This study showed that the rock bed units of Fatha (M. Miocene) includes mold of fish fossils imprint on marly limestone; Injana (L. Miocene) includes large femur bone of Mastodont and large number of bone remains; and review study of Mukdadiya Formations (Pliocene) showed more than 21 mamalian species such as: Mastodont, Hipparion, Gazzella, Felidae, Bovidae, Antilopini, Caprinae, Crocodilia, and others. Those vertebrate fossils bones were deposited and preserved within rock bed units of fluvial and evaporite marine environments. Paleoenvironment of fluvial ecosystem made up of food chain, which were includes producer, herbivores as a primary consumer as Mastodon, Hipparion and Gazelle, carnivores as a secondary consumer as felidea and crocodilia and omnivores as aves; and restricted marine ecosystem were includes producer, minute foraminifera and primary or secondary consumer as fish.
This research deals with study of the Petrology and mineralogy of the Rus and Jil Formations at Najif and Al-Muthanna Governorates, Southern Iraq. The Rus Formation consists mainly of evaporites and subordinate carbonates. The evaporites are characterized by nodular structure (compound wispy, wispy, structureless and mosaic structures) with some laminated structure at the studied sections. Compound wispy to wispy structure are the dominant structures. The Jil Formation consists almost entirely of carbonate. The carbonate rocks are dolomitic limestone and dolomite beds, massive, fossiliferous, cavernous sometime friable and bioturbated in its lower part. The Jil Formation contains evaporites as thin beds, sometimes nodular and contains se
... Show MoreThis study deals with the petrology of Injana Formation (Upper Miocene) at
Zawita, Amadia and Zakho areas. The sandstone of Injana Formation is of two
typesnamely, litharenite and feldspathiclitharenite. The rock fragments of Injana
Formation are mostly sedimentary and hence the sandstones are classified as
sedarenite and more specifically chertarenite owing to the predominance of chert
rock fragments. The sandstone is mineralogicallysubmature rangingfrom
mechanically and chemically stable tounstable. The petrographic studies reveal
nearness of source area with arid to semi-arid climate. The source rocks are
sedimentary, low- to medium-grade metamorphic and basic volcanic rocks. They are
mostly supplied from th
An interpretative study of the two-dimensional seismic data of the Afaq area was conducted using the Petrel 2017 software. 2D seismic reflection sections are used to give a structural interpretation of Afaq structure based on synthetic seismogram and well log data. Three reflectors, Zubair, Yamama, and Gotina Formations, were selected. These reflectors are defined from well west kifl (wk-1), Where located adjacent to the study area. Structural maps of the Zubair, Yamama, and Gotnia formations are prepared and interpreted, including TWT maps, Average velocity maps, and depth maps. The studies concluded that the Afaq structure area does not contain main faults, but secondary faults with short and limited extensions
... Show MoreThe Islamic art is filled with precious and holiness contents for what it carries of spiritual meanings represented by the Holy Quran, Hadith and texts which inspired the Calligrapher fertile imagination draw from it a wide space for holiness and spiritual expression with artistic explanation of aesthetic and decorative nature, its issuance pivots depended on decoration and calligraphy elements. The main elements which enriched the aesthetic and expressional side are the texts which used by the Calligraphers whom tried to be perfect and creative by presentation techniques and issuance treatments hold within the beauty of the shape and content. The most remarkable artistic achievements are honorable prophetic decoration for what it has of
... Show MoreA geological model is a spatial representation of the distribution of sediments and rocks in the subsurface. Where this study on Halfaya oil field; it is located in Missan governorate, 35 km southeast of the city of Amara. It is one of the main fields in Iraq because it is production high oil. This model contains the structure, and petrophysical properties (porosity, water saturation) in three directions. To build 3D geological models of petroleum reservoirs. Khasib, Tanuma, and Sa’di formations in Halfaya oil field have been divided into many layers depending on petrophysical properties and facies.
The study intends to interpretation of well logs to determine the petrophysical parameters for Khasib, Tanuma, and Sa'di formations in Halfaya Oil Field. Where this field is located 30 kilometers south-east of the Amara city and it is considered as one of the important fields in Iraq because of the high production of oil, because Khasib, Tanuma, and Sa'di are f carbonates reservoirs formations and important after the Mishrif Formation because of the lack of thickness of the formations compared to the amount of oil production. The Matrix Identification (MID) and the M-N crossplot were used to determine the lithology and mineralogy of the formations; through the diagrm it was found the three formations consisted mainly of calcite with some
... Show MoreThis research is concerned with the study of (the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear composition) with what distinguished Arabic calligraphy through the style and artistic method in its construction, and the specifications it carries that enabled it to pay attention to building formations to achieve in its total linear ranges aesthetic values and relationships. Through the research, the models and the exploratory study that he obtained, the researcher was able to raise the research problem in the first chapter according to the following question: What is the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear formation?
The importance of the research in achieving the aesthetics of the formations, which is a wide field according t
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the microfacies and the biozones present in the studied rocks as well as to determine their environments or deposition. The study depends mainly on the benthonic foraminiferal assemblages identified from (27) rock thin sections made available from an outcrop at Wadi Banat Al-Hassan area in the Upper Euphrates Valley. X-Ray diffraction was also used to determine the type of carbonate minerals present in the studied rocks.