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An analytic study of 200 cases of head injuries admitted to teaching Hospital in Najaf.
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Back ground: This is a prospective study of Head injury in Najaf.
Aim: to study the causes & out come & way of transferring the rat to the hospital & best way to investigate them.
Patients & methods:A prospective analytical study of 200 cases of Head injury patients, who were admitted to Saddam Teaching Hospital , in Najaf between 18 t" of November 1996 and 1st of September 1998.
Results: All age groups were included in this study, male to female ratio was 4:1 and the highest incidence was seen at the age group below 14 years. The two most common causes of
head injury were road traffic accident (RTA)(51 %) and assault (22%),of RTA pedestrians accounted for (87.25%). RTA accounted of (80%) in those with severe head injury. The highest incidence of head injuries in both male and female was between 2pm and 6pm. All patients brought to hospital by personal means, most of them reached the hospital within the first hour of injury. 115 patients (57.5%) were minor head injuries {Glasgow coma scale (11-15)}. Skull x-ray was taken for 185 patients, it was positive for fracture in 48 patients (24%) and negative in 137 (68.5%). There is significant number of patients with negative skull X-ray who need not to be Xrayed. The commonest associated injuries were limb fractures 35% followed by injuries of abdominal viscera 11%. The incidence of operative treatment (10%). The final outcome on discharge was complete recovery in 156 patients (78%) residual neurological deficits in 18
patients (9%), and death in 20 patients (10%), and 6 patients discharged against medical advice. The common cause of head injuries in those who died was RTA 85%& we give recommendation regarding traffic roads & culture of society & policy of investigation.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect Wisdom Management in Defferentiation Strategy for Service Operations Exploratory: Search of the Views of A Sample of the Officials in the General Establishment of Civil Aviation
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Today, the success or failure of organizations depends to possess the wisdom of their managers promised that the key to organizational success of the business environment, making the right decisions, and create the ability to work and think towards discrimination of products and services the organization . Seek this research to investigation the relationship between the wisdom management and differentiation strategy for service operations . It was a test of that relationship in light of the results of the analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire distributed on a sample from (98) Director Mangers, head of department and head of division in  the General Establishment of Civil Aviation . The research used descriptive st

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analysis of the impact of public budget deficit on external debt in lraq with in the framework of joint integration of the period (1990 – 2016 )
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The concept of deficit in public budget becomes a chronic economic phenomenon in most of the world, whether the advanced countries or developing countries. Despite  the difference in the visions of the economic schools to accept or reject the deficit in public budget but the opinion that prevailed is the necessity of the state to reduce the public spending which led to a continuous deficits in the public budget which consequently increased the government borrowing ,increase income taxes and wealth, consequently this weakened the in motivation in private investment which contributed to the increase of in factionary stagnation , so that governments have to cover the lack of local funding sources which become difficult to be eq

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Extent of Homogeneity in the Distribution of Petrophysical Properties that Affecting the Primary and Enhanced Oil Recoveries of Reservoir Rocks in Zubair Formation of South Iraq
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Records of two regionalized variables were processed for each of porosity and permeability of reservoir rocks in Zubair Formation (Zb-109) south Iraq as an indication of the most important reservoir property which is the homogeneity,considering their important results in criterion most needed for primary and enhanced oil reservoirs.The results of dispersion treatment,the statistical incorporeal indications,boxes plots,rhombus style and tangents angles of intersected circles indicated by confidence interval of porosity and permeability data, have shown that the reservoir rocks of Zubair units (LS),(1L) and (DJ) have reservoir properties of high quality,in contrast to that of Zubair units (MS) and (AB)which have reservoir properties of less q

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Networks And Wireless Communications
Performance Analysis of VoIP in Wireless Networks
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Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is important technology that’s rapidly growing in the wireless networks. The Quality of Service (QoS) and Capacity are two of the most important issues that still need to be researched on wireless VoIP. The main aim of this paper is to analysis the performance of the VoIP application in wireless networks, with respect to different transport layer protocols and audio codec. Two scenarios used in the simulation stage. In the first scenario VoIP with codec G.711 transmitted over User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), and Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP). While, in the second scenario VoIP with codec G.726 transmitted over UDP, SCTP, and RTP protocols. Network simulator

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology
Features of plastics in modern construction use
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The work is devoted to the study of the plastics features in modern construction use. The plastics classification in modern construction is generalized. This classification includes: the field of building products application, the features of the materials properties and products, a backup group that includes those products that are not included in the previous groups. The classification considered is the basis for choosing the basic materials properties that affect the quality and durability of products. To improve the plastics types in the construction, the Venn diagram is used. The main materials types for manufacturing a product of the "window profile" type are analyzed; the result of the studies is a comparative diagram.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Biotechnology
Etiopathogenesis of CMV in rheumatoid arthritis patients
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the autoimmune diseases characterized by the synovial inflammation which causes organs and tissues damage especially synovial tissues and joints. The study included 50 serum samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) when compared with 50 serum samples from healthy individuals as control with age range 35 – 60 years (41.3 ± 2.4 years vs. 41.0 ± 2.0 years, respectively). ELISA technique was used to assess the Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide IgG antibody (anti-CCP IgG Ab) level, anti-rheumatoid factor IgG antibody (anti-RF IgG) and anti-Cytomegalovirus (anti-CMV IgG) antibodies frequencies in the studied groups. The present findings demonstrated that all RA patients have 100% seropositive fr

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2002
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The development of Islamic periodicals in Iraq
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Islamic periodicals are defined as: publications issued periodically, and containing articles, research, or studies that convey Islamic thought and culture. Islamic periodicals have a prominent place among other types of sources of documentary and non-documentary Islamic information, because they are characterized by the speed of their issuance and the modernity and diversity of their Islamic information. This study aims to explain the reality of Islamic periodicals published in Iraq, graphically analyze their bibliographic characteristics and emphasize the importance of their issuance, as well as give a historical overview of the issuance and publication of Islamic periodicals in the Arab world and the world, while presenting examples of I

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Science
Spectrophotometric Determination of Allopurinol in Tablet Formulation
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A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of allopurinol drug was investigated. The proposed method was based on the reaction of the intended drug with catechol and Fe(II) to form a blue soluble complex which was measured at λmax 580 nm. A graph of absorbance versus concentration shown that Beer’s law was obeyed over the concentration range of 2–10 μg ml–1 with molar absorptivity of 9.4 x 103 l mol–1 cm–1 and Sandell sensitivity of 1.4 x 10–2 μg cm–2. A recovery percentage of 100% with RSD of 1.0%–1.3% was obtained. The proposed method was applied successfully for the determination of allopurinol drug in tablets with a good accuracy and

Publication Date
Wed May 15 2013
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of English Studies
Strategies of Politeness in English Medical Conversations
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BN Rashid, Ajes: Asian Journal of English Studies, 2013

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social discipline in the building of society
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In order to get an idea about things closely, we should look at the role of social discipline
in the building of society from civilization cultural viewpoint. The real weigh of the societal
opinion is not measured by the number of its population or its area but the real value lies in its
civilization cultural accumulative experience inherited by the generations, which determine its
distinguished character. That is based upon the social construction in which the methods of
socialization and political, economic, cultural and religious stability and enhance the national
and ethical character of self-realization.
In this research, we try to give an analysis for the obstacles in political economic and
religious social

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