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Augmented Pressure Distal Colostogram.
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Background: Anorectal malformations (ARMs) represent a complex group of congenital anomalies resulting from abnormal development of the hindgut, allantois and Mullerian duct, leading to incomplete or partial urorectal septal malformations .

Patients and methods: This is a prospective study including  sixty-five male patients with high ARMs  who were admitted to the department of  pediatric surgery in Children Welfare Teaching Hospital in Medical City Complex - Baghdad - Iraq ; during the period from April 2009 to November 2011 ; they were subjected to divided descending colostomy in the postnatal period ;Augmented-Pressure Distal Colostogram (APDC) was performed at a later age for demonstration of the level of rectal atresia and the presence of the recto-urinary fistulas which then were confirmed at operation. Objectives: The objective of this study is the accurate demonstration of the anatomy of the level of rectal atresia and any associated recto-urinary fistula by using APDC  for optimal surgical management using  APDC .

Results: Rectourinary fistulas were demonstrated in 52 patients (80%) by APDC  technique and were confirmed at operation in each case. In the remaining 13 patients (20%), this technique failed to demonstrate a fistula, in 8 of them no fistula was identified during operation or thereafter , while in the remaining 5 patients fistulas were detected during operation .

Conclusion: The  APDC  readily demonstrated  the level of the rectal atresia and the associated recto-urinary fistulas in the majority of the patients , providing a road map for definitive surgical repair of ARMs.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Profiles of indignation and indiscretion in pre-Islamic poetry
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Profiles of indignation and indiscretion in pre-Islamic poetry

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The role of transparency in reducing administrative corruption
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         Global attention to transparency has increased following the spread of corruption in many countries. Therefore, in this study, we have to identify the concept of linguistic and constitutional transparency in order to give a clear picture of this principle. In order to achieve the proper application of transparency, we must understand the transparency and its legal basis, as well as its nature, dimensions and levels, which must be adhered to when applied in administrative work and any administrative system that seeks transparency to achieve certain objectives. We have addressed these objectives and their importance. We have demonstrated the types of transparency, as we

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Examples of heritage houses in Jubba city
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The researcher tried to concentrate on the field study included many houses for the sake of documenting it by pictures and schemes with its history using the available data that had got from elderly whereas the rest of heritage will document in other research , in God willing .
The research confined on the studying of examples heritage houses which was some of them had built at the end of 19th century AD but, other of them had built on the beginning of 20th century . In spite of considering these buildings are important and as a sign to architect art of Jubba but, there is never full studying written about them in Western city .
The importance of this study lies on documenting sides of environmental and climatic progress which Iraq

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Lights statement in the first part    From the Qur'an
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My research tagged [the lights of the statement in the first part of the Koran] came to show that the dear book was developed according to a precise linguistic system is not increased by a word or letter or movement - Aldmh and Kira and the hole - and does not lack anything of it except with the wisdom required by the meanings of the Koranic text or Sura generally . The Koran does not come falsehood from his hands or from behind it is infallible and preserved; because it was revealed by the sage Hamid Hamid ﭽﮗ ﮘ ﮙ ﮚ ﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﭼ [stone]. The Qur'an is safe from any verbal or moral dominance and dominates all the heavenly books and exists at any time and place that speaks the truth ﭽ ﯛ ﯜ ﯝ ﯞ ﯟ ﯹ ﯺﭼ [The

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What are the unique words used in the Holy Qur’an
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We are aware that we cannot reach a correct level of understanding of the Arabic language without using the Quran as our main source in our research. Since the word of the Quran that put an end to all words which kneeled before it all the phrases that lead to the showcasing of the Arabic language in its best self.
Arab scientist realized this truth and gave all their attention to the singular and created from it an important subject for their research in the origins of the language and the science behind. Thus, since they dealt with the structure and studied the significance of the context through the use of vocabulary. Therefore, researching Islamic words or the “surat” mentioned in the Qur’an was necessar

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Etude de I' espace dans un extrait de Les sequestres d' Altona de Jean
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Etude de I' espace dans un extrait de Les sequestres d' Altona de Jean

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring Gratitude of the Sample of Displaced people in Baghdad city
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Displacement is a problem that worries the human conscience and has received the attention of the international community. Furthermore, it has become one of the most urgent issues nowadays, especially when the number of displaced people in different countries are increased because of the causes of displacement and their political, economic, environmental, social and psychological effects. Iraq is one of the countries where displacement has taken place in several governorates, according to United Nations and International Organization for Migration (IOM), Iraq is considered the second largest country in the world after Syria in terms of the number of displaced people in 2015. Gratitude, a positive emotional response to benevolence, is a m

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Convergence Analysis for the Homotopy Perturbation Method for a Linear System of Mixed Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations
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           In this paper, the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) is presented for treating a linear system of second-kind mixed Volterra-Fredholm integral equations. The method is based on constructing the series whose summation is the solution of the considered system. Convergence of constructed series is discussed and its proof is given; also, the error estimation is obtained. Algorithm is suggested and applied on several examples and the results are computed by using MATLAB (R2015a). To show the accuracy of the results and the effectiveness of the method, the approximate solutions of some examples are compared with the exact solution by computing the absolute errors.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
دور المرشـد النفســي في المؤسسـات التعليمية لوقاية الشباب من آفة المخدرات
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تتنوع الإمراض التي تدعى بإمراض العصر وتتعقد باستمرار والتوازي مع تقدم البشرية في مجالات التطور العلمي والاجتماعي ومختلف مجالات الحياة الأخرى .

فبالإضافة  إلى الإمراض الفيروسية والعضوية والنفسية هناك مرض تعاطي وإدمان المخدرات (الهاشمي ,  2002  ، ص1).

لم يعد خافيا على احد إن خطر الإدمان على الكحول والمخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية أصبح اليوم يهدد امن وسلامة العديد من دول العالم

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التلوث البيئي ومخاوف المرآة من الانجاب
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         أن نظرة المرأة اليوم نحو الحمل والانجاب قد تغيرت نتيجة بعض العوامل وكان التلوث البيئي من أكثر العوامل تأثيرآ ، لانه يمثل أكثر الاخطار التي تبيد الجنس البشري وتقطع جذوره وتهدم سلالته الاصليه من خلال عملية التغاير في الجينات الوراثية وانتقالها عبر الاجيال . وأن أثاره لم تقتصر على الجانب الصحي للأم بل تعداه الى الجانب النفسي فاتجاهات الامهات اليوم نحو الحمل والانجاب ليس كما هو ف

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