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Calculation of the Time Interval of Radio Storm Emitted from Jupiter
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A program in Visual Basic language was designed to calculate the time interval of radio storm by predict their type at specific Local Time (LT) from Baghdad location, such storms result from the Central Meridian Longitude (CML) of system ΙΙΙ for Jupiter and phase of Io’s satellite (ФIo). These storms are related to position of Io (Io- A,B,C,D). The input parameters for this program were the observer’s location (longitude), year, month and day. The output program results in form of tables provide the observer information about the date and the LT of beginning and end of each type of emitted storm. The year 2011 was taken to apply the results within twelve month; the results of the time interval of radio storm were between (0.08h-5.41h) hours. The obtained results reveal a good agreement as compared with the results of (Radio Jove) software.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Interval valued fuzzy ideals of TM-algebra
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We introduce the notion of interval value fuzzy ideal of TM-algebra as a generalization of a fuzzy ideal of TM-algebra and investigate some basic properties. Interval value fuzzy ideals and T-ideals are defined and several examples are presented. The relation between interval value fuzzy ideal and fuzzy T-ideal is studied. Abstract We introduce the notion of interval value fuzzy ideal of TM-algebra as a generalization of a fuzzy ideal of TM-algebra and investigate some basic properties. Interval value fuzzy ideals and T- ideals are defined and several examples are presented. The relation between interval value fuzzy ideal and fuzzy T-ideal is studied.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Technical Construction of Advertisements in Radio of the Republic of Iraq
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Studies and scientific research conducted in the field of communication have shown that broadcasting has a clear impact on the ideas, attitudes and behavior of the masses if it is better used in making the media message studied.

The role of this means is not only to present opinions and ideas, but also to influence trends by supporting or changing them. This is of course a matter for the nature of the content in terms of its formulation and the way it is prepared and presented. The power and appeal of a radio message is not complete by simply creating content without creating a distinctive design; and to what extent this content depends on the logic and psychology of persuasion.

The conviction of the cont

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculation of Photon Emission from Quark-Antiquark Annihilation Using QCD Theory
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In this work, we calculate and analyze the photon emission from quark and anti-quark interaction during annihilation process using simple model depending on phenomenology of quantum chromodynamic theory (QCD). The parameters, which include the running strength coupling, temperature of the system and the critical temperature, carry information regarding photon emission and have a significant impact on the photons yield. The emission of photon from strange interaction with anti-strange is large sensitive to decreases or increases there running strength coupling. The photons emission increases with decreases running strength coupling and vice versa. We introduce the influence of critical temperature on the  photon emission  rate in o

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculation of Photon Emission from Quark-Antiquark Annihilation Using QCD Theory
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In this work, we calculate and analyze the photon emission from quark and anti-quark interaction during annihilation process using simple model depending on phenomenology of quantum chromodynamic theory (QCD). The parameters, which include the running strength coupling, temperature of the system and the critical temperature, carry information regarding photon emission and have a significant impact on the photons yield. The emission of photon from strange interaction with anti-strange is large sensitive to decreases or increases there running strength coupling. The photons emission increases with decreases running strength coupling and vice versa. We introduce the influence of critical temperature on the  photon emission  rate in order

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Comprehensive Case Study of a Frontal Mineral Dust Storm in spring over Iraq
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Dust storms are among the most important weather phenomena in Middle East. The Shamal dust storms are dominated across Iraq and the whole Middle East, especially in summer. However, frontal type of dust storms is possible in winter and spring. In this research, a comprehensive case study was conducted to a dust storm that occurred on 20 March 2016 from many perspectives: synoptic, satellite imagery, dust concentration analysis, visibility reduction, and aerosol optical depth. The study shows that the dust storm initiated inside Syria and moved eastward with the movement of the front. Dust concentrations and aerosol optical depth were also discussed that simulate the dust storm over Iraq in a reasonable way with some differences. The dust

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Find the concentration of radon gas emitted naturally from the bones and skin of some kinds of birds and local and imported chicken available in the City of Baghdad
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In the present research we the study the deposition of radioactive elements naturally and particularly radioactive radon gas in parts of the body of organisms which are of direct relevance to human life in the city of Baghdad as the samples which were collected from the bones and skin of some kinds of birds and chicken based on the principle that radioactive elements are concentrated always on the bones. We use of this as the exercise detector impact nuclear (CR-39), using the technology Cylindrical diffusion , the results indicated that the largest concentration of radon found in the bone bird Seagull tapered as it was (625 ± 37), and less concentration of radon gas in the chicken bones of Al-kafeel as it was (105 ± 10) Bq.c

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
Applied Mathematics And Computation
Reconstruction of time-dependent coefficients from heat moments
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The National Public Radio station (NPR) Coverage of U.S. Presidential Election Campaigns 2020 (Research drawn from a Ph.D. thesis)
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This study aimed at examining the role played by the media outlets during the coverage
of the presidential election campaigns 2020 of the United States of America.
The analytical study used through a partial inventory of the research community
for almost three months from the announcement of the candidates’ names by
the major parties on August 13 to November 6، which is the official election day in
the U.S. National Public Radio Station (NPR) to achieve the objectives of the study.
The study reached a number of conclusions related to the contents، methods and
sources of media coverage of the election campaigns of the 2020 U.S. at the mentioned
station، where the researcher proposed a number of recommendations

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Relationship between CML and Io's phase according to Jupiter's actual radio storms observations
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The actual observations for Jupiter radio storm were taken for Hawaii station within multi years from 2001 to 2012. The Central Meridian Longitude (CMLІІІ) and Io's phase (γIo) were calculated for each year from Radio Jove program, the results of CMLІІІ for year 2006 was A=(180-300)º,B=(15-239)º, C=(60-280)º, phase was A=(182-260)º,B=(40-109)º, C=(200-260)º, which were close to the theoretical values, longitude was A=(180-300)º, B=(15-240)º, C=(60-280)º and phase was A=(180-260)º,B=(40-110)º and C=(200-260)º.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Discrete Mathematical Sciences And Cryptography
Calculation for the groups
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