Objective: the aim of this study is to determine the level of students' knowledge about the environmental health.
Methodology: The cross-sectional study was conducted at the College of Health and Medical Technology in Baghdad
city during the period from 1st march till 1st of July 2012. Data was collected by self-recording of a previously designed
questionnaire to obtain socio-demographic information such as (age, gender, department, year of grade).
Results: The highest rate of students were in the 2nd year followed by the 3rd year, highest rate of students had low
level of knowledge followed by intermediate level of knowledge, while lowest rate of students on had high level of
knowledge .Females had higher level of knowledge compared to males who had intermediate Level of knowledge;
Students of pathological analysis department had high level of knowledge among other students, followed by students
of anesthesia department. The lowest rate was among department the physiotherapy. A significant association
between that low level of knowledge was among 1st (57.7%) and 2nd (50.7%) year students mainly , while high level of
knowledge was mainly among 4th year (9.8%), and the intermediate level of knowledge was among 3rd year students
in a rate of (53.3%) and 4th year in a rate of 50%.
Recommendations: Include all the department of the college in environment health lectures as the issue is important
for all student and not only the community health students.
Britain found itself at the end of the nineteenth century in front of many obstacles within Europe, it is to hold the coalition Russian Franco in 1894, and what form of threat to the interests of Britain in its colonies outside Europe, as well as the development of other European countries in military and economic aspects such as Germany and the United States and others. As she was defying the fleet of Britain, Germany, and the last has a naval fleet was able to protect all the way Britain and its colonies throughout the nineteenth century
أن أزدياد أعداد الطلبة في معظم دول العالم ، والتوسع في التعليم العالي ، أدى الى أستيعاب أعداد كبيرة في المؤسسات التعليمية من حملة الشهادات العليا الماجستير خاصة والدكتوراه ، وأن برامج الدراسات العليا وضعت لأعداد باحثين مختصين في مجالات عدة منها التدريس وما يتطلبه من مهارات مختلفة ، فأن قسماً منهم ليست لديه المعرفة النظرية والتطبيق العملي والمهارات اللازمة لأستخدام طرائق التدريس والتقنيات التربوية أث
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Jeder Lernende, der in der Fremdsprache Deutsch kommunizieren möchte, wird sich auch mit der deutschen Aussprache beschäftigen (müssen). Wer eine gute Aussprache hat, wird nicht nur oft und zu Recht bewundert, er hat es auch leichter, die deutsche Sprache zu verstehen, und er wird gut verstanden. Aussprachefehler beeinträchtigen die Kommunikation, sie führen zur Unverständlichkeit von Namen, Wörtern und Äußerungen oder Mißverständnissen, sie bewirken Ermüdung und Konzentrationsverluste und beeinträchtigen die Sprachverarbeitung durch Assoziationen und Emotionen, die beim Hörer entstehen können.’’[1]
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