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Multiple choice questions and essay questions in assessment of success rate in medical physiology
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Background: Assessment is an important part of the learning cascade in education. Students realize it as an influential motivator to direct and guide their learning. The method of assessment determines the way the students reach high levels of learning. It has been documented that one of factor affecting students’ choice of learning approach is the way how assessment is being performed. Many methods of assessment namely multiple choice questions, essay questions and others are mainly used to assess basic science knowledge in undergraduate education. Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare multiple choice questions (MCQ) and essay questions (EQ) (record the success and failure rate of multiple choice questions (MCQ) and essay questions (EQ)) in regards to the Physiology questions.
Methods: A retrospective study was done in which the results of the physiology exams -held in the medical college in Baghdad University -in 2010 are recorded. The number of students underwent the exam was 255. A total of 100 essay questions (EQs) and 100 multiple choice questions (MCQs) were evaluated from the written examinations delivered to second year medical students questions belonged to final examination.
Results: Regarding essay questions that have been answered, 33.5% of the questions were not answered as a total. 188 students out of 255 had succeeded which represent 73.7% of the students. Out of 78 marks for MCQ, 46.33 had been achieved, and out of 22 marks for essay 12.9 have been achieved. the success in MCQ questions was 82.9% while in the Essay questions was 67.7% and the failure in both types was 12.5%. Out of 100 questions for both MCQ and Essay questions 55.1±7.9 questions were answered for the MCQ and 51.1±15.3 Essay questions were answered. In general the percentage of the succeeded students was 73. 7% and that of failed students was 26.3%.
Conclusion: There is no significant difference in the success rate between MCQs and EQs.

الخلفية: يعد التقييم عنصرا هاما في سلسلة التعلم في التعليم. يدرك الطلاب أنها حافز مؤثر لتوجيه تعلمهم. ويحدد أسلوب التقييم طريقة وصول الطلبة إلى مستويات عالية من التعلم. وقد تم توثيق أن أحد العوامل التي تؤثر على اختيار الطلاب لموقف التعلم هو طريقة تقييمهم. يتم تطبيق العديد من أساليب التقييم وهي أسئلة الاختيار من متعدد، أسئلة مقالة وغيرها أساسا لفحص العلوم الأساسية الفهم في التعليم الجامعي.

الهدف: الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو مقارنة أسئلة الاختيار من متعدد وأسئلة مقال (تقييم نجاح وفشل معدل أسئلة الاختيار من متعدد وأسئلة مقال) فيما يتعلق باسئلة علم وظائف الأعضاء.

الطريقة: أجريت دراسة بأثر رجعي تم فيها تسجيل نتائج امتحانات علم وظائف الأعضاء - التي تم تسجيلها في الكلية الطبية لجامعة بغداد - في عام 2010. وبلغ عدد الطلاب الذين خضعوا للامتحان 255.

تم تقييم مجموعه 100 أسئلة مقالة و 100 أسئلة الاختيار من متعدد من الامتحانات المكتوبة التي تدار لطلاب الطب السنة الثانية (الأسئلة تنتمي إلى الامتحان النهائي)

النتائج: فيما يتعلق بأسئلة المقالات التي تم الرد عليها، لم يتم الإجابة على 33.5٪ من الأسئلة في المجموع. وقد نجح 188 طالبا من أصل 255 طالبا يمثلون 73.7 في المائة من الطلاب. ومن أصل 78 علامة ل سؤال متعدد الاختيارات، تم تحقيق 46.33، ومن أصل 22 علامة للمقالة 12.9 قد تحققت. وكان النجاح في الأسئلة متعدد الاختيارات، 82.9٪ في حين كان في أسئلة المقال 67.7٪ والفشل في كلا النوعين كان 12.5٪. من أصل 100 سؤال لكل من الأسئلة متعدد الاختيارات و اسئلة المقال، تم الرد على 55.07 ± 7.99 من الأسئلة متعدد الاختيارات و 51.13 ± 15.28 للمقالة. وبشكل عام بلغت نسبة الطلبة الناجحين 73.7٪، وبلغت نسبة الطلبة الفاشلين 26.3٪

الخلاصة: كان معدل النجاح لكل من الأسئلة متعدد الاختيارات وأسئلة المقال نفسه تقريبا مما أدى إلى معدل نجاح إجمالي 73.7٪ الذي يلبي نتائج الدراسات الأخرى التي أجريت مقارنة نوعي الأسئلة.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of a Behavioral-Cognitive Training Program on Problems Solving among college students in the faculty of education for women : Baghdad University
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a Cognitive- Behavioral Training Program in reducing Problems Solving among a sample of education university  College Students, the study sample consisted of (50) students were randomly assigned to two groups: experimental, and control; (25) students per group, the results of (ANOVA) revealed that there were significant differences at (p < 0.05) between experimental and control group in Problems Solving level, while there were significant differences between both groups in achievement. The researchers recommended further studies on the other variables which after training students on the method of solving problems and techniques to reduce stress.<

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Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
واقع الدراسات الاورومتوستطية في الجامعات العراقية "دراسة حالة كلية العلوم السياسية - جامعة بغداد"
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واقع الدراسات الاورومتوستطية في الجامعات العراقية "دراسة حالة كلية العلوم السياسية - جامعة بغداد"

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
اسباب الضعف الاملائي لدى طلبة كلية الادارة والاقتصاد في جامعة بغداد وطرائق معالجتها من وجهة نظر التدريسيين والطلبة
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determining the sources of growth of the cement industry in Iraq (analytical study for the period 1990-2014)
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The objective of this study is to determine the sources of growth of the cement industry in Iraq for the period 1990-2014 and to indicate the nature of the technological progress used in it. To achieve this objective we have built an econometric model, by adapting the production function constant elasticity for substitution, using multiple regression, and enforcement, SPSS program, and using the ordinary least squares method (OLS). The results showed that quantitative factors (labour and capital) are the main sources of growth the cement industry in Iraq, and the qualitative factors (technological progress) did not contribute effectively to achieve this growth. And that the production techniques adopted in the cement industry in

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of drinking water quality in achieving customer satisfaction Applied research in the Directorate of water Diwaniyah
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The purpose of the research is to identify the role of drinking water quality in achieving customer satisfaction in one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities (Diwaniyah Water Directorate), as they are important service organizations that have a fundamental role in serving the community. Faced many administrative challenges, as a result of the continuous and accelerating environmental changes, environmental pollution and immaturity of social awareness and social responsibility, as these contributed to and affected the quality of drinking water, Therefore, it is necessary to know the role of quality, specifically "drinking water and its effect o

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Difficulties Facing the Teaching of Writing for Students at College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad
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This research paper attempts to explore problems facing the teaching of written expression among first-year female university students. The focal point behind conducting this research is to show the importance that writing is taking as a skill in learning the language. To achieve this goal, the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of 20 items. The sample, whose size is 60 participants, was selected randomly from the department of Arabic, College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad. Through the use of a set of statistical means including weighting means and percentage, the findings revealed that the students face many difficulties in learning writing. The researcher suggested some recommendations, mainly improving the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assessment of Human Investment Efficiency in the Private University Teaching according to the strategy of Higher Education in Iraq and chosen Colleges))
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the current research aims at analyzing the efficiency of the private university teaching  that recently expanded after 2003 ,;besides , the commitment of the private colleges ,definitely Al-Maamun and Al-Mansour colleges with strategy  of the ministry of higher  education and scientific  research.  This could be done through many indications that measure the efficiency of the  private university teaching , including ( the indication of  the efficiency of   using human resources and efficiency  in using  the materialistic indications.  But the human efficiency in these colleges , including the sample  of the research ( Maamun 

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Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Home Economics Specialty and it's role In The success of Family life: Home Economics Specialty and it's role In The success of Family life
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تدور الدراسة في علم الاقتصاد المنزلي حول احتیاجات الانسان الضروریة لاستمرار الحیاة ومواقف في محیط
الاسرة وتفاعل مع ظروف البیئة المحیطة بھ .والتي تكون دائمة التغییر لذلك یمكن تعریف علوم وفنون الاقتصاد
المنزلي وفنونھ انھا عبارة عن مجموعة منظمة من المعارف والعلوم تتركز في محور الاسرة والمنزل حیث ینمو
ویتطور الانسان بالعلاقات الانسانیة والنواحي الاقتصادیة والاجتماعیة من جھة والنواحي العلمیة وا

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Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
University Youth Attitudes towards Electronic Advertisements and their Relationship to the Behavior of the Consumer A Field Study of a Sample of Students of the College of Mass-Communication / University of Baghdad as a Model
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This research aims at identifying the communicative habits and content reflections on the communication process, especially the young audience which is one of the main group for whom the announcements are made. Because young people face life with passion and aspiration making them respond to each effect used by the media in the design of the advertising using all the effective techniques, attractive methods for young children like depending on drama, technical tricks, music and logos easily to be remembered and responded to the desires of the young in their entertainment. This research also aims at identifying the impact of the internet as a channel of commercial advertising on the purchasing behavior of young people at the universities

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2023
Journal Name
مجلة المستنصرية لعلوم الرياضة
واقع االعالم الرياضي العراقي المرئي من وجهة نظر طالب كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة جامعة بغداد
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