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Self-medication among medical students in Anbar and Fallujah Universities – Iraq
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Background: Self-medication (SM) is a worldwide issue, that has serious adverse effects on individuals and communities.

Objective:  To estimate the prevalence of self- medication   among medical student in Anbar and Falluja Universities and to explore the important reasons for using self-medication.  To identify the common sources and types of self-medication drugs.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among medical students in Anbar   and Fallujah Universities during the period from February to March 2018.  The subjects were asked to fill a questionnaire that consisted of questions on age, gender and educational level, in addition to questions for self-medication history.

Results: The results revealed that 73% of medical students had practice of self- medication. A higher prevalence of self-medication was  found among 5th study year students. Antibiotics were the most frequent self-prescribe medicine that used by 137 (49.6%) of the participants, followed by analgesic (29%), and supplements by 40 (14.5%).  The most frequently given reasons for using self-medication were previous prescription and of pharmacists’ advice.

Conclusion: A high prevalence of self- medication was found among medical students in Falluja & Anbar Universities with a statistical significant association between gender and self- medication practice.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
a base The origin of permissive things And its impact on Islamic law
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So I present in the hands of the honorable reader what God Almighty has made easy for me in terms of what I dealt with in the rule (the principle of permissive things) and what branches from it and what is related to it.
This research was divided into an introduction, a preface, three demands, and a conclusion.
The preamble is to explain the meaning of the rule in language and terminology and the definition of the legal rule and what is related to it. The first requirement is to explain the rule that we have in our hands and the words related to its text - and is it a fundamentalist or jurisprudential rule? .
As for the second requirement - in the difference of scholars and their opinions in whether the origin of things is permi

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing strategic leadership practices in the light of transparency and organizational citizenship behavior - A field study of a sample of the staff of the Office of the Inspector General at the Iraqi Ministry of Culture
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Diversity the terms and practice the organizational filed with different concepts and environment, which Iraqi environment part from them. Some organizational in Iraqi environment leave its basic oriented to agreement with the leader desire, their fore this research focus tow basic variable (organizational citizenship behavior & transparence), we supposition which is dependent to explanation the response variable (strategic leadership). The results justification in part and not justification in another part. For example the organizational citizenship behavior effect on some parte of the strategic leadership. The transparence have faraway to fly from the relation with organizational citizenship behavior and strategic leadershi

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of a University Professor in the Development of Democracy with the Contents of a University Student in the Light of a Democratic Society
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The current research aims to answer the following questions: what is the substance of democracy? What is the content of a democratic society? What is the role of university professor in the democratic development of the student university in light of the new Iraqi society? In order to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher developed an a questionnaire based on literature, Iraq's draft constitution in 2005, and his experience of the field of teaching human rights and public freedoms and the teaching of democracy. It was applied to a sample of faculty members in Department of Education and Psychology / College of Education / University Baghdad for the year 20014 were obtained their answers were then processed statistically. Henc

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Relationship critical factors for knowledge transfer in strategic success opportunities"
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    The current research discusses "The Relationship critical factors for knowledge transfer in strategic success opportunities", the attention have been increased on knowledge transfer and strategic success subjects because on being one of the important and contemporary issues, which have a significant impact on the existence of organizations and its future. The research aims to identify the critical factors for knowledge transfer in private high education environment which enables (the college community surveyed) to achieve strategic success, also the research sought to answer questions related to research problem by testing a number of major and minor hypothes in correlation, in order to test the hypotheses I us

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A field experiment was carried out in the fields of the college of agricultural engineering sciences, university of Baghdad during the fall season of 2021, in order to find out which of the cultivated genotypes of maize are efficient under nitrogen fertilization. The experiment was applied according to a RCBD (split plot design with three replications). The genotypes of experiment (Baghdad, 5018 and Sarah) and  supplying three levels of nitrogen fertilizer, which are N1 (100 kg/ha),  N2 (200 kg/ha) and N3  (300 kg/ha), the results of the statistical analysis are showed the superiority of the cultivar Sarah in the trait of number of days until 50% silking, chlorophyll

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Superiority of Peremptory Norms in Public International Law
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International law has proven that it is an evolving and flexible law over the years, and despite that, this development takes a very long time, as the concept of peremptory norms took 83 years to crystallize and have concrete and impactful applications, and within this development another modern concept emerged, which is the obligations Erga Omnes in the Barcelona Traction case 1970. We have concluded that these two concepts fall under a broader concept, which is peremptory norms, and this concept represents the common supreme interests of the international community, and consists of rules that transcend all other rules in international law, and it is not permissible to derogate or deviate from them. On the other hand, it bears the oblig

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Formalism in Mortgage Accordance of Amarican Law
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This research deals with the formalities of the mortgage contract according to American law, We have given an overview of the provisions of this law related to the subject, We have also taken into consideration the role of American jurisprudence and the judiciary in finding legal solutions to the aforementioned formality, We have discussed the formality of mortgage in American law in two sections, In the first section we showed the formalism in immovable  mortgage, and the second section specified to studying the formalism in movable mortgage.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(Which has been criticized in the Holy Quran
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Numerical and linguistic methods were varied in interpretation unless they were in accordance with the grammar
Texts of speech, and this was one of the methods used by linguists and linguists as well
What they call them (the opposite is the opposite), and this is what the word "pregnancy"
Is a synonym for the term "interpretation." This term was often used for syntax
The physical and linguistic cause when an act exceeds the character in which it is known to be infringed, or when
The use of a tool with a little use of it, especially by scientists who knew about it
Pay attention to grammatical errors. The Arabs may have uttered the word and wanted to denounce it
He went even further when the eraser carried away his abr

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Detection of selected cells in multi choice sheets
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Jurisprudential applications to restrict permissible in Islamic jurisprudence
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Research summary


Muslim scholars have established fundamental rules for deriving rulings to be a methodology for every mujtahid who wants to extract rulings from his reliable sources, and one of the most prominent fundamental rules on which many rulings are built is the permissible and the many rulings related to it.

Leaving what is permissible on its own terms sometimes causes embarrassment and distress in some cases, so we need something that restricts it. In our Islamic law, many legal rulings are embodied in which the restriction of what is permissible is in the public interest, or to relieve embarrassment in public.

Because of the importance of this fundamentalist rule, and the difference in some

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