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Post-Operative Computed Tomography to Evaluate the Accuracy of Thoracic and Lumbosacral Spine Pedicular Screw Fixation
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 Background: pedicular screw fixation is rapidly becoming a widely used method of spinal instrumentation. Despite improvement in design of instruments and surgical technique and the use of intra-operative fluoroscopy, pedicle cortical perforations occur endangering nearby neurovascular or extra vertebral structures.
Objective: This is a prospective (consecutive cases study) designed for Evaluation of incidence of pedicle screw misplacement in our study sample, compare our results to what is published in literature.
Patients and Method: This study involved 25 adult patients ( 10 males and 15 females ) their age ranged between ( 18 and 70 years) who underwent spinal surgery with pedicle screw fixation for different disorders of thoracic and lumbosacral spine with the aid of intraoperative fluoroscopy. Computed Tomography (CT) scan within one month was done for all patients to evaluate the accuracy of pedicle screw placement. Any new neurological symptoms was recorded and correlated with screw misplacement.
Results: 122screws inserted in 25 patients with an overall accuracy of (90.16%), frank misplacement of (4.09% )and questionable penetration of ( 5.73%) , new neurological deficit was seen in (20%) among all misplaced screws and in one case (4%) out of the 25 cases.
Conclusion: pedicle screw fixation surgery is a demanding procedure. Our incidence of screw misplacement is compatible with the lower published results in the literature. Not all patients with frank penetration of the pedicle cortical outlines developed complications.

لفية البحث:  إن جراحة تثبيت العمود الفقري باستخدام مسمار قدم الفقرات أصبحت من الوسائل الشائعة في جراحه العمود الفقري. رغم التطور الذي في تقنيات و تصاميم وسائل هذه ألجراحه و استخدام التصوير ألشعاعي إثناء هذه ألجراحه لازالت هنالك احتماليه وضع هذا المسمار في غير موضعه الصحيح محدثا ثقوبا في قشره قدم الفقرات مهددا أصابه الأحشاء العصبية و الوعائية ما حول الفقرات.

الهدف من الدراسة: تقييم دقه موضع مسمار قدم الفقرات في مجموعه المرضى اللذين شملوا بهذه الدراسة. مقارنه نتائج دراستنا من حيث نسبه عدم ألدقه مع النسب ألمنشوره في الدراسات و البحوث العالمية الأخرى.

طريقه الدراسة: في هذه الدراسة تم ضم 25 مريضا بالغين (10 ذكور و 15 إناث), تتراوح أعمارهم مابين (18-70) عاما اللذين خضعوا لجراحه تثبيت العمود الفقري بواسطة مسمار قدم الفقرات لمختلف العلل الجراحية للعمود الفقري في المنطقة الصدرية والقطنية والعجزية , تم إجراء التصوير المقطعي لجميع المرضى خلال شهر واحد ما بعد ألجراحه لتقييم دقه موضع مسمار قدم الفقرات وقد تم تسجيل إي اختلاطات سريريه عصبيه ما بعد ألجراحه.

النتائج: لقد تم وضع 122 مسمارا في 25 مريضا وقد كانت النسبة ألعامه لصحة موضع مسمار قدم الفقرات (90,16%) و كانت نسبه عدم الصحة (4,09%) و كانت نسبه (5,73%) غير واضحة و مشكوك في صحة موضعها لقد لوحظ وجود اختلاطات عصبيه في 20%من العدد الكلي للمسامير ,في مريض واحد 4% من أصل 25 مريضا.

الاستنتاجات : إن جراحه تثبيت العمود الفقري بواسطة مسمار قدم الفقرات جراحه تتطلب دقه و خبره في هذا المجال, نسبه عدم صحة موضع مسمار قدم الفقرات في دراستنا مقاربه إلى اوطا النسب ألمسجله في الدراسات و البحوث ألمنشوره عالميا.


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The vocal inspiration of expressing the complaints in the Qur'anic script
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Thanks and gratefulness be to Allah , the most merciful , and prayers be on his messenger and our prophet mohammed and his descendants.The voices have great influence on the diversity of methods of complaints and implication in the Qur'anic expression through
their inspiration , forms and notes. They also have influence on performing semantic and psychological condition of the emitter . that is because of the connection between the complaints and human behavior and emotions , since it is considered as the outlet by which the human expresses his repressed desired and instincts . he resorted to it " when he is helpless physically and mentally i.e. he cannot reach his goals or satisfy his needs." Complaints come from deprivation , social

