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The Effect of Omeprazol in the Treatment of Laryngeal Manifestations of Gastro-oesophageal Reflux
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Background: Reflux laryngitis has gain a lot of attention in the last three decades as a possible explanation of idiopathic laryngeal problems.Acid suppressive therapy can
be of use in both the therapeutic and the diagnostic fields.The use of Omeprazole has proved to be of benefit in the diagnosis and treatment of reflux laryngitis.The
response to 12weeks course of Omeprazole is considered by many authors to be one of the diagnostic tooles of reflux laryngitis.
Aim: Is to study the effect of Omeprazole in the treatment of laryngeal manifestations of gastro-oesophageal reflux
Patients and methods: This is a prospective study of 37 patients attending Alkadhimiyah teaching hospital,department of otolalyngology during the period from
April 2005 to April 2006,complaining of symptoms suggestive of reflux laryngitis.The chief compliant of each patient was taken as a reference for the
improvment.Complete clinical examination was done for each patient as well as videolaryngoscopy.Oesophagogastroscope was done at the department of
gastroenterology. According to the findings seen in those patients,a course of Omeprazole 20mg bid was given for 12 weeks.Re-examenation including videolaryngoscopy was done at
6thand12thweeks of treatment.Oesophagogastroscopy was repeated at 12th week of treatment.
Resultst: There was symptomatic improvement in the chief complaint and improvement in the videolaryngoscopic findings in 29patients(78.38%)at the end of
treatment course with omeprazole. 
Conclusion: We found that Omeprazole is effective in producing symptomatic relief in the chief complaint in 78.38% of patients at the end of treatment course.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Pros and Cons of the Transconjunctival Retroseptal Approach to the Isolated Orbital Floor Fracture
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To get access into the orbital floor 3 paths are commonly used which are transconjunctival, subciliary and subtarsal approaches. Each one of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. The study assessed the outcomes of the transconjunctival retroseptal approach, which reflects our experience in this type of surgery. Along 8 years, 26 patients received in the emergency room diagnosed with pure isolated orbital floor fractures, all of them admitted to the maxillofacial surgery department and approached by transconjunctival incision without lateral canthotomy. Three types of complications occurred: laceration of the lower eyelid, injury to the lacrimal system and entropion. All of these complications were managed accordingly with n

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On the G-quadratic and LG-quadratic of the Exterior Algebra and Associated Algebra
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     Given an exterior algebra  over a finite dimension vector space v, and let   , where  is a graded ideal in . The relation between the algebra  and    regarding to -quadratic and - quadratic will be investigated. We show that the algebra   is - quadratic if and only if   is - quadratic. Furthermore, it has been shown that the algebra  is - quadratic if and only if  is - quadratic.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2018
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
An Evaluation of the "English for Iraq" Course for the Fifth Grade Secondary Schools
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Providing Iraqi students with proficiency in English is the ultimate goal of the educational system which is a way of getting knowledge in the fields of arts, sciences, transferring knowledge and sciences to other communities. Therefore, conducting such a type of study is very important because the contents of English textbooks have a huge influence on learning of the students. Once the content of English textbooks contain errors as the correct one, this will effect on his/her learning. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the new course entitled “English for Iraq” for fifth grade students for secondary schools, by Olivia Johnston and Mark Farell. It aims to answer eleven questions relating to the following domains: strength, obj

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Referential Aspect of the Quranic Text Az-Zahraa’s)Peace Be Upon Her( Speech
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In the present paper, the researcher attempts to shed some light on the objective behind inserting some Qur'anic verses by Al-Zahraa (Peace Be Upon Her) in her revered speech. Besides, it tries to investigate the hidden meaning of these verses and to study them in the light of pragmaticreferences. This task is supported by Books of Tafseer as well as the books that explained this speech to arrive at its intended meaning. It is possible say that this is astep towards studying speeches of 'Ahlul Bayt' (People of the Prophet's household) in terms of modern linguistic studies, as well as employing modern methods to explore the aesthetic values of these texts.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation The Performance efficiency of the general company for lather Industries (a practical study)
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The performa of evaluation process is a process that should be carried out by all industrial management in order to stand on aspects of development or underdevelopment of the various departments and activities in its industrial project for the purpose of identifying obstacles and find out the causes and then avoid them quickly. And intended to rectify the performance evaluation of the  activities of  industrial project  or economic union by measuring the results achieved within a specific operational process and compare it to what is already targeted, and often the time for comparison of one year.

The process of performance evaluation depends upon several criteria and indicators within the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Methods of forecasting demandOn the blood substanceApplied study at the National Blood Transfusion Center
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The current research deals with short term forecasting of demand on Blood material, and its' problem represented by increasing of forecast' errors in The National Center for Blood Transfusion because using inappropriate method of forecasting by Centers' management, represented with Naive Model. The importance of research represented by the great affect for forecasts accuracy on operational performance for health care organizations, and necessity of providing blood material with desired quantity and in suitable time. The literatures deal with subject of short term forecasting of demand with using the time series models in order to getting of accuracy results, because depending these models on data of last demand, that is being sta

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Physics E
The ground state properties of some exotic nuclei studied by the two-body model
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The ground state properties including the density distributions of the neutrons, protons and matter as well as the corresponding root mean square (rms) radii of proton-rich halo candidates 8B, 12N, 23Al and 27P have been studied by the single particle Bear– Hodgson (BH) wave functions with the two-body model of (core+p). It is found that the rms radii of these proton-rich nuclei are reproduced well by this model and the radial wave functions describe the long tail of the proton and matter density distributions. These results indicate that this model achieves a suitable description of the possible halo structure. The plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) has been used to compute the elastic charge form factors.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Genetic Algorithm to Estimate the Parameters of the Gumbel Distribution Function by Simulation
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In this research, the focus was on estimating the parameters on (min- Gumbel distribution), using the maximum likelihood method and the Bayes method. The genetic algorithmmethod was employed in estimating the parameters of the maximum likelihood method as well as  the Bayes method. The comparison was made using the mean error squares (MSE), where the best  estimator  is the one who has the least mean squared error. It was noted that the best estimator was (BLG_GE).

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 25 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mathematics Trends And Technology
Pretest Single Stage Shrinkage Estimator for the Shape Parameter of the Power Function Distribution
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Peptide Science
Studies on the antileishmanial properties of the antimicrobial peptides temporin A, B and 1Sa
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