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The Rate of Discordance between Syntax Score II and Cardiologist Decision as a Guide for Mode of Revascularization in Patients with Complex Coronary Artery Disease
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treatment decisions for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and/or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) in patients with complex coronary artery disease (CAD) and/or unprotected left main stem disease (ULMSD).
Objectives: To assess the agreement between the clinical decisions of the cardiologist and the SS II recommendation regarding the revascularization strategies in patients with complex CAD and/or ULMSD.
Patients and Methods: Prospective data from patients who presented to Baghdad Medical City Catheterization Labs for coronary angiography and were followed up between January 2014 and November 2015 were analyzed. For these patients, SS II was assessed by the two anatomical variables (SS and presence of ULMSD) and six clinical variables (age, creatinine clearance, left ventricular ejection fraction, sex, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and peripheral vascular disease) to predict 4-year mortality after revascularization with PCI and/or CABG. These scores were then compared with the clinical decisions of cardiologists. After 1 year of data collection, we followed up the patients by phone to assess their mortality status. Patients were categorized into three groups according the interventional procedures: Group 1 (for PCI), Group 2 (for CABG), and Group 3 (for PCI vs. CABG).
Results: Two hundred patients were enrolled. Their mean age was 60.23 ± 9.836 years, and 157 (78.5%) were men. Depending on the clinical judgment of the cardiologist, 71 (35.5%) patients were referred for PCI (Group 1), 119 (59.5%) patients for CABG (Group 2), and the remaining 10 (5%) patients for PCI vs. CABG (Group 3). Based on an assessment of 4-year mortality by the SS II, CABG would have been the treatment of choice in 67 (33.5%) patients, PCI in 30 (15%) patients, and both the treatments in 103 (51.5%) patients. There was a concordance between the clinical decision of the cardiologist and SS II in 67 (33.5%) patients and discordance in 133 (66.5%) patients. Six patients died within 1 year, most of whom were from the discordant group.
Conclusion: There was a statistically significant discordance between the SS II recommendation and clinical judgment of the interventional cardiologist. SS II proved to be a useful objective tool to assist experienced clinical judgment in determining appropriate revascularization strategy for CAD patients.

المقدمة:درجة السنتاكس ٢ تعد طريقة ارشادية لاختيار طريقة العلاج في المرضى اللذين يعانون من امراض شرايين القلب التاجية المعقدة مع او بدون امراض الشريان الايسر الرئيسي غير المحمي.

الهدف: لتقييم نسبة عدم التوافق بين القرار السريري لاختصاصي القلبية وتوصيات درجة السنتاكس ٢ بالنسبة لخطة العلاج في المرضى المصابين بآمراض شرايين القلب التاجية المعقدة مع او بدون امراض الشريان الايسر الرئيسي غير المحمي.                       

طرائق البحث: يتم جمع معلومات المرضى اللذين يخضعون لاجراء القسطرة التشخيصية لشرايين القلب في صالات القسطرة في مدينة الطب وتتم متابعة المرضى ايضا وتكون مدة الدراسة للفترة من شهر كانون الثاني لسنة ٢٠١٤م الى شهر تشرين الثاني لسنة ٢٠١٥م وخلال هذه الفترة يتم تقييم المرضى عن طريق درجة السنتاكس ٢ وست متغيرات سريرية للتنبؤ بآحتمالية حدوث الوفاة خلال الاربع سنوات بعد عودة التوعي ومقارنتها مع القرار السريري لاختصاصي القلبية. ثم بعد مرور سنة على جمع الداتا، نقوم بمتابعة حالة المرضى عن طريق الاتصال الهاتفي لمعرفة إذا حدثت حالات الوفاة. يتم تقسيم المرضى الى ٣ مجاميع، المجموعة الاولى والتي تخضع للتداخل القسطاري، المجموعة الثانية والتي تخضع لعملية جراحية لزرع شرايين القلب، والمجموعة الثالثة والتي لديها احتمالية للخضوع للقسطرة او للعملية الجراحية.    