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 04 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Development
The Temperature Profile for The Innovative Design of the Perforated Fin
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The development of the perforated fin had proposed in many studies to enhance the heat transfer from electronic pieces. This paper presents a novel derivative method to find the temperature distribution of the new design (inclined perforated) of the pin fin. Perforated with rectangular section and different angles of inclination was considered. Signum Function is used for modeling the variable heat transfer area. Set of parameters to handle the conduction and convection area were calculated. Degenerate Hypergeometric Equation (DHE) was used for modeling the Complex energy differential equation and then solved by Kummer’s series. In the validation process, Ansys 16.0-Steady State Thermal was used. Two geometric models were consider

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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The Pluralism In The Interior Spaces Design Of The Baghdadi House
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Since his first existence on earth, human had formed a connecting link for a regressive, kinetic and developed relationship that comes from a semi-complicated interaction between natural environment and constructed environment, and this resulted in the survival of human and his existence continuance. Constructed environment enabled human to survive the natural environment inconstancies and enemies as predators, also it helped him to feel safe, comfortable and to practice his everyday life activities...etc. This alternative interaction resulted in creating a civilized legacy for a group of landmarks that tell about the development of this relationship by elemental output that reached us either by documents and manuscripts or as an existed

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Sound of the letter (ق) in the Contemporary Arabic Dialects
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The Sound of the letter (ق) in the Contemporary Arabic Dialects

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of the performance of scheduling The implementation of school buildings projects: (Project of the Ministry of Education No. 1)
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It highlights the importance of construction projects because of its significant role in the development of society, including the buildings FEDE projects to their importance to raise the level of education through the conclusion of the special to implementation and the establishment of schools of contracts at the country level, which requires the completion of the project at less time and within the cost specified and the best quality and may highlight the importance of time on all the elements of what has an important role in setting up the project for various reasons may be the need for the use of schools as soon as possible, but the reality showed exceeded the completion of those schools could be up to 6 years and there are some cont

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparison of Performance Metrics Level of Restricted Boltzmann Machine and Backpropagation Algorithms in Detecting Diabetes Mellitus Disease
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Diabetes is a disease caused by high sugar levels. Currently, diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the number of people with diabetes worldwide. The increase in diabetes is caused by the delay in establishing the diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, an initial action is needed as a solution that requires the most appropriate and accurate data mining to manage diabetes mellitus. The algorithms used are artificial neural network algorithms, namely Restricted Boltzmann Machine and Backpropagation. This research aims to compare the two algorithms to find which algorithm can produce high accuracy, and determine which algorithm is more accurate in detecting diabetes mellitus. Several stages were involved in this research, including d

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of E-Learning in enhancing Total Quality Management in Educational Institutions: an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of the staff of the Directorate of Education in the province of Nineveh
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Purpose: The research aims to determine the relationship between E-Learning and Total Quality Management (TQM) in Educational institutions in Nineveh Governorates.

Methodology / Design: The researchers distributed (30) questionnaires to employees (teachers and administrators) of Nineveh Governorate education who represent the community of the research sample, as they were analyzed using the SPSS V.20

The importance of research: The importance of the research in the fact that it focuses on one of the educational methods represented in integrating the traditional method and relying on modern technologies using computers and the Internet in the field of education to improve the reali

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 07 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,
The Clinical Effect of Super Oxidized Water Mouthwash on The Periodontal Parameters (Plaque Index, Gingival Index And Bleeding on Probing) for Patients with Dental Biofilm Induced Gingivitis
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Clinical Method for Prediction of Alveolar Bone Mineral Density in the Area between the Second Premolar and First Molar in Iraqi Adults with Class I Occlusion
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Background: Orthodontic mini-implants are increasingly used in orthodontics and the bone density is a very important factor in stabilization and success of mini-implant. The aim of this study was to observe the relationship among maximum bite force (MBF); body mass index (BMI); face width, height and type; and bone density in an attempt to predict bone density from these variables to eliminate the need for CT scan which have a highly hazard on patient. Materials and Methods: Computed tomographic (CT) images were obtained for 70 patients (24 males and 46 females) with age range 18-30 years. The maxillary and mandibular buccal cortical and cancellous bone densities were measured between 2nd premolar and 1st molar at two levels from the alveol

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 21 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Mammals are under threat worldwide due to deforestation, hunting, and other human activities. In Iraq, a total of 93 species of wild mammals have been recorded including species with global conservation concern. Bamo Mountain is situated within the Zagros Mountains in northern Iraq which is a suitable habitat for wild mammals. Due to scarcity of the field survey efforts and cryptic behavior, monitoring of the wild mammals fauna in Zagros Mountain seems challenging. Therefore, we used a camera trap which seems to be an ideal way to determine species diversity of wild mammals in Bamo Mountain. Moreover, interviews with local villagers were performed. The mammalian diversity of Bamo Mountain is not fully explored but seemed threatened by lo

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