the furthermost appropriate document corresponding to a particular search query has become crucial due to the exponential development in the number of papers that are now readily available to us on the web. The vector space model (VSM) a perfect model used in “information retrieval”, represents these words as a vector in space and gives them weights via a popular weighting method known as term frequency inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). In this research, work has been proposed to retrieve the most relevant document focused on representing documents and queries as vectors comprising average term term frequency inverse sentence frequency (TF-ISF) weights instead of representing them as vectors of term TF-IDF weight and two basic and effective similarity measures: Cosine and Jaccard were used. Using the MS MARCO dataset, this article analyzes and assesses the retrieval effectiveness of the TF-ISF weighting scheme. The result shows that the TF-ISF model with the Cosine similarity measure retrieves more relevant documents. The model was evaluated against the conventional TF-ISF technique and shows that it performs significantly better on MS MARCO data (Microsoft-curated data of Bing queries).

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A fourth Order Pseudoparabolic Inverse Problem to Identify the Time Dependent Potential Term from Extra Condition
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     In this work, the pseudoparabolic problem of the fourth order is investigated to identify the time -dependent potential term under periodic conditions, namely, the integral condition and overdetermination condition. The existence and uniqueness of the solution to the inverse problem are provided. The proposed method involves discretizing the pseudoparabolic equation by using a finite difference scheme, and an iterative optimization algorithm to resolve the inverse problem which views as a nonlinear least-square minimization. The optimization algorithm aims to minimize the difference between the numerical computing solution and the measured data. Tikhonov’s regularization method is also applied to gain stable results. Two

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Frequency analyses of human voice using fast Fourier transform
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Quantitative analysis of human voice has been subject of interest and the subject gained momentum when human voice was identified as a modality for human authentication and identification. The main organ responsible for production of sound is larynx and the structure of larynx along with its physical properties and modes of vibration determine the nature and quality of sound produced. There has been lot of work from the point of view of fundamental frequency of sound and its characteristics. With the introduction of additional applications of human voice interest grew in other characteristics of sound and possibility of extracting useful features from human voice. We conducted a study using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique to analy

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Writer Authentication by Using Syllables Frequency
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An approach is depended in the recent years to distinguish any author or writer from other by analyzing his writings or essays. This is done by analyzing the syllables of writings of an author. The syllable is composed of two letters; therefore the words of the writing are fragmented to syllables and extract the most frequency syllables to become trait of that author. The research work depend on analyzed the frequency syllables in two cases, the first, when there is a space between the words, the second, when these spaces are ignored. The results is obtained from a program which scan the syllables in the text file, the performance is best in the first case since the sequence of the selected syllables is higher than the same syllables in

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 26 2014
Journal Name
Engineering Optimization
A new modified differential evolution algorithm scheme-based linear frequency modulation radar signal de-noising
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The main intention of this study was to investigate the development of a new optimization technique based on the differential evolution (DE) algorithm, for the purpose of linear frequency modulation radar signal de-noising. As the standard DE algorithm is a fixed length optimizer, it is not suitable for solving signal de-noising problems that call for variability. A modified crossover scheme called rand-length crossover was designed to fit the proposed variable-length DE, and the new DE algorithm is referred to as the random variable-length crossover differential evolution (rvlx-DE) algorithm. The measurement results demonstrate a highly efficient capability for target detection in terms of frequency response and peak forming that was isola

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Scopus (7)
Crossref (6)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Actor problematic term between ancient and modern
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Speech is associated with all early term grammar - somewhat - talking about the beginnings of the emergence of grammar, its foundation, and the truth is that this period has remained obscure, what came of them was a novels dealt with a facilitator beginnings as, and this means that what was of grammatical terms in the period of the first generation of grammarians do not constitute in itself, but the initial harbingers of serious way as in the science, and the real beginning of the term grammar mature as orally were at Hebron and Sibawayh evident in the book, then the efforts of the grammarians available until after the term of grammar arrived to what it is .
In this area is (actor) a grammatical terminology, which won at the ancient s

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semantic Exchange A study of rooting the term
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The term "semantic exchange" was popularized in Arabic, especially in derivatives, grammatical structures, etc., but it came under different names or terms, including deviation, deviation, transition, displacement, tooth breach, replacement, attention, etc. In the rooting of this term through its study in language and terminology, and among linguists, grammar and others, we have reached a number of results, including The existence of a harmonization between the lexical and idiomatic meaning of the term exchange, and the phenomenon of semantic exchange is a form of expansion in language, and that the first language scientists They had turned to this And studied under Cairo for different names, as noted above.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optimization Procedures using Effect of Etalon Finesse and Driving Term on Optical Bistability
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        In this work, analytical study for simulating a Fabry-Perot bistable etalon (F-P cavity) filled with a dispersive optimized nonlinear optical material (Kerr type) such as semiconductors Indium Antimonide (InSb). Because of a trade off between the etalon finesse values and driving terms, an optimization procedures have been done on the InSb etalon/CO laser parameters, using critical switching irradiance (Ic) via simulation systems of optimization procedures of optical cavity. in order to achieve the  minimum switching power and faster switching time, the optimization parameters of the finesse values and driving terms on optical bistability and switching dynamics must be studied.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and Implementation for optical fiber communication system using frequency shift coding
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In this research, optical communication coding systems are designed and constructed by utilizing Frequency Shift Code (FSC) technique. Calculations of the system quality represented by signal to noise ratio (S/N), Bit Error Rate (BER),and Power budget are done. In FSC system, the data of Nonreturn- to–zero (NRZ ) with bit rate at 190 kb/s was entered into FSC encoder circuit in transmitter unit. This data modulates the laser source HFCT-5205 with wavelength at 1310 nm by Intensity Modulation (IM) method, then this data is transferred through Single Mode (SM) optical fiber. The recovery of the NRZ is achieved using decoder circuit in receiver unit. The calculations of BER and S/N for FSC system a

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Linguistic Term and the Problems of the Arabic Reception
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        The linguistic researcher reads a systematic crisis, idiomatic problems within the linguistic term coming to the Arab culture. Where most of them return back to problems of receiving these sciences which are represented by phenomena like the multiplicity linguistic term, disturbance translated idiomatic concept and its duality.

Aims of the research :

1-Initializing new textbooks to form linguistic project and Arabic linguistic theory.

2-Determination adjusted knowledge, concepts of Arabian heritage linguistics subject

3-Observation  the causes of disturbance crisis of linguistic term and its relation to

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Sub–Nyquist Frequency Efficient Audio Compression
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This paper presents the application of a framework of fast and efficient compressive sampling based on the concept of random sampling of sparse Audio signal. It provides four important features. (i) It is universal with a variety of sparse signals. (ii) The number of measurements required for exact reconstruction is nearly optimal and much less then the sampling frequency and below the Nyquist frequency. (iii) It has very low complexity and fast computation. (iv) It is developed on the provable mathematical model from which we are able to quantify trade-offs among streaming capability, computation/memory requirement and quality of reconstruction of the audio signal. Compressed sensing CS is an attractive compression scheme due to its uni

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