النتائج: تم اشراك مئتا مريض في الدراسة، معدل العمر ٦٠.٢٣ ± ٩.٨٣٦سنة، ١٥٧ (٧٨.٥٪) من المرضى ذكور. بالاعتماد على القرار السريري لاختصاصي القلبية تم تحديد ٧١ (٣٥.٥٪) من المرضى للخضوع للتداخل القسطاري (المجموعة الاولى)، ١١٩ (٥٩.٥٪) من المرضى تم ارسالهم لاجراء عملية جراحية (المجموعة الثانية) وبقية المرضى ١٠ (٥٪) تم ادراجهم تحت احتمالية خضوعهم للتداخل القسطاري او العملية الجراحية. بالنسبة لتققيم حالة الوفاة للاربع سنوات بالاعتماد على درجة السنتاكس ٢، كانت النتيجة ان العلاج المفضل هو العمليات الجراحية وبنسبة ٣٣.٥٪، في حين ان نسبة المرضى الخاضعين للتداخل القسطاري كانت ١٥٪، وكانت النسبة متوازية بالنسبة للمرضى الخاضعين للعمليات الجراحية او التداخل القسطاري ٥١.٥٪. كان هنالك توافق بين القرار السريري لاختصاصي القلبية ودرجة السنتاكس ٢ وبنسبة ٣٣.٥٪، في حين ان نسبة عدم التوافق للمرضى كانت ٦٦.٥٪. خلال سنة واحدة توفي ستة مرضى ومعضمهم كانوا من مجموعة عدم التوافق.                 

الاستنتاج: هذه الدراسة اظهرت عدم توافق هام بين توصيات درجة السنتاكس ٢ والقرار السريري لاختصاصي القلبية.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfamethoxazole Following Simple Diazotization and Coupling with Diphenylamine
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    Simple, sensitive, accurate and inexpensive spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) in pure and dosage forms. This method is based on diazotization of primary amine group of sulfamethoxazole with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid followed by coupling with diphenylamine in acidic medium to obtain a stable blue colored dye and show a maximum absorption (max) at 530 nm. Different variables affecting the completion of reaction have been carefully optimized, following the classical univariate sequence and modified simplex method. Beer’s law is obeyed in the concentration range of (0.5-12.0 µg.mL-1) with molar absorptivity of 4.9617×104 The

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Spectrophotometric Determination of Cefixime Following Simple Diazotization and Coupling with ?-Naphthol
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Cefixime (CFX) was treated with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid for diazotization reaction followed by coupling with ?-Naphthol in alkaline medium to form, a yellow colored azo dye compound which exhibits maximum absorption (?max) at 412 nm where the concentration of (CFX) was determined spectrophotometrically. The optimum reaction conditions and other analytical parameters were evaluated. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of (1-20) ?g.mL-1 with a molar absorptivity of 34870.5 The limit of detection was found to be 0.1090 ?g.mL-1 and the Sandell's sensitivity value was 0.0130 ? The proposed method could be successfully applied to

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Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Dual Measurements of Pressure and Temperature With Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor
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The fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technology has been rapidly applied in the sensing technology field. In this work, uniform FBG was used as pressure sensor based on measuring related Bragg wavelength shift. The pressure was applied directly by air compressor to the sensor and the pressure was ranged from 1 to 6 bar.

