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Hydraulic Parameters for the Euphrates Aquifer in the Southern Part of Haditha district, Al-Anbar Governorate

     One of the primary goals of any study involving groundwater is to make an exact assessment of the physical properties of the layers containing the water. One of the most fruitful ways to approach this goal is to conduct a pumping test for the aquifer. To make the most use of groundwater in terms of sustainable water management, this study attempts to assess its hydraulic features relative to the most significant aquifer represented in the Euphrates formation. A pumping test was carried out on 6 wells where each well is accompanied by an observation well. Cooper-Jacob and Theis Recovery methods were used to determine the aquifer transmissivity and storage coefficient. The ranges for permeability, transmissivity, and specific yield are (0.42 - 3.05 m/day, 13.89 -76.47 m2/ day, and 0.018 - 0.036) respectively, whereas, calculated transmissivities based on specific capacity showed a wide range from 30.85 m2/day to 120.96 m2/day. This wide range reflects the complex lithology of the aquifer, which was influenced by structural elements including stress and joint density.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 17 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Science
The Effect of Vaccination on the Monkeypox Disease by Using Holling Type II

Publication Date
Tue Apr 05 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Criminology And Sociology
The Arabic Root and the Peculiarities of Its Language Categorization (Structure and Inflection)

This article discusses the peculiarities of the Arabic root, its phonemic structure, and morphological categorization. The pure appearance of the Arabic root in language categorization allows you to separate the onomatopoeic feature of inflectional structure and phonetic rules of the Arabic language by which the root is categorized. This phenomenon of meaningful consonant phonemes in the Arabic roots makes the theory of onomatopoeia practicable not just only in Arabic but also in other Semitic languages. Moreover, the first consonant of an Arabic root usually contains the word's primary, essential meaning, and the second and third lookup. Also, in this work, it is noted that the grammar of the Arabic language has many features aimed

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 04 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of the Beam Size Radiation on the Depth Dose by Using 60Co

Radiotherapy is medical use of ionizing radiation, and commonly applied to the cancerous tumor because of its ability to control cell growth. The amount of radiation used in photon radiation therapy called dose (measured in grey unit), which depend on the type and stage of cancer being treated. In our work, we studied the dose distribution given to the tumor at different depths (zero-20 cm) treated with different field size (4×4- 23×23 cm). Results show that the deeper treated area has less dose rate at the same beam quality and quantity. Also it has been noted increasing in the field increasing in the depth dose at the same depth even if the radiation energy is constant. Increasing in radiation dose attributed to the scattere

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Investigating the Factors that Affect the Oral Classroom Participation of Arab Postgraduate Students

This study examines the factors that affect oral participation of six Arab postgraduate students (two Iraqis, two Jordanians, and two Libyans), namely, three male participants and three female participants. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview was employed. The results showed that female as well male interviewees share some factors that make oral participation in classroom disheartening. These factors include high levels of anxiety, lack of confidence, shyness, and lack of preparation. It was also that there is no difference between male and female interviewees in relation to the factors that make them feel disheartened from oral classroom participation.

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2024
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Criminology
The Liability of Maritime Carrier under the Iraqi Transport Law and International Conventions

Everywhere carriers incur a measure of liability for the safety of the goods. Carriers are liable for any damage or for the loss of the goods that are in their possession as carriers unless they prove that the damage or loss is attributable to certain excepted causes. Damaged and lost items can unfortunately be a common problem when shipping freight. Legal responsibilities arise due to loss or damage during transit while cargo is in their care. This study intends to investigate the nature of the liability of the maritime carrier when this liability is realized, and the extent to which it can be paid or disposed of given the risks realized from the transportation process, which may result in damage or loss of the goods, and the damag

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The accountancy Using of Gaols programming model to determine the optimal production mix

The research aims to determine the mix of production optimization in the case of several conflicting objectives to be achieved at the same time, therefore, discussions dealt with the concept of programming goals and entrances to be resolved and dealt with the general formula for the programming model the goals and finally determine the mix of production optimization using a programming model targets to the default case.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The biography of the Prophet Muhammad () and his Sunnah between softness and distress

The Prophet Muhammed () is distinguished in the history of mankind by the fact that he came with a law that combined these two opposing sides, reality and ideals, a wonderful and amazing collection, and he created a wonderful composition between them, and they used together a wise comprehension to ensure the treatment of its ills, and the reform of their delusions together, and uses both Both of them are in the necessary position of the needs of life, and the contradictions and separation of this collection and the wise harness in this research from his law, may God bless him and grant him peace, which shows us this balance in the system of Islam, the most sincere representation, where it is one of the honors of morality, good appreci

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Achieve the requirements of the Administrative Control according to human resource management practices

Human Resources Management Practices (HRMP) and managerial control represent two academic fields that have been and still are the focus of many studies. However, merging both fields and studying the relationship that connects them and also the role that HRMP play in achieving the requirements of managerial control represents a new and novel study according to the available literature in these fields.

To achieve these goals, this study has been conducted, using the surveying questionnaire method, on a sample of ten general inspector offices in Iraq that work in the field of control for ministries and independent committees. A questionnaire has been used to collect the data which was analyzed with several s

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
The Image of Woman by the Artist Jaber Alwan: احلام عبد الستار شنين

The woman represents an existential dualism with the man along history. This existence has been manifested through the history of Art starting from the arts of the old civilizations until modernism. It must be said that the history of Art refers to her presence as an extension for this history in the oriental arts, and the Arab countries including Iraq.  The woman has varying outputs in terms of the content of her presence and the style of presentation. In her characterizations: maternity, fertility, femininity and others. The Iraqi artists adopted these fields among them the artist Jaber Alwan who formulated his style of presentation and its units depending on the feminine presence and his experience in her formal and stylistic fie

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Electric Energy Generation Approach of the Energy Saving House Using Photovoltaic System

This paper describes a research effort that aims of developing solar models for housing suitable for the Arabian region since the Arabian Peninsula is excelled with very high levels of solar radiation.
The current paper is focused on achieving energy efficiency through utilizing solar energy and conserving energy. This task can be accomplished by implementation the major elements related to energy efficiency in housing design , such as embark on an optimum photovoltaic system orientation to maximize seize solar energy and produce solar electricity. All the precautions were taken to minimizing the consumption of solar energy for providing the suitable air-condition to the inhibitor of the solar house in addition to use of energy effici

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