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Self-medication among medical students in Anbar and Fallujah Universities – Iraq
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Background: Self-medication (SM) is a worldwide issue, that has serious adverse effects on individuals and communities.

Objective:  To estimate the prevalence of self- medication   among medical student in Anbar and Falluja Universities and to explore the important reasons for using self-medication.  To identify the common sources and types of self-medication drugs.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among medical students in Anbar   and Fallujah Universities during the period from February to March 2018.  The subjects were asked to fill a questionnaire that consisted of questions on age, gender and educational level, in addition to questions for self-medication history.

Results: The results revealed that 73% of medical students had practice of self- medication. A higher prevalence of self-medication was  found among 5th study year students. Antibiotics were the most frequent self-prescribe medicine that used by 137 (49.6%) of the participants, followed by analgesic (29%), and supplements by 40 (14.5%).  The most frequently given reasons for using self-medication were previous prescription and of pharmacists’ advice.

Conclusion: A high prevalence of self- medication was found among medical students in Falluja & Anbar Universities with a statistical significant association between gender and self- medication practice.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Optics Narrators in the Six Books : (Analytical Study)
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Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions, and from his family and after ...
It is the right of every nation to be proud of its heritage, science and civilization among the nations, taking pride in the efforts of its construction and the keenness of its scholars and dedication to serve their nation and their history, and from the great sciences that boast and honor our great nation and distinguish it over others the science of attribution and the preservation of the novel over generations and ages. The novel is preserved from the plagiarism of the nullified, the excess of the deceitful and the liars, and the science of isnad from religion as the scholars said, and without the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Representative hiring in the interactive theater performance techniques
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That researchers in the play Science Find a theatrical form of an experimental creative, and these experiences taken from the innovation space aesthetic dialogue with the receiver, especially since with previous theatrical experience and is an extension of her, because the interactive theater theatrical terms that assume a pattern do from the depth of the relationship between supply playwright and the audience, which alters the receiving skills actually change, and to monitor these differing divided into three classes that include research, methodological framework (Chapter I) and includes, research problem, the importance of research and the need to him, the goal of the research, the limits Find it border, and the theoretical framework

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Humanizing the War in Pre-Islam Arabic Poetry
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Personification in Arab poetry is not confined to the abstract items in nature: it trespasses them to include more than that. We found after reviewing the anthologies of the poets tens of the personified items are full of human attributes - via personification- such as speaking, moving, feeling human feelings.. Personification formed a remarkable feature in the relationship between poets and war, which was clear in the Pre-Islamic poetry, because it occupied the minds of the ancient Arab mindset. The poets have envisioned war as ugly as a force that brings destruction and devastation. The paper aims at stating the position in which poets personified war with female tributes. Thus, it is impregnated, conceived, and produced birth like a w

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Embedded advertisement constitutes a special kind of communication. As it performs many important roles such as giving information, highlighting the value of the product, and urging the target consumer to buy it by influencing his/ her behavior using an attractive manner of mind and conscience. Both cinema and television are the most prominent and powerful advertising media that enjoy the interest of all audiences and capture most of the advertising spending. As advertisers have paid attention to the importance of indirectly incorporating their products into content that the audience loves and is keen to follow, since the actual impact lies in the inclusion of the product within content that the audience appeals to. Hence, this leads to

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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Dramatic Utilization of Close-up in Horror Movies
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A cinematic shot is the basis of the film, regardless of the size, angle, or motion of this shot. However, the size of the footage and the process of showing or hiding the scene or cinematic personality has a certain speciality   related to the nature of cinematic treatment and the type of the movie especially those characterized by the employment of the close-ups to induce   ambiguity or spread the mental image of the dramatic events and this relationship between the close-up and horror films is what prompted the researcher to identify the title of the search as follows:


Dramatic utilization of Close-Up in Horror Movies

The research is divided as follows:

The methodological fram

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
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Iconography of Textual Thresholds in Crime Film Scenarios
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It is not new to say that recent studies have tended to look at the margins of the texts in order to extract the information provided by the book to the recipient. The margins of the texts were defined in a number of terms, including the thresholds, and the margins of the text, etc. The difference was according to the researchers who dealt with the subject in research and inquiry. Therefore, all researchers assert that the texts must provide information even if it is propaganda for the text. Hence the importance of these texts emerged as they represent a scientific information material that encapsulates the body of the text as well as being a propaganda material that inspires the reader to read it. Hence for

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Preventive measures in harmful crimes to public health
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The prevention of crime is important in the field of public health the side of preventive him an important role as the side of therapeutic role ,the preventive measures in crimes harmful to public health have an important role in addition to the punitive methods has been identified legislator Iraqi a set of preventive measures to fight crime harmful to public health preventive measures to prevent the transmission of in fectious diseases as well as the interest in education, healthcare, environment ,health sound to maintain public health.

We are in turn ,we study the preventive measures in crimes harmful to public health and the importance of its role in the prevention of crime prevention and, we explained the position of each of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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Recruitment of Arabic calligraphy in gold jewelry styles
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Search came (the employment of Arabic calligraphy in gold jewelry styles) four chapters, the first chapter of which dealt:A/research problem B/importance of research C/targets search D/ Define termsAs the aim of the research (to identify the employment of different forms of Arabic calligraphy on gold jewelry styles).It came in the second quarter (the theoretical framework and previous studies), some of the topics reviewed in which diversities researcher aesthetic and functional, and various uses that filled Arabic calligraphy.The third chapter outlining the researcher methodology and the research community, has a special form for the analysis of the samples are designed as form is offered on a number of experts in the field of jurisdicti

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Meanings Mentioned in the Quran - objective study
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Praise be to God, who has seen uniting the wonders of manufactures, and pronounced Pthamidh oddity Alambdoat, and swam his creation in different languages, Glory is not equal to one in the earth and the heavens, praise Him, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner certificate towering branches, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger sent swage Arab government balance, and clearest statement, and the highest residence and Ohllagha words, and Oovaha Zmama, he pointed the way and advised the creation, and the month of Islam, breaking idols, and showed provisions, uncle Balanaam, God separated blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and the God of the good and virtuous and his compani

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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Processors directorial scenes of violence in TV drama
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Violence is a speech in TV drama an important stage in the course of this experience and history in general. This experience has reflected the creative and ideological components and provided models of series involving the diversity as well as the abundance of Maantj even used contemporary societies to consume this amount of violence, crime and influenced generations Emma affected throated and characters that were not affected are learning and consisted of the names and the faces and actions of their stars and stories carried by.
Researcher puts the problem purely under the following question:
What are the treatments for directorial scenes of violence in the serial TV drama?
Then the methodological framework contained aim of the

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