      This sensor also was affected by the external temperature so as a result it could be used as a temperature sensor. This sensor could be used to monitor the pressure of dams. It has been shown from the result that the sensor is very sensitive to the pressure and the sensitivity was (67 pm\bar) and is very sensitive to temperature and the sensitivity was (10p

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Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Pharmacy
Preparation and evaluation of transdermal gel loaded with spanlastics containing meloxicam
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A transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) is characterized by the application of medications onto the skin's surface to deliver drugs at a controlled and predefined rate through the skin. Spanlastics, an elastic nanovesicle capable of transporting various pharmacological substances, shows promise as a drug delivery carrier. It offers numerous advantages over traditional vesicular systems applied topically, including enhanced stability, flexibility in penetration, and improved targeting capabilities. This study aims to develop meloxicam (MX)-loaded spanlastics gel as skin delivery carriers and to look into the effects of formulation factors like Tween80, Brij 35, and carbopol concentration on the properties of spanlastics gel, like pH, drug

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
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Tue Jan 01 2013
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University Of Thiqar Journal
Problems of Translating Cultural Signs with Reference to English and Arabic
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Mon Mar 25 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Solubility and Dissolution Enhancement of Candesartan Cilexetil by Complexation with Cyclodextrin
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At present, numerous novel chemical compounds face challenges related to their limited solubility in aqueous environments. These compounds are classified under the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) as either class II or class IV substances. Different carriers were used to increase their solubility. Candesartan cilexetil (CC) is one of the most widely used antihypertensive drugs, which belongs to class II drugs. The aim of this research was to enhance the solubility and dissolution rate of CC through a complexation approach involving β-cyclodextrin and its derivatives, specifically hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD), methyl beta cyclodextrin (M-β-CD), and sulfonyl ether beta-cyclodextrin (SBE-β-CD), serving as

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Groundwater Quality and its Suitability for Irrigation and Domestic Purposes in Rural Areas, North of Baiji City-Iraq
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Background: The present study was conducted to highlight the importance of environmental pollution and its negative impacts on aquatic, plants and animals lives, especially in industrial areas.

Objective: This research involved studying the hydrogeochemistry of the groundwater and assessing its quality for irrigation and domestic purposes using quality parameters.  In this study, 33 groundwater samples were collected from wells during May 2013 and were analyzed for major ions and TDS.

Results: The hydrogeochemical facies of groundwater were identified using the Gibbs model and Chloro – alkaline  indices. The results of the Gibbs graph suggest that groundwater

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology (jestec)
Analysis Of Sedimentation In Trunk Sewer With Laboratory Investigation Of Sewage Sediment Characteristics In Baghdad City
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Sediment accumulated in sewers is a major concern source as it induces numerous operational and environmental problems. For instance, during wet weather flow, the re-suspension of this sediment accompanied by the combined sewer overflow may cause huge pollutant load to the receiving water body. The characteristics of the sewer sediment are important as it shapes its behaviour and determines the extent of the pollution load. In this paper, an investigation of sewer sediment and its characterization is done for a case study in Baghdad city. Sediment depth covers more than 50% of the sewer cross-sectional area; several operational causes are comprised to cause this huge depths of sediment depositions. The testing and analysis of the s

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Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The informatics adequacy on the spraying technology in Iraqi agricultural researches: A literature review
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Abstract<p>Many of the Iraqi agricultural researches are used spraying technique to add chemical products including pesticides and growth regulators. Various studies were performed to study the effect of these substances at different concentrations to improve plant production. In order to adopt specific criteria of spraying researches and to replicate them easily, it is a necessary to mention all information related to the spraying processes and regulations for improving sprayer’s performance by increasing the amount of pesticide deposited on the target. The current study aims to survey Iraqi researches in details and analyse them randomly. Also, to highlight on the importance of information applied in sprayi</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Publicizing the survey image in local consumer protection the mission program is a model
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The investigative film is part of the documentary films and is considered one of the important films that have a high viewership by the recipient, which is of great importance in transmitting information and contributing to creating awareness of the community through the advertising function performed by the cinematic image, as the researcher addresses the concept of advertising and its development through the time stages. And advertising functions. Then the researcher dealt in his research with the cinematic technical elements that contribute to the success of the investigative advertising work, such as camera movements, music, sound effects, dialogue ... etc., which enrich the investigative picture with realism and the flow of informat

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