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Cervical ripening by using extra-amniotic dexamethasone infusion versus extra-amniotic saline infusion
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Background: Induction of labour is a commonly practiced obstetric intervention designed to artificially initiate the process of cervical effacement to achieve vaginal delivery.
Objective: examine the hypothesis that corticosteroids, when administered extra-amniotically, can enhance labor process and reduce the induction--delivery interval in comparison with folly's and extra-amniotic saline infusion.
Patients and methods: This, randomized case- control study was conducted on99 women, who were referred to the AL-Batool teaching Hospital in Diyala, Iraq, for induction of labor with a Bishop score of less than or equal to 5 from January 2014-March 2016, and divided into 2 groups, 1st group consist of 58 pregnant, a 26F catheter & and 20 mg of dexamethasone mixed with 20 ml of sterile saline solution infused extraamniotically. 2nd group consist of 41 pregnant, with the same size catheter attached to 500 ml of saline solution infused into the extra-amniotic space.
Results: Administration of dexamethasone extraamnioticlly improve the Bishop score, reduce the time needed for expulsion of the catheter, shortening of 1st&2nd stage of labour without increasing the caesarean section rate.
Conclusion: Extraamniotic administration of dexamethasone is effective & safe method for induction of labour.

خلفية الموضوع:إن تحفيز الولادة من الممارسات الشائعة في مجال التوليد التي تستخدم لنضج عنق الرحم وإحداث الولادة اصطناعيا.لغرض تجنب الولادة بواسطة العملية الجراحية(القيصرية  )

الهدف: لبيان مدى صحة النظرية التي تنص على إن استخدام مادة الكورتزون المحقونة خارج السائل الامينوسي تستطيع تحفيز عملية الولادة وتقلل المدة بين التحفيز و حصول الولادة بالمقارنة مع استخدام مادة المحلول الملحي النظامي المحقون بنفس الطريقة.

طريقة الدراسة:دراسة تداخليه مقارنة  سريريه أجريت على 99 امرأة حامل (حمل منفرد)وكانت مدة الحمل ما بين 37-42 أسبوع  أحيلت إلى مستشفى البتول التعليمي –ديالى –العراق.لغرض تحفيز الولادة وكان مقياس بيشوب اقل من 5.وقد أجريت الدراسة للفترة من كانون الثاني 2014-آذار 2016.وقد تم تقسيم النساء الحوامل إلى مجموعتين:

الأولى:تتكون من 58 امرأة حامل تم إدخال قسطرة فولي عن طريق عنق الرحم وتم حقن 20 ملغ من مادة الدكساميثازون مخلوطة مع 20 مل من المحلول الملحي النظامي.

الثانية:تتكون من41 امرأة حامل تم إدخال قسطرة فولي بنفس الطريقة للمجموعة الأولى مع استبدال مادة الدكساميثازون ب 500 مل محلول ملحي نظامي بمعدل 5 قطرات بالدقيقة

وفي كلتا المجموعتين ننتظر خروج الفولي من عنق الرحم تلقائيا وإذا لم يتم ذلك تلقائيا يتم استخراجه من عنق الرحم .وبعد ذلك يتم إعطاء المادة المحفزة للولادة(هرمون الولادة)لحين الحصول على ثلاث تقلصات  خلال عشر دقائق. وبعد ساعتين يتم إجراء الفحص الداخلي للمريضة لغرض معرفة مدى تقدم مقياس بيشوب.

وفي حال دخول المريضة إلى طور الولادة الفعال يتم استكمال خطة الدراسة.أما في حالة عدم حصول أي تقدم أو حصول تقدم بطئ يتم إيقاف المادة المحفزة للولادة  وبذلك يكون تحفيز الولادة قد فشل.

النتائج:حقن مادة الدكساميثازون خارج السائل الامينوسي عن طريق قسطرة فولي يحسن مقياس بيشوب ويقلل الفترة بين تحفيز الولادة وحصول الولادة مع تقليل مدة كل من المرحلة الأولى والثانية للولادة بدون أي زيادة في نسبة الولادة بواسطة العملية القيصرية.

الاستنتاج:حقن مادة الدكساميثازون خارج السائل الامينوسي طريقة فعالة وآمنة ورخيصة يمكن استخدامها لتحفيز الولادة.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
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Background: Cervical ectopy advanced to erosion is one of the common conditions in gynecological and pathological study. It is considered as a physiologic condition resulting from columnar epithelium migration from the cervical canal into the vaginal portion of the cervix, in which no treatment for asymptomatic cervical ectropion can be given. Treatment can be accomplished via thermal cauterization (Electro cautery), Cryosurgery. CO2 laser therapy is another modality of treatment.

Objective: To study the effectiveness of CO2 laser therapy and evaluate it as a biomedical tool for the treatment of cervical ectropion. The study was done at Laser Medicine Research Clinic at the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Isosorbide Mononitrate versus Misoprostol for Cervical Ripening
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Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of isosorbide mononitrate (IMN) versus misoprostol used to induce labour for overdue pregnancy.
Setting: A prospective randomized clinical study conducted at AL-Elwiya Maternity Teaching Hospital in Baghdad from Jan. 2008 to Dec. 2008.
Method: One hundred and fifty women with over due pregnancy (past date and posterm pregnancy) referred for induction of labour with Bishop scores <_ 5 were randomly allocated to receive either forty mg isosorbide mononitrate (IMN) tablet as a single vaginal dose (n=75) or fifty mcg misoprostol vaginally (n=75) every six hrs for a maximum of three doses. Amniotomy and/or oxytocin infusion is considered when Bishop scores frankly progressed (augmentation

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Comparetive study between saline sonohysterography,transvaginal ultrasound and biopsy in evaluation of endometrial disease in postmenopausal bleeding
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Background : Transvaginal ultrasound is used conventionally as initial investigation of patients with postmenopausal bleeding, but saline contrast sonohysterography is a better technique to reliably distinguish focal from diffuse endometrial lesion.

Patients and methods:     During the period from November 2011 to MAY 2012 ,40 female patients with postmenopausal bleeding were submitted to sequential examination by transvaginal ultrasound ,and sonohysterography .the presence of focal endometrial lesions and type of lesion (endometrial hyperplasia ,polyp, submucous myoma ,or malignancy )were noted .predictive values were calculated  by correlating the results with final dia

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 05 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Isosorbide mononitrate versus mesoprostol for cervical ripening
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical study of CD34 in tooth eruption by using amniotic stem cells
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Background: Tooth eruption is a more general process, however, which includes certain posteruptive tooth movements. There are two fundamental requirements for both tooth eruption to occur: (1) Require soft tissue, intervening between tooth structure and alveolar bone, which plays an important role in regulating the remodeling of adjacent tissues. (2) Require bone turnover that is temporally and spatially regulated to facilitate specific translocations of teeth through alveolar bone These amniotic stem cells are multipotent and able to differentiate into various tissues, which may be useful for human application and recently it used in many medical branches. CD34 is an endothelial marker that is extensively used in immunohistochemistry a

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adherence model to cervical cancer treatment in the Covid-19 era
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Cervical Uterine Cancer is a disease that explains the vulnerability in which women are in terms of reproductive health with an impact on occupational health and public health, even when in Mexico the prevalence rate is lower than the other member countries of the OECD, its impact on Human Development and Local Development shows the importance that the disease have in communities more than in cities where prevention policies through check-ups and medical examinations seem to curb the trend, but show the lack of opportunities and capacities of health centers in rural areas.   To establish the reliability, validity, and correlations between the variables reported in the literature with respect to their weighting in a public hospital. A

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Enhancement of tooth eruption by using amniotic stem cells (Immunohistochemical study of VEGF marker)
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Background: Tooth eruption is a localized process in the jaws which exhibits precise timing and bilateral symmetry. Develop within the jaws and their eruption is a complex infancy process during which they move through bone to their functional positions within the oral cavity. For species with more than one set of teeth, eruption of the second set also accomplishes. The key to the successful clinical management of tooth eruption consists of understanding that this process consists largely of the local regulation of alveolar bone metabolism to produce bone resorption in the direction of eruption and shift and formation of bone at the opposite side.The amniotic sac contains a considerable quantity of stem cells. These amniotic stem cells are

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biochemical and Histological Study of Aminoacylase-1 Purified from Amniotic Fluid in Rats with Oxidative Stress Induced by Lead Acetate
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This work involves separating and studying the aminoacylase-1 (ACY1) of amniotic fluid from healthy pregnant, mainly one peak with higher activity has been isolated by DEAE-Cellulose ion exchange from the proteinous supernatant produced by deposition of proteins using ammonium sulfate  (65%) after dialysis. The purification folds reaching to 19 folds also gave one protein peak when injected into the gel filtration column, a high ACY1 purity was obtained, with 38 folds of purification. It was found that the molecular weight of the isolated ACY1 was up to 46698 Dalton when using gel chromatography technique.The effect of ACY1 isolate was studied on rats with oxidative stress caused by lead acetate(LA) at 40 mg / kg body weight and compare

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jul 30 2009
Journal Name
Saudi Medical Journal
Renoprotective effect of mannitol infusion during extracorporeal shock lithotripsy
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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 17 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Single Layer Extra-Mucosal Versus Double Layer Intestinal Anastomosis for Colostomy Closure: A Prospective Comparative Study
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Background: The main objective was to compare the outcome of single layer interrupted extra-mucosal sutures with that of double layer suturing in the closure of colostomies.

Subjects and Methods: Sixty-seven patients with closure colostomy were assigned in a prospective randomized fashion into either single layer extra-mucosal anastomosis (Group A) or double layer anastomosis (Group B). Primary outcome measures included mean time taken for anastomosis, immediate postoperative complications, and mean duration of hospital stay. Secondary outcome measures assessed the postoperative return of bowel function, and the overall mean cost. Chi-square test and student t-test did the statistical analysis..


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