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Association between Leukemia and Exon 2 CD19 Gene Variants in a sample of Iraqi Patients
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Background: The human CD19 (Cluster Differentiation) antigen is a 95 kd transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD19 gene located on the short arm of chromosome 16p11.2 (P: petit). CD19 is a member of the Ig immunoglobulin superfamily expressed on the surface of B lymphocytes, and may play a pivotal role in B-cell differentiation and activation. Research suggests that mutations in a gene CD19 leads to a lack of expression of CD19 membrane and result in an antibody deficiency syndrome.
Objective: The aim of this work is to study the mutations in Exon 2 CD19gene in leukemia patients in Baghdad/Iraq.
Patients and Methods: This cross sectional study was performed in the National Center of Hematological Diseases/Al Mustanisyria University. Blood samples were collected from 50 leukemia patients including (25 acute lymphocyte leukemia ALL and 25 chronic lymphocyte leukemia CLL) and 50 samples of apparently healthy individuals. DNA was isolated and the CD19 gene was amplified by using specific primers for exon2 of this gene. The nucleotide sequences of CD19 gene was according to Macro gene company, USA. Analysis was done using BLAST program which is available online at (http:// and BioEdit program.
Results: The DNA sequencing results of flank sense of CD19 gene from healthy individual was found to be compatible 100% with wild type of Homo sapiens from the Gene Bank, while 99% compatibility was found for that gene of all ALL and CLL patients with wild type of gene. The difference was attributed to insertion of 1900 C nucleotide in position +48 of exon 2 of CD19 gene resulted in the replacement of a serine (TCC) residue into isoluseine (ATC), and deletion 1904 C in position + 49 of exon 2. This mutation resulted in change of codon from GCA to GCC but there was no changes in the amino acid (Alanine to Alanine). The second mutation (Deletion nucleotide) amended the first mutation effect (Insertion nucleotide) and did not
lead to a change of all the amino acid sequence (framshift). The results showed that the incidence of insertion and deletion mutation at position +48 and +49 in exon 2 of CD19 gene and leukemia was highly significant (X2 = 15.75, P<0.01).
Conclusion: This study suggests that the ploymrphism in exon 2 of the CD19 gene is strongly associated with leukemia patient of Baghdad population.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 31 2014
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Petroleum system modeling and risk assessments of Ad’daimah oil field: a case study from Mesan Governorate, south Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study the Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles Combination with Antibiotics and Plant extracts Against Some Gram Negative Bacteria
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Titanium dioxide TiO2 has been widely utilized in cleaning and sterilizing material for many clinical tools sanitary ware, food tableware and cooking and items for use in hospitals. Titanium dioxide TiO2 non toxicity and long term physical and chemical stability. It has been widely used decomposition of organic compounds and microbial organisms such as cancer cell, viruses and bacteria as well as its potential application in sterilization of medical devices. The aim of the study the effect of titanium dioxide TiO2 on some Gram negative bacteria and study their effects on some virulence factors and chromosomal DNA.In this study, we obtained (E. coli ? Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris ? Pseudomonas aeruginosa ? Klebsiella pneumonia and Ac

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Five Variable Refined Plate Theory For Thermal Buckling Analysis Uniform And Nonuniform Of Cross-Ply Laminated Plates
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This research is devoted to investigating the thermal buckling analysis behaviour of laminated composite plates subjected to uniform and non-uniform temperature fields by applying an analytical model based on a refined plate theory (RPT) with five unknown independent variables. The theory accounts for the parabolic distribution of the transverse shear strains through the plate thickness and satisfies the zero-traction boundary condition on the surface without using shear correction factors; hence a shear correction factor is not required. The governing differential equations and associated boundary conditions are derived by using the virtual work principle and solved via Navier-type analytical procedure to obtain critica

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A study of Geomagnetic Field and It's secular variation at the Location Brazilian Anomaly (25°S, 45°W).
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ln this paper we study  and  analysis  the  total intensity  (P) .and the horizontal  component (H) of the geomagnetic field at the location na ly Brazilian    Anomaly  (Lat   25S,    long   4S·"W)    in  which   the geomagnetic field intensity  has a minimum  value. We examine the relationship. between  the { F , H) with altitude  at a certain latitude, and

.relationship  between  ( F,H ) with  the latitude  at  the certain  altitude

.We study  also  the nature  of the secular  variation  of the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Study on the Stability of Different Frusemide Liquid Dosage Formulas: Oral Solution, Syrup, Elixir, Suspension and Emulsion
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The present study aim at preparing frusemide in liquid form suitable for oral use. This is achieved through preparing different liquid forms of frusemide. The frusemide liquid is prepared in the following forms: oral solution, syrup and elixir with intensity of 1, 0.4 and 0.8% weight /volume respectively and in combination with potassium carbonate, polysorbate 80, alcohol and phosphate buffer solution of pH8 to dissolve the frusemide in the above mentioned forms. The different forms of the prepared medicine have been stored in glass bottles that can provide protection against light and at 40, 50, 600C for four months. Besides the pH has been checked to decide the period of validity. The results show that the expiration date of

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering
Artificial Intelligence Based Statistical Process Control for Monitoring and Quality Control of Water Resources: A Complete Digital Solution
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Appearance and Decay of Split-brain Theory to Explain Human Artistic Activity: A Historical Review: بدر محمد المعمري
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Nearly, in the middle of 1970s the split-brain theory became the only theory that explains human creativity used in all fine art and art education schools. In fact, this theory- which appeared for first time in the middle of 1940s – faced many radical changes including its concepts and structures, and these changes affected both teaching art and art criticism. To update people awareness within art field of study, this paper reviews the split-brain theory and its relationship with teaching art from its appearance to its decay in 2013 and after.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Three Locally Clays as A Surfaces for Adsorption of Cephalexin Monohydrate From Aqueous Solution: Thermodynamic and Desorption Equilibrium
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    The  adsorption of cephalexin.H2O from aqueous solution on attapulgite, bentonite and kaolin has been studied at the human body temperature (37.5ËšC) and at 5, 27, 47ËšC in 0.1M hydrochloric acid (pH 1.2). The value of pH 1.2 has been chosen to simulate the pH of stomach fluid. The clays show the following order: Bentonite > attapulgite > kaolin, for their activity to adsorb cephalexin.H2O. The charged clay particles can attract molecules either by electrostatic forces, for the molecules of oppositely charged, or by inducing dipole formation in the neutral molecule. The L-shaped adsorption isotherm indicated that drug molecules arrangement in a flat geometry on the clay surface. The

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of Various Intelligent Optimization Algorithms Based on Path Planning and Neural Controller for Mobile Robot
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In this paper, a cognitive system based on a nonlinear neural controller and intelligent algorithm that will guide an autonomous mobile robot during continuous path-tracking and navigate over solid obstacles with avoidance was proposed. The goal of the proposed structure is to plan and track the reference path equation for the autonomous mobile robot in the mining environment to avoid the obstacles and reach to the target position by using intelligent optimization algorithms. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithms are used to finding the solutions of the mobile robot navigation problems in the mine by searching the optimal paths and finding the reference path equation of the optimal

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Effect of Adding Aluminum Nanoparticles to a Smart Alloy (Cu-Al-Ni) on Hardness and Porosity
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This work deals with the effect of adding aluminum nanoparticles on the mechanical properties, micro-hardness and porosity of memory-shape alloys (Cu-Al-Ni). These alloys have wide applications in various industrial fields such as (high damping compounds and self-lubricating applications). The samples are manufactured using the powder metallurgy method, which involved pressing in only one direction and sintered in a furnace surrounded by an inert gas. Four percentages (0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%) of aluminum nanoparticles were fabricated, which depended on the weight of aluminum powder (13%) in the sample under study. To find out which phase is responsible for the reliability of the formation of this type of alloy and its porosity, X-ray diffr

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