Clinical Types and associated maternal factors of Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD in a group of children in Baghdad
Fac Med Baghdad
2014; Vol.56, No.2
Received: Feb., 2014
Accepted April. 2014
Background: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurobehavioral disorders in children includes pervasive inattention, over activity, and impulsivity imposing psychological and cognitive impairment.
Objectives: This study aims to examine the clinical types and the association of some maternal risk factors and developmental milestone with ADHD among a group of school-age children.
Method: 100 primary school- age children affected with ADHD of both sexes were clinically assessed by the semi-structured interview questionnaire of ADHD (SSIQ) according to (DSM-IV-TR) during April-August 2013at Ibn-Rushd Psychiatric Teaching Hospital in Baghdad results were submitted to statistical analysis.
Results: Most of the children were urban males with average age of 8 years old presented with combined type of ADHD and had a normal developmental milestone. Maternal adversities were not insignificantly associated.
Conclusion: ADHD was presented mostly in its combined form. Maternal adversities and type of labor was not significantly associated with its morbidity. The authors call for improvement child’s mental health